
作者&投稿:左亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

迷恋: 威廉王子和布莱德·彼得 第一次去美国: NY Premiere of Harry Potter 喜欢: Books by Dahl (Think James and the Giant Peach)她爸爸第一次读给她听的书: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (by same author as above!)仍然喜欢圣诞老人 希望在圣诞节得到更多衣服 地址 Emma Watson c\/o ...

B. all American foods e from other countries C. not all American foods are really American D. very few Americans have breakfast every day 五.写作 (共四节,满分30分) 第一节 单词拼写(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分) 根据句子意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词。 66. The little boy wa...

not. But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ...and not assimilation in an ”International” city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St.

You can't deny, ny ny ny The beast inside, side side side Yeah yeah yeah No girl don't lie, lie lie lie You can't deny, ny ny ny The beast inside, side side side Yeah yeah yeah Yo...Woahh...Woahh...Just like animals Animals Like animals Just like animals (yeahh....

float v2n = nx*other.vx + ny*other.vy;float v2g = gx*other.vx + gy*other.vy;\/\/ Permute les coordonnées n et conserve la vitesse tangentielle \/\/ Exécute la transformation inverse (base orthonormée => matrice transposée)this.vx = (nx*v2n + gx*v1g) * 1.1;this...

Other monuments to honor Washington, also known as the "Washington Monument", are in Baltimore and Washington County, Maryland.The monument is made of marble, granite, and sandstone. It was designed by Robert Mills, a prominent American architect of the 1840s. The actual construction...

这个字是由52个字母组成的。它是英国医学作者爱德华.史特罗哲dr edward strother,675-1737创造的字,专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水成分。10. bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk 这个字是由100个字母组成的。就出现...

Siebel Si 2041942德国 Tupolev ANT-91931苏联USSR, TurkeyYokosuka L3Y1935日本 通信、通用和轻型运输...(and otherWacovariants1930s美国U.S., Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Norway, UKYakovlev Yak-...Nyíl1942匈牙利 Polikarpov I-1851941苏联 Polikarpov ITP1942苏联 Sukhoi Su-51945苏联mixed-power ...

“Oh det er nydeligt! ganske allerkæreste!” sagde den gamle minister og så igennem sine briller, “dette mønster og disse farver! – ja, jeg skal sige kejseren, at det behager mig særdeles!” “Nå det fornøjer os!” sagde begge væverne, og nu nævnede de ...

跪求高一水平呼啸山庄的英语读后感,100字左右就可以了,跪求大神啊_百 ...
范文:I was deeply moved.And I destressed about the love between Katherine and heathcliff.Their deep love didn',s vanity and Heathcliff'they were getting further and further.我被深深地感动了。凯瑟琳和希斯克利夫之间的爱让我备受感触。他们的深情并没有被他们的虚荣心和希斯克利夫压倒,他们越...

平具17723893147问: any other与the other区别 -
呼玛县舍兰回答: any other 后接单数名词,the other 后接复数名词 如 He is taller than any other student in his class. = He is taller than the other students in his class. 希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳! 祝你恭激多刻鼙灸俄熏藩抹学习进步,天天快乐.O(∩_∩)O

平具17723893147问: any other和the other 的区别 给出解释并造句 -
呼玛县舍兰回答: 答案是:any other +名词单数 意思是任何一个其他的... the other 意思是:另一个(两者中的另一个,仅限于两者之间)其他的,其余的 后面可以跟单数也可以跟复数,比如: Tom is taller than any other boy in his classTom is taller than the other boys in his class ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~

平具17723893147问: another.other.the oher.others.the others 的区别和用法. -
呼玛县舍兰回答: other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等.它们的用法现归纳如下;1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”....

平具17723893147问: any other f和the othter的区别 -
呼玛县舍兰回答: any other英 [ˈeni ˈʌðə(r] 美 [ˈɛni ˈʌðər]其他的例句:We're so busy that no one can be spared for any other work.我们是一个萝卜一个坑,腾不出人手来.the other英 [ðə ˈʌðə(r] 美 [ði ˈʌðər]是其中的“另一个”例句:I mistook the one for the other.我把他们俩搞错了.

平具17723893147问: any other和the other有什么区别 -
呼玛县舍兰回答: 一、any other的用法,是指在同一范围内除了某人或某物以外的其他人或事物,any other后跟单数名词,也可以说any of the other+复数名词.如: 1.Tom runs faster than any other student(或any of the other students)in his class. 汤姆比他班上...

平具17723893147问: another和the other和other的用法 -
呼玛县舍兰回答: 其用法是: another泛指三个或三个以上的人或物中没有确定的另一个, another+数字+名词= 数字+more+名词 the other则指已知的两个人或两事物中的另一个. others或 other+ 名词,泛指"别的人或别的物" the others指"一定范围内的其余的人或物". 注意:若强调确定数目中的"一(几)个"与其余的,用one...the others或"the other +复数名词"结构.

平具17723893147问: any other the other 的用法和区别
呼玛县舍兰回答: any 任何 修饰可数或不可使名词,用于疑问、否定和条件句. other 别的 修饰可数名词,单数和复数均可. the other 特指别的 修饰可数名词,单数和复数均可. Do you any friends? I don't have any water. Other students are reading. The other student is working. The other students are working. 祝你学习进步! 望采纳,多谢!

平具17723893147问: other,the other,another的区别于用法,希望再给几道例题.拜托各位了. -
呼玛县舍兰回答: other,another,more,else如何使用? 学生总是用不好another, other, the other, others 和the others. 先将这些不定代词分为单、复数: 单数:another, (any) other, the other 复数:other+名词复数=others the other+名词 复数=the others 单数部分中,...

平具17723893147问: any other和 the others的区别 -
呼玛县舍兰回答: 前者表示同一范围内除了自己以外的其,后者是不同范围比较的其他.China has a larger population than any other country in Asia. 亚洲同一范围内不能和自己比较.所以除了中国自己.

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