
作者&投稿:展倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As he does so, he lefthis friend, "This is a tough world, so I’m teaching my boy to fight." Friend: "But suppose he comes up against someone muchbigger than he is, who’s also been taught how to box." Dan: "I’m teaching him how to run, too." 丹在教他的儿子怎样拳击。

The government is taking a tough line on drug abuse.政府对滥用麻醉药品采取强硬方针。I am well aware that this is a tough job.我深知这是一件棘手的工作。Conditions are rather tough here.这里条件比较艰苦。The law is tough on offenders.该法律对违法者处罚很严厉。A gang of toughs ...

Stuck In A Moment You Can T Get Out Of 歌词
And you are such a fool To worry like you do,ohhh I know it\\'s tough And you can never get enough Of what you don\\'t really need now My, oh my You\\'ve got to get yourself together You\\'ve got stuck in a moment And you can\\'t get out of it Oh love, look ...

time flies and ticking,now is a tough time for a

13. The president's tough line is, however, buttressed by a democratic mandate.然而,总统推行的强硬路线受到了民主党发布的训令的支持。14. Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however.然而,不是所有的学者都与她意见一致。15. However, the scheme is certain to meet opposition ...

Clor的《Tough Love》 歌词
It ain't voodoo, it's just that twist He will be the greatest lover that ever come to pass Don Juan ain't got the half the chance He's a tough lover (yeah, yeah)A tough lover (woo)He's a tough lover (yeah, yeah)A tough lover (uh huh)Hey, hey, heyah He'll ...

It's a tough day.

quite a few chinese students consider it a tough
quite a few chinese students consider it a tough job (to do something)相当多的中国学生认为(to do something)是一项艰苦的工作。

a tough time是什么意思
a tough time 艰难时期;苦日子;一个艰难的时刻;让日子 双语例句 1. She's had a really tough time the last year and a half.这一年半以来,她度过了一段非常艰难的时期。2. Ann: Their family are crying. That's really a tough time for them.他们的家人在哭呢. 对他们来说,这真...

14. Trim any tough or woody stalks from the asparagus.剪掉芦笋上粗硬或老掉的梗子。15. He announced tough measures to limit the money supply.他公布了限制货币供应的严厉措施。tough的同义词例句:1. The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed event.一个健康活泼的婴儿的...

望科13995093330问: as表尽管要倒装,tough表示尽管 可倒装可不倒装吗 请举例句 -
西湖区比适回答: as 和 though都可以用倒装句,但是倒装方式不同. 1、as 倒装的结构是“强调成分 + as + 主谓结构”,如: Child as he is, he is very mature. 尽管她还是个孩子,他却很成熟.(强调名词表语 child)Rich as he is, he is not happy. 虽然他很富...

望科13995093330问: when it is tough,do it tough.为什么do it tough要倒装 -
西湖区比适回答: 这不是倒装,这是祈使句.tough有几个意思,如下:(1)强壮的;坚强的;吃苦耐劳的;(2)坚韧的;有韧性的 as tough as leather 像皮革一样坚韧 (3)困难的;费力的;难切难吃的 tough meat 老肉 This meat is tough. 这肉咬不动. (4)坚决的;强硬的;顽强的 a tough policy 强硬的政策 (5)残暴的;无法无天的 (6)很坏的;糟透的;不幸的 原句等同于 when it is tough,you should do it tough.根据情况,原句可以翻译为:如果这件事困难重重,那就要坚韧不拔.

望科13995093330问: tough - as - nails是什么意思 -
西湖区比适回答: tough-as-nails 和hard as nails 意思相近. 直译为:坚韧的指甲.引申为:冷酷无情或铁石心肠. We had better then be as tough as nails. (我们最好要做到冷酷无情.) He simply looked mean and hard as nails. (他看起来既卑鄙又冷酷无情.) He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails. (他是一个既精明又铁石心肠的生意人.)

望科13995093330问: 将下列单词和解释配对 -
西湖区比适回答: (1)as easy as shelling peas B:轻而易举 象剥青豆那么容易(2)tough onion G:硬汉 粗糙的洋葱(3)tomato H:靓妹子 美国俚语(4)carrot and stick A:恩威并行 胡萝卜和大棒理论,很生动(5)pumpkin head/cabbage head C:傻瓜 像空心菜一样的脑袋(6)as cool as a cucumber E:冷静 像黄瓜一样镇定(7)a good onion D:好小伙 好洋葱(8)a hot potato F:难对付的人或事 有点烫手山芋的感觉 楼下的别抄 谢了

望科13995093330问: hard time,tough time,rough time 用法上有什么区别 -
西湖区比适回答: hard time,tough time,rough time 在意思上都指艰难的时光 用法上相同,没有区别 hard time如果加s,变为hard times指低潮,艰难时世,要比上面的三个短语的艰苦更深. hard time 指的贴近于辛苦的时间,更是说一个短暂的时间段 tough time ...

望科13995093330问: 强大的英文 -
西湖区比适回答: strong adj. :Be strong! tough adj. :You are a tough guy. adamant adj. :She became as rigid as adamant. stanch adj. 不透水的, 坚强的, 忠实的 staunch adj. 坚定的 steel adj. a steel grip 坚强的一握

望科13995093330问: As tough as grass 是什么意思 麻烦解释的仔细点、谢谢了
西湖区比适回答: 有整个句子吗?字面上理解是像草一样坚硬,as tough as意为像……一样坚硬

望科13995093330问: .Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.是什么意思 -
西湖区比适回答: tough 有坚强的、艰难的、困难的 这些意思所以句子意思是:生活很艰难,亲爱的,但是你也很坚强.前面tough意思是艰难的,后面又是 坚强的 这个意思希望帮到你

望科13995093330问: When times get tough; the tough get going.这句谚语该怎么翻译?? -
西湖区比适回答: 愈是在艰难的时候,愈能考验人们毅力. 字面意思呢就是,在艰难的时候,那些强人们(坚忍不拔的,意志坚强的..)越是要坚持下去.第一个tough形容词,”艰难的“ 第二个tough形容词作名次,the+adj.代表一类人,如the rich富人,the poor穷人.

望科13995093330问: 关于英语句型方面的问题
西湖区比适回答: 斜杠的意思是“或” adj是形容词 adv是副词 n是名词 V是动词 这是一个句型,是“尽管”“虽然”的意思 引导让步状语从句 长用倒装语序

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