
作者&投稿:封琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翟慧18572217976问: 求让人想不出中文翻译的英语单词 -
寿宁县安胃回答: 你好!求让人想不出中文翻译 Let a person can't think of a Chinese translation

翟慧18572217976问: 在线翻译(药学) -
寿宁县安胃回答: 该抗菌活性所产生的蒸汽相结合的桂皮,丁香精油 对经济增长的四个革兰氏阴性(大肠杆菌,小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌,假单胞菌 和猪霍乱沙门菌)和4个革兰氏阳性菌(金黄色葡萄球菌,李斯特菌, 蜡状芽孢杆菌和粪肠球菌)评估通过分数抑...

翟慧18572217976问: 专有名词翻译软件 -
寿宁县安胃回答: Silver-fiber antibacterial binding belt

翟慧18572217976问: 百分悬赏!一段文字汉译英,需要人工翻译,在线等! -
寿宁县安胃回答: Introduced by adjusting the reaction temperature, reaction time, antimicrobial agents silver and zinc ion content of antimicrobial silver zinc zeolite stability and anti-tarnish resistance, and its anti-tarnish properties and antibacterial properties were ...

翟慧18572217976问: 谁能帮帮我, 把中文翻译成英语··谢谢大家了···必有重谢!速度! -
寿宁县安胃回答: An Introduction to the Rose Essential Oil Products Efficacy: The nemesis of menopause, are not old youth extraction exclusive tips it only grows in the "first Rose Garden" elevation mountains 1,000 to distillation (distillation of this oil was only ...

翟慧18572217976问: 求助:翻译课题名称···跪谢!
寿宁县安胃回答: 调查抗菌行为悬浮纳米 氧化锌(纳米氧化锌) 水热法制备纳米氧化锌粉末

翟慧18572217976问: 化学英语在线翻译 在线等 -
寿宁县安胃回答: 图. 1.铵对金黄色葡萄球菌的曝光时间与清除的程度.初步可行的细胞浓度为2.00 · 108cells/mL,0.500克不溶性聚合物铵加入.图. 2.对不同铵组抗菌效率与曝光时间.最初的活细胞浓度为2.00 · 108细胞/毫升.关于0.500克不溶性聚合物铵加入.

翟慧18572217976问: investigational level prior to development of clinical applications,是什么意 -
寿宁县安胃回答: investigational level prior to development of clinical applications侦查水平的临床应用的发展前Investigational report on esta...

翟慧18572217976问: 英文翻译,人工的或者在线翻译后修改通顺的,多谢 -
寿宁县安胃回答: 结果和讨论沙门氏菌spp. 在用于我们的研究的未被查出任何uninoculated产物. 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的人口在莴苣和蕃茄表面在inoculationwere 3.51以后- 3.99采伐cfu/g,并且3.47-4.86采伐cfu或蕃茄,分别. 治疗withmyrtle效力在S.留下油. ...

翟慧18572217976问: 求助!综述摘要翻译 -
寿宁县安胃回答: In this paper, effect of heat-killed lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on repairing and protecting intestinal mucosa were discussed, based on simply reviewing several preventive measures of intestinal mucosa lesion and analyzing their pros and cons. In ...

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