
作者&投稿:招胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It's better to plan if you want arrangements to be really efficient.如果你希望有个紧凑的安排, 最好事先做个计划。I have planned the whole thing to the smallest detail.我已经把整个事情连最小的细节都计划好了。What do you plan to do during the holidays?你打算在假期里做什么?I ...

It's not the way I planned it. 中为什么不用It was ?
It's not the way I planned it. 计划赶不上变化。It is not, 一般现在时的否定形式,表示现在。the way I planned it. 一般过去时,表示“计划”是发生在过去并且已经完成的。动作发生在现在之前。所以表示现在要用it's not the way I planned it.如果要用it was来强调过去,那么计划就发生在...

Blue Valentine(《蓝色情人节》)的英文影评 字数多点的好些,谢谢啦...
In the present their emotions are changed again, they're burned out, numb. Repulsion replaces love. Consider the disgust in Cindy's face when she tries to have sex in the Future Room – Williams shows so much discomfort that instead of being Dean's planned rebirth of intimacy ...

(1.Here is the toy)(2.which was planned to be sent as a gift)(3.from a poor mother to her son) (4.on Children's Day). 根据中文意思: 这里强调的重心是这个玩具,1中特指,用the,不用a;2是定语从句“原本打算作为礼物的”,plan打算的执行者是mother,不是toy,所以这里toy作为...

PDDs,即 "Planned Development Districts" 的缩写,直译为“规划开发区”。这个术语在英语中被广泛用于描述那些经过精心规划和设计的特定区域,主要用于城市的扩展和发展。PDDs的中文拼音是 "guī huà kāi fā qū",它在政府和地方行政领域中作为专业术语使用,体现了其在城市规划中的重要性。在英语中...

请结合笔者上述内容,操练以下经博主改编成的地图题范文选词填空练习,以加强你的雅思地图题写作。(笔者这里特注,题目与范文都来自《剑5》TEST3 中的TASK 1)You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned for ...

1.Yesterday night I didn't sleep well because the dog in my neighbour's house was barking the whole night.2.Although there were full of difficulties,we still began our experiment as planned.

As we have planned, we’ll go to Beijing to attend her sister...
B. when As we have planned, we’ll go to Beijing to attend her sister’s wedding party.说明“我们”一定会去那里,按语境来说,选b比较好

take a plan同义词是什么?有2个单词
He planned to leave Baghdad on Monday...他计划周一离开巴格达。It would be difficult for schools to plan for the future...学校很难筹划未来。I had been planning a trip to the West Coast...我一直计划去趟西海岸。A planned demonstration has been called off by its organisers.原定...

3、这个项目的时间表已经在我们的日程中安排好了。 (The schedule for this project has been planned in our schedule.)作为动词:1、我们需要安排一个会议。 (We need to schedule a meeting.)2、我已经安排好了明天的行程。 (I have already scheduled tomorrow's itinerary.)3、我会尽快安排与...

茅雷18368873431问: if it all goes as planned,you will recover soon这个句子中as planned,是怎么样用的?as为连词,planned应该相当于是形容易,可以这样用吗 -
海晏县塞透回答:[答案] 如果一切都按计划,你很快就会恢复. as 连接词 conj. 1.像...一样;依照;像 You ought to do as Paul tells you. 你应按照保罗吩咐的做. The work is not so difficult as you imagine. 这工作不像你想像的那么困难.

茅雷18368873431问: 按计划做事 英语翻译 两个单词 -
海晏县塞透回答:[答案] 您的问题很简单.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:按计划做事翻译:Stick to ;according to 按照计划行事:Stick to a schedule按照计划前进:As planned严格按照计划进行:stick to the schedule按照预...

茅雷18368873431问: as planned等类似的词组 -
海晏县塞透回答: As shceduled as agreed 正如……一样,这句话中省略了 As (what we) planned (previously)

茅雷18368873431问: as was planned,we met at the airport 为什么其中的WAS可省略 -
海晏县塞透回答: 省略和不省略was,虽然看上去都对,但有小小差异.有was的时候,as was planned做的是名词性从句,was planned的主语是"we met at the airport".planned是过去分词.没有was的时候,as是连词,as和planned中间省略了we.planned是过去式. 完整的句子是We met at the airport as we planned.

茅雷18368873431问: They will set off as they planned 请问为什么as后不用完成时,谢谢 -
海晏县塞透回答: 答复如下:They will set off as they planned .此句中as后可以用完成时.They will set off as they planned 意为:他们将按照过去计划的(方案)出发.They will set off as they have planned 意为:他们将按照(目前)已经计划的(方案)出发.注:as后用什么时态,主要取决于说话者需要表达的内容.

茅雷18368873431问: As(was) planned,we met at the station after shopp -
海晏县塞透回答: 一般情形,学习中会有类似“ as planned, as expected”属于定语从句的范畴,并认为此时,was 可省,但用 which 时不能省略的种种说法.但笔者认为上述说法是个误区.以本案为例,试比较下面两句:As was planned ,we met at the station ...

茅雷18368873431问: 请老师解答! -
海晏县塞透回答: 您好,很高兴为您解答:as 可用作连词,引导状语从句,构成省略形式“as + 过去分词”这一特殊结构,相当于as it is/was done" 译成汉语时作用如定语.The bridge as shown in the picture is really wonderful. (as shown = as it is shown 可译为“图中的桥”) 此处,as planned = as it was planned ------------------------------- ★倾心解答★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------

茅雷18368873431问: Everything goes well as planned 这句话的plan用过去式 -
海晏县塞透回答: Everything goes well as planned 这句话的planned不是过去式,而是过去分词,表示被动的含义;planned是非谓语动词,不是时态.如果变为 Everything will go well as 也一样用planned.如果是时态,必须有主语和谓语,则Everything goes well as planned=Everything goes well as it was planned,Everything will go well as planned = Everything will go well as it is planned.

茅雷18368873431问: plan的过去式是planned吗?? -
海晏县塞透回答: 是啊,过去式planned,现在进行时planning←_←

茅雷18368873431问: 英语语法问题if we finish all of our business as planned,Helen and I will leave for new york on monday morning.请问这里的as planned 是定语从句吗?as是关系... -
海晏县塞透回答:[答案] as planned -------- 表达“方法状语”,as可能的汉语意思是“按照所- - -的那样”,是连接词.

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