
作者&投稿:邬怎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n 目标;目的antelope \/ntilp\/ n (藏)羚羊bald \/b:ld\/ adj 秃(头)的battle \/bt()l\/ n 战斗be concerned about sth 关心某事;担心某事branch \/br:n(t)\/ n 分支机构;办事处brink \/brik\/ n 边缘 condition \/kndi()n\/ n (-s) 环境;情况 confiscate \/knfiskeit\/ vt 没收 continent \/kntinnt\/ n ...

相步17146515525问: proresolving如何翻译 -
象山区唐必回答: proresolving(名词)→消炎 经常会与其一起出现的anti-inflammation(名词)的意思是“抗炎”proresolving的意思近似于单词proresolution 因为solve和solution是同源词

相步17146515525问: SIRS的发病机制是什么?
象山区唐必回答: SIRS的发病机制是:①SIRS的实质是机体过多释放炎症介质,其发生和发展决定于... 过度免疫抑制即代偿性抗炎症反应综合症(compensatory anti-inflammatory response ...

相步17146515525问: 请学霸用英文翻译以下内容,谢谢各位. -
象山区唐必回答: 修复受损细胞、淡化色素疤痕 anti-inflammation and promote cell regeneration, balance sebum消炎, repair damaged cell and fading skin pigmentation and scars、促进细胞再生,平衡油脂

相步17146515525问: 引起药物性哮喘的药物有哪些? -
象山区唐必回答: 至今已发现可能诱发哮喘发作的药物有数百种之多,大致可分为以下几大类: 1、解热镇痛药 主要包括阿司匹林和各种非甾体类抗炎药物(non-steroid anti-inflammation drugs,NSAIDs),这是一类具有解热镇痛作用且疗效显著的药物,包括...

相步17146515525问: 刮痧 英文介绍 -
象山区唐必回答: scrapping the meridian theory in chinese medicine and bio-holographic theory under the guidance, the main function is to enhance the body's self-recovery capability. oil and scrape with a scraping plate, scraping the oil pharmacies sale, scraping ...

相步17146515525问: 求翻译在线等 急
象山区唐必回答: 肿瘤坏死(TNF-α)是一种有效的促炎细胞因子,可抑制破骨细胞分化成骨细胞分化而刺激和骨吸收.TNF-α激活地图激酶途径导致抑制osterix(Osx)表达式.TNF-α同样促进ubiquitin酶的表达蛋白质Smurf1 E3和Smurf2和促进Runx2退化,另一个...

相步17146515525问: 毒品的危害英语作文加翻译
象山区唐必回答: Speaking of the dangers of drug, can be summarized as "destroy themselves, hurt families, harm to society." ⑴ destroy themselves ① different drugs ingested, have their own side effects and produce withdrawal symptoms, to a direct and serious...

相步17146515525问: 帮忙把这段药学论文的文摘翻译成英文,急用,谢谢哦 -
象山区唐必回答: aspirin belongs to the non- steroid body class anti- inflammationmedicine, although is widely applied to clinically had more thanhundred years, but concerns its function machine-made and the clinicalpractice research continuously is carrying on. ...

相步17146515525问: 计算机上的mi键是什么键 -
象山区唐必回答: MI abbr.medium 介质; muscle index 肌指数; malignancy index 恶性指数; medical insurance 医疗保险; 双语例句1.The Preliminary Study on Cardiac Function Recovery Using Autologous BM-MSCsTransplantation with Anti-inflammation ...

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