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whats up m8 hows u? 急急急急!!!1
h8= hate 我的朋友你怎么了?我不喜欢你的状态,尽管我不知道任何关于你的事情。我讨厌看到我的朋友感到难过。我明白这是你自己的问题但是我会尽量试着帮你的。大多数我的朋友们,都让我讲我过去做过的糗事来使他们重新变得开心,所以如果你想听其中的一个故事,就给我发信息吧 yh lol keep safe,...

" a nyway e njoy making friends with them.My school life and after-school activities are very rich and interesting. I have many more to tell you, but unfortunately it is time that I conclude my speech.

anymore adv.(不)再; 目前; 现在; 今后 I don't react anymore when opponents try to niggle me.对手找茬惹我时,我不会再理他们。If you take my work away I can'tbe happy anymore.如果你炒我鱿鱼,我就再也高兴不起来了。I don't feel that anyone can kick me around anymore.我...

using the bus ranther than car when you go out,re-use the thing that can be recycle used,reducing the use of plastic bags.Last but not least,we should plant more trees or other greenplants,in which way we can not only improve the environment,but also can make our home m...

Hi Li Ming,I am happy for you that you are in NY now. Here is some advice for you to adapt to the life in the U.S. sooner. You can read a lot of books about American culture. In that way, you will have a better idea about American culture. You can makes friends ...

跪求my life after class的英语作文啊。。。
polite, they will take it seriously and ask "When?" a nyway e njoy making friends with them. My school life and after-school activities are very rich and interesting. I have many more to tell you, but unfortunately it is time that I conclude my speech.祝你学习进步!

nyone of us⑥ Usher (亚瑟小子是美国目前最当红的男艺人,创作才能十分优秀!)YeahU Remind MeU Got It Bad⑦ Paul Simon (与Garfunkel共同演绎出好多经典作品的老将)The sound of silence(《毕业生》的经典原声音乐之一)Scarborough fair (《毕业生》的经典原声音乐之一)Bridge Over Troubled Water⑧ Brian ...

My after school activities 演讲稿350字左右 好的追加悬赏!!_百度知...
"just to be polite, they will take it seriously and ask "When?" a nyway e njoy making friends with them.My school life and after-school activities are very rich and interesting. I have many more to tell you, but unfortunately it is time that I conclude my speech.

竺贩15384516978问: 反正 英语怎么说 -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答:[答案] Anyway无论如何/总之/反正 I shall go and see him anyway. 无论如何我要去看他.

竺贩15384516978问: anyway是什么意思? -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答: 意思:无论如何

竺贩15384516978问: Nnyway英语怎么读的?
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答: anyway ['eniwei] ad. 不管怎样 . 展开《21世纪大英汉词典》 . 折叠《21世纪大英汉词典》anyway ['eniwei] adv. 1. 不论以何种方式(或方法);无论从什么(或哪个)角度2. 至少,起码;无论如何,不管怎么说,总之;在任何情况下3. 杂乱无章地,粗枝大叶地,随随便便地,马马虎虎地4. [口语](用以转换话题)这个;好吧;唔,噢;喔

竺贩15384516978问: 不管怎么说(用英语怎么说)? -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答:[答案] Anyway,...或者 Whatever to say,...示例—— 1.【口】无论如何,不管怎样,至少,反正That wasn't my fault,anyway.反正那不是我的过错.It may rain,but we shall go anyway.也许会下雨,可我们无论如何要去.2.不论以何...

竺贩15384516978问: “反正”英语怎么说?请举例子 -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答:[答案] Anyway无论如何/总之/反正 I shall go and see him anyway. 无论如何我要去看他.

竺贩15384516978问: 无论如何用英语怎么说? -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答: 可以说成: anyway 或者 anyhow 希望能够帮到您.

竺贩15384516978问: 反正 英语怎么说 -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答: Anyway无论如何/总之/反正 I shall go and see him anyway. 无论如何我要去看他.

竺贩15384516978问: "总而言之"用英语怎么说啊?? -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答: anyway(在外企很常用,我们老板总是怎么说) 楼上几位说的不切合实际!

竺贩15384516978问: 不管怎么说(用英语怎么说)? -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答: Anyway,... 或者 Whatever to say,... 示例—— 1. 【口】无论如何,不管怎样,至少,反正 That wasn't my fault, anyway.反正那不是我的过错.It may rain, but we shall go anyway.也许会下雨,可我们无论如何要去. 2. 不论以何种方式,不论从何种角度 You can do the job anyway you want.这工作你想怎么干都行. 3. 随便地,草率地 He dumped the tools in the box just anyway.他把工具随随便便往箱子里一扔.

竺贩15384516978问: 有没有跟“安慰”发音相似的英语单词 -
科尔沁左翼中旗奥扎回答: 跟“安慰”发音相似的英语单词:anyway

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