
作者&投稿:宰父妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

上古卷轴5 神光战争代码
0010A257 TrapDartWeaponDwe01 (Dart Trap Weapon)飞镖陷阱武器00106252 EnchDraugrGreatswordHonedFire02 (Honed Ancient Nord Greatsword of Burning)磨光的古代诺德燃烧大剑001019D4 dunVolunruudPickaxe (Notched Pickaxe)鹤嘴锄0010076D dunValthumeDragonPriestStaff (Hevnoraak's Staff)赫尔本的权杖000FA2C1 ForswornS...

上古卷轴5 天际 武器代码
1、灼热的钢铁巨剑:00017288 DA14DremoraGreatswordFire03 2、魔族地狱大剑:00017009 EnchDaedricGreatswordDremoraFire06 3、魔族地狱钉锤:0010FD5E SummonedDaedricMaceFire06 4、冰矛之杖:0010FCF7 StaffIcySpear 5、雷电之杖:0010FCF4 StaffThunderbolt 6、焚化之杖:0010FCF2 StaffIncinerate 7、哭号...

[edit] Herpo the Foul Harry Potter character Herpo the Foul 图片参考:upload.wikimedia\/ *** \/en\/1\/15\/011Herpo Gender Male First appearance Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (VG) Ancient Greek Dark wizard who created the first basilisk after much experimentation. Also a Parselmouth. H...

Su Tung-po : Selections from a Sung Dynasty Poet(《宋代诗人苏东坡选集》)(1965)、An Introduction to Sung Poetry(《宋词入门》)(1967)Chinese Rhymed Prose: Poems in the Fu Form from the Han and Six Dynasty Periods(《汉魏六朝赋选》)(1971)、Chinese Lyricism,...

任意一把 Ancient Sword + 一瓶生命恢复药水 = 一把相同属性的 Mythical Sword或者unique lance (spire of honor) + 一瓶生命恢复药水 = unique war pike 版本的 spire of honor5、任意物品加一瓶魔法恢复药水 = 保留原全部属性的该物品的 ethereal 形态,如:任意一把普通的 war pike + 一瓶魔法恢复药水 =...

wun 什么意思
6. Remains of ancient kiln , wun yiu village , tai po 大埔碗村古遗址 7. Fan sin temple sheung wun yiu , tai po 大埔上碗樊仙宫(大埔上碗)8. Miss tsang pong wun , translation , year 2 曾邦媛-翻译学系二年级 9. Remains of ancient kiln , wun yiu village...

布达拉宫,坐落于中国西藏自治区的首府拉萨市区西北玛布日山上 is the most magnificent building in the world,which integrates palaces, castles and monasteries。It is also the largest and most complete ancient palace complex in Tibet。是世界上海拔最高,集宫殿、城堡和寺院于一体的宏伟建筑,...

bear who hears the news the ancient and long awaited dragon warrior will be named, so he runs (as much as he can) to hear who will be named at the celebration.Without giving too much away, when an "accident" seems to name Po as the dragon warrior (much to the horror of...

急需一个关于勤奋的英文小故事 谢谢
Read the qi baishi shape slightly ", knows the outstanding artist youth had "GuaJiao" reading ancient prose, laying a foundation. Baishi old man leave old prose works, not with his poems, but from his "in" since shape slightly, we can see the ancient prose capability and unique style. ...

英语缩写词POAA通常代表"人民古亚述"(People Of Ancient Assyria),中文简称为“古亚述人”。本文将深入探讨这个缩写词的相关知识,包括其英文全称、中文拼音(gǔ yà shù rén)以及在英语中的使用频率和分类。POAA主要应用于非特定领域,主要用于学术交流或在线讨论中,例如在历史研究或古代文明探讨中...

尉可19562628200问: poem是什么意思? -
鹤庆县格岚回答: 诗,诗歌,还有短篇文章的意思

尉可19562628200问: 古诗用英语怎么说? -
鹤庆县格岚回答: Ancient Poem

尉可19562628200问: 英文翻译——An Cient Pom -
鹤庆县格岚回答: 应该是Ancient pom 古诗 不晓得你是不是问这个?不是的话,请追问.

尉可19562628200问: 我的名字来源于一首古诗词 这句话的英文怎么翻译 -
鹤庆县格岚回答: 我的名字来源于一首古诗词My name is from an ancient poem

尉可19562628200问: 牛郎织女诗文翻译
鹤庆县格岚回答: Ancient poem one of 19 (汉 )佚 Faraway lead long a cow star, the shiningly bright Milky Way is female. The 纤纤 touches a plain hand, the 札札 makes machine 杼 . Don't become a chapter all day long, 泣涕 zero such as rain. The Milky Way is pure and shallow, replying mutually how many. The 盈盈 is 1, loving can not language.

尉可19562628200问: 宋词用英文怎么说? -
鹤庆县格岚回答: the verse of Song dynasty 宋词 顺便给你另几个或许以后用得着的: the poem of Tang dynasty 唐诗 Ancient Poems of China 中国古诗词

尉可19562628200问: 诗歌的英文单词怎么说? -
鹤庆县格岚回答: 诗歌的英文:poetry 词汇解析poetry 英['pəʊɪtrɪ];美['poətri] n. 诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌,诗歌艺术 例:After all, we both read poetry. 毕竟我们都咏读过不少诗歌. 例:His music is purer poetry than a poem in words. 他的音乐比诗文更具诗...

尉可19562628200问: "古诗"用英文怎么说?是哪个单词? -
鹤庆县格岚回答: poetry是诗集 古诗应该是:ancient chinese poem

尉可19562628200问: 根据...将...改编成...译成英语怎么说? -
鹤庆县格岚回答: Adapt/revise ... to ... based on ...补上例句:adapt an ancient poem to a story based on its meaning.(根据内容将一首古诗改编成一段故事.)希望能帮到你~

尉可19562628200问: “古诗”用英文怎么说 -
鹤庆县格岚回答: 古诗: [ gǔ shī ]1. ancient poetry希望的的回答能帮助你~~!加油哦~!

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