
作者&投稿:爱新觉罗灵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

make a difference 与play a role的区别
我也坚信我世界一定会因我而不同。3、Does where the start and finish are in relation to each other make a difference ?起点和终点的位置和它们的相互关系是否会使得结果不同?4、I can make a difference in this word.世界会因我而不同。play a role 意思是起作用;扮演角色。例句:1、...

role \/ rEul\/ n.角色 play a role(in) 在...中担任角色;在...中起作用 because of 由于,因为 international \/ 5intE(:)5nAFEnl\/ a.国际的 native \/ 5neitiv\/ a.本土的n.本地人 elevator \/ 5eliveitE\/ n.电梯,升降机 flat \/ flAt\/ n.一套房间,单元住宅 apartment \/ E5pa:tmEnt\/ n.一套...

2. play\/act a role 扮演角色 play the role of... play a part\/role in... 在...中起作用 3. after graduating\/graduation (from...) 毕业以后 4. work as an actress 做演员 5. during\/in the 1980s 二十世纪八十年代 6. win a prize 获奖 win a game\/a battle\/honour beat\/defeat sb ...

Let‘s role play这句话有语法错误吗?因为role是名词,这样用觉得有点奇...
是可以的。role play 意为“角色扮演”,是个名词词组,但在非正式用法(口语)中,可以用作动词,其-ing形式为role playing“正在进行角色扮演”,-ed形式为role played。He role played the hero in Hamlet. = He played the hero role in Hamlet. 他扮演了《哈姆雷特》里的男主角。

a role model是什么意思
a role model 好榜样;一个榜样;一个好榜样;为榜样 The child's same-sex parent acts as a role model.孩子的同性家长是孩子效仿的榜样。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

哥只是一个传说 的歌词是
我不曾寂寞因为有你曾陪着我 rap:when everybody says someone is a hero no one really knows the truth about an idol whose inside is pretty lonely n vulnerable wishing therell be someone who do know one time, he set himself a high goal he wants to be there as a role model ...

短语:gender role 性别角色 ; 社会性别角色 ; 性别 role conflict [社科] 角色冲突 ; 任务冲突 近义词:character n. 性格,品质;特色,特征;人物,角色;勇气,毅力;某种人,古怪有趣的人;字母,数字,字符;名誉,名声 v. <古>刻,写;描述;使具有特征 例句:She's a good judge of ...

he wants to be there a s a role modelever since then li fe becomes a live show real time show without any rehearsal每一个传说都会随时间褪色每个强者都会有背后的辛酸挫折之所以活的洒脱是因为懂得取舍之所以淡漠是把一切都看破请你不要再迷恋哥哥只是一个传说虽然我舍不得可是我还是要说你们还要记得我...

可以替换,初中课夲中就学过:固定短语play a role in就等于play a part in,可以互换使用。原文不用后者是因为作者习惯用part吧!

play a part in和play a role in的区别如题
play a role in:在……中起作用 例句说明: with the development of science and technology, computers have played an important part in our daily life.而play the part in 之在.中扮演...角色完整用法为:play the part of... in ..Oliver played the part of Hamlet in Shakespeare's ...

辛菊13324249762问: play 和play the 有什么区别 -
宕昌县曼月回答: 只有一点就是用法不同. 1、play后接表示球类或牌等名词时,其前不加冠词the. 2、而接乐器时则必须加冠词the,在美式英语中the有时也可以省略.当play用于一般现在时时,宾语前不加冠词,表示经常或定期进行某项娱乐或活动. play的英...

辛菊13324249762问: 急!!!E - mail as well as telephone ,( ) an important role in daily communication . -
宕昌县曼月回答: 首先,play a role是固定短语,所以A和B一定不对.“as well as”意为“像....一样”,两个名词中间用as well as连接时强调的...

辛菊13324249762问: 为什么,role前成一定要加her?不加可以吗 -
宕昌县曼月回答: 额,为什么不加her呢?assume one's role as...role是名词,前面至少要加一个介词、代词等(除非特殊词组) 第二句,谁的eggs呢?不加her,表述不清啊

辛菊13324249762问: make a difference 与play a role的区别 -
宕昌县曼月回答: 二者在意思上有较大的差别.make a difference 意思是有影响,起(重要)作用,区别对待.例句:1、We should make a difference between new word and coinages. 对新词和生造词要区别对待.2、I believed that I can make a difference in ...

辛菊13324249762问: “play a role in”后面接to do 还是doing? -
宕昌县曼月回答: “play a role in”后面接doing sth.意思是在····中发挥重要作用. 例句: 1. 电脑在我们日常生活中发挥着非常重要的作用. Computer is playing a very important role in our daily life.2. 如果想说发挥越来越重要的作用也可以说 Computer is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.

辛菊13324249762问: play a role in后面跟什么to do 还是doing -
宕昌县曼月回答: play a role in 在...起到作用/ 扮演角色 所以 in后面通常接名词 名词词组.. 如果有其他用法 ,把上下文列出再分析

辛菊13324249762问: As a role model, I don't think most people can imagine what it's like - ----- - that close every minute of the day.
宕昌县曼月回答: 答案A 此题考查非谓语动词的用法.句中it为形式主语,不定式为真正主语,其逻辑主语为句子主语I,和watch之间存在被动关系,故选A项而不选D项.

辛菊13324249762问: 用As+adj+as+n 造句 -
宕昌县曼月回答: He is as tall as his father.

辛菊13324249762问: their senior zheng sheng was not acting as a role model什么意思 -
宕昌县曼月回答: their senior zheng sheng was not acting as a role model 他们的高级政升并不是一个角色模型 their senior zheng sheng was not acting as a role model 他们的高级政升并不是一个角色模型

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