
作者&投稿:水龙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

MUSE n.1. 【电脑】角色扮演游戏的一种,通常较不激烈 Muse KK: []DJ: []n.1. 【希神】司文艺、音乐、美术的女神缪斯 muse KK: []DJ: []vi.1. 沉思,冥想[(+about\/on\/upon\/over)]I like to muse about what I will do when I grow up.我喜欢仔细思考长大后做什么。vt.1. 若有...

1.She sat, looking into the cloudy mirror, musing .她凝视着朦胧的镜子,坐着陷入了沉思。2.The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through .天阴多云,但是太阳还是想冲出来。3.They cannot concentrate the diffused sunlight of cloudy days .它们不能收集多云天的散射阳光。4....

6、I sat quietly, musing on the events of the day.我静静地坐着,沉思一天中所发生的事。7、He sat there ever so quietly.他静悄悄地坐在那儿。8、I spent a few hours quietly relaxing.我怡然自得地轻松了几个小时。9、We spoke quietly for fear of waking the guards.我们悄悄说话,...

这个教训和卓识的这句话得到了普遍的微笑赞许,由该公司所有-一切,我的意思是,但你卑微的仆人;卫生组织, e ndavouring,以保持我的重心,以及我可以和躺在我的头后,我的胳膊持续一段时间,在一个姿势的影响,体贴,好象已经musing对另一回事,似乎没有出席了这一主题的谈话;希望通过这些手段,以...

(5) The driver walked near the car, inspecting, criticising, musing deeply.六 不定式动词,如:(6) The police started to search, investigate and interrogate.七 介词宾语或短语,如:(7) Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.(8) Anne is a person of poor ...

worse造句如下:1、Tennyson's musing on nobility suggests that there is nothing worse than poor character.丁尼生注重高尚,意指:坏品质是最糟糕的。2、What's worse than parents who are oblivious to the annoying nature of their children?什么比那些对孩子的烦人特质一点没有觉察到的父母更...

Muse http:\/\/\/view\/404116.htm 第六感女神,又名缪斯女神 缪斯女神实际上是天神宙斯的九个女儿,这九个女神在希腊神话中被称为缪斯女神,每人分管从绘画到音乐等诸多艺术中的一种,这些女神最能激发艺术家创作灵感。 缪斯女神是希腊神话中,九位掌管诗词、歌曲、舞蹈、历史等女神的称呼...

When with a serious musing I behold The grateful and obsequious marigold How duly every morning she displays Her open breast,when Titan spreads his rays; How she observes him in his daily walk, Still bending towards him her *** all tender stalk; How,when he down declines,she dr...

谁有Emily Dickinson success&to make a prairie的诗评!!!
Dickinson's tiny poem makes a huge statement about the nature of musing, day-dreaming, or as she puts it, "revery."To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,One clover, and a bee,And revery.The revery alone will do,If bees are few.Analysis This little poem ...

HUSH'D BE THE CAMPS TO-DAY (May 4, 1865) Hush'd be the camps to-day, And soldiers let us drape our war-worn weapons, And each with musing soul retire to celebrate, Our dear commander's death. No more for him life's stormy conflicts, Nor victory, nor defeat&...

语宙13650725557问: amusing是什么意思
江阴市奥天回答: amusing [əˈmju:ziŋ] a.有趣的

语宙13650725557问: amusing是什么意思 -
江阴市奥天回答: adj. 有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的 v. 逗乐;打发;使…高兴(amuse的ing形式)

语宙13650725557问: amusing什么意思 -
江阴市奥天回答: 逗笑的;供人消遣的 或者 动词amuse的ing模式,amuse,消遣, 娱乐, 使发笑

语宙13650725557问: amusing的用法 -
江阴市奥天回答: amusing adj.有趣的 amusing AHD:[…-my›“z¹ng] D.J.[*6mju8zi0] K.K.[*6mjuz!0] adj.(形容词) Entertaining or pleasing.引起乐趣的,使人高兴的 Arousing laughter.逗乐的 amus“ingly adv.(副词) amus“ingness n.(名词) amusing [E5mju:ziN] adj.有趣的; 逗乐的 How amusing!多有趣!amusingly adj.

语宙13650725557问: amusing 是什么意思??
江阴市奥天回答: 形容词 令人惊奇的 原型amuse

语宙13650725557问: amusing 和amused区别以前老是讲说是amusing 是形容事 amused 形容人,使人觉得好笑the book is amusing i am amused但老友记莫妮卡 为什么会有人说 ... -
江阴市奥天回答:[答案] amused adj.被逗笑的 amusing adj.有趣的,好玩的,逗人笑的 His wit made even troubles seem amusing.他的风趣能使麻烦事也变amused是人感到快乐amused是人感到快乐amusing是使人感到快乐 The actors makes us laugh...

语宙13650725557问: amusing什么意思
江阴市奥天回答: 可笑的

语宙13650725557问: amusing可以作为贬义词解释为可笑的?最近要写寒假作文,不知道这个词的词义 -
江阴市奥天回答:[答案] amusing这个词主要是解释为逗笑的,滑稽的.和funny意思相近,至于是不是贬义词,要看语境. 还有什么不懂的可以追加问题.

语宙13650725557问: funny与amusing意思都是有趣的但有没有什么区别? -
江阴市奥天回答:[答案] funny:让你大笑; amusing:让你微笑(程度比上者低),而且更加正式,多用于书面语

语宙13650725557问: amusing是形容词还是动名词 -
江阴市奥天回答: 第一个空amusing 第二个空 amused 他的搞笑的解释把我们逗乐了. amusing 分词形式的形容词可以放在名词前进行修饰 amused 在这里是amuse的过去式

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