
作者&投稿:黄陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

history 的复数形式
historys 如果末尾只有一个辅音字母把、y变i加es 这个末尾有两个,所以不用

the image display system from 115 Million years ago until the year 1840, Shaanxi's history. In Chinese history, there have been 11 dynasties established their capitals in Shaanxi Province and will last for 1,000 years, is the capital of China's most Dynasty, the longest of the ...

多个of 连在一起就用倒叙 比如 policy that changing the rate of growth of supply of money in circulation...就可以倒着说 money supply growth rate 钱的供应的增长的率 中间的小杠杠不太会加 不过这个地方好像不用加


History[英][ˈhɪstri] [美][ˈhɪstəri]英式有两个[ˈhɪs tri]美式有三个[ˈhɪs tə ri]

下面是对 "history" 发音的详细描述:首先是辅音音素的发音。单词的第一个音素是 [h],它是一个气流摩擦音,发音时气流从口腔中间的狭窄通道中挤出,同时喉咙处也会发出一些声音。接下来是 [ɪ] 音素,它是一个短元音,发音时舌头放在口腔中部,口腔略微张开,发出短促的音。然后是 [s] 音素...

申请该奖项的著作须在英国出版发行,作者须为英国居民,并且图书内容要兼具可读性和学术性,可为普通民众接受。授奖于书籍出版后的第二年进行。以下是荣获沃尔夫森历史奖的部分作品。2014年 Catherine Merridale,Red Fortress: The Secret Heart of Russia's History (中文版《红色堡垒》将由社会科学文献...

company's history
如果是做栏目名称,Company History就可以了。如果是放句子,The history of (the company)或者company history都可以。

以中国历史为主的英语演讲 五分钟
一:《Chinese Cuisine Food Culture》As a country that pays great attention to courtesy, our cuisine culture is deep rooted in China''s history. As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies...

1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词历史 You can refer to the events of the past as history. You can also refer to the past events which concern a particular topic or place as its history. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp 【搭配模式】:V inflectsThe Catholic Church has played a prominent ...

巨中17177999718问: our country has a long history 为什么要加a -
凤山县维康回答: history可以可数也可以作不可数,下面列出几点:1. 不可数名词:历史学;历史和地理学位2.不可数名词:历史(尤指将过去的事件作为整体看待时)3.可数名词: 历史(对过去事件的系统叙述)4.可数名词:(某物的)来历;(某人的)经历;(某地的)沿革 句子说的是我们的国家有一段很长的历史,属于第3条的解释,可数.

巨中17177999718问: “汉语和英语都有悠久的历史”:Chinese as well as English has great history.这样表达对吗 -
凤山县维康回答: 正确.该句重点在于 as well as 的用法.1. as well as 可连接并列的单词或短语.例如:It is unpleasant in summer as well as in winter. 夏天不好过,冬天也不好过.The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既健康又活泼.2. as well as 连接两个...

巨中17177999718问: No period in history has had as many important changes 这句话是不是倒装句 助动词是had吗 -
凤山县维康回答: No period in history has had as many important changes.是倒装句,倒装词是has,也就是完成时的倒装,has had是现在完成时,had是have的过去分词,与后面的changes是词组,have as many important changes有许多重要的变化.全句的意思:历史上没有哪个时期有许多重要的变化.

巨中17177999718问: British history has been a history of invasion 为什么要这样说? -
凤山县维康回答: I think British history is mostly about invasion and conquering to other countries. As I know, British used to invade 2/3 of the world and successfully controlled them for a period of time. I guess this is why British history has been a history of invasion. HOPE U LIKE IT! :)

巨中17177999718问: I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum 中“as”是什么词 什么意思 这里是什么用法. -
凤山县维康回答: as在这里作介词,意思是"作为","以……身份".我在自然历史博物馆做导游.例如:He came to China as a tourist five years ago.他五年前以游客的身份来过中国.

巨中17177999718问: it has a - ---history 为什么不能是60 year's而是60 - year -
凤山县维康回答: 因为前面有个不定冠词a ,只能填一个形容词 况且你要填,也是60 years'

巨中17177999718问: I think politics is more difficult than history.(同义句转换)I don't think politics is______as history. -
凤山县维康回答:[答案] 答案:as difficult.在比较级结构中,经常见到的比较级结构是:more…than…;原级比较是as+形容词原形+as.根据 I don't think下面这个句子中含有一个否定转移,又根据"as history"所以要考虑用"as+形容词原形+as"结构.下面这个句子的意思是...

巨中17177999718问: a country which has a long history a country with a long history 两个有区别吗?
凤山县维康回答: 同样地,这位同学,刚才我貌似有回答过你另外一个类似的问题.这个依然还是这样.翻译成中文是没有区别的:一个有着一段悠久历史的国家. 但是前者which has a long history 是作为a country的定语从句,修饰前面的a country,后面的with a long history也是定语,但是不是从句了,是一个短语,作为后置定语.

巨中17177999718问: Our school has a history () over a century. A.ab -
凤山县维康回答: 答案:C.of 固定搭配:a history of over a century:一段超过一个世纪的历史.请采纳,谢谢支持!

巨中17177999718问: 完型填空.      Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they   1  .Yet, all living ... -
凤山县维康回答:[答案] 1-5 CBDDC 6-10 BABAC 11-15 DCCAC 16-20 CABDD

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