
作者&投稿:爱新觉罗茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语why doesn't because造句
推一个本人选的那家 l 对 l 效果就是很不错.好.的,他们叫ABC

also读法是美[ˈɔlsoʊ],英[ˈɔːlsəʊ],意思是而且。also造句:1、Well,I can say that the temperature change that I'm looking at is also pretty small.好,我能说温度变化,基本上很小。2、Cow's milk and eggs also contain antimicrobia...

用hillside造句,例句如下:1、Our hotel was on the hillside overlooking the lake.我们的旅馆位于可俯瞰湖水的小山坡上。2、The local rock is quarried from the hillside.当地的石头都是从那片山坡开采的。3、The crops will not grow on exposed hillsides.在裸露的山坡上庄稼没法生长。hillside的...

实紫18098932931问: “他是我的同学也是朋友.”用到also,怎么造句?He is my classmate,also my friend?觉得不对劲 -
德阳市维普回答:[答案] He is my classmate and also my friend. 请及时采纳,多谢!

实紫18098932931问: also造一个句子,并且翻译成中文 -
德阳市维普回答: we also completed the additional tasks. 我们也完成了附加的任务 .

实紫18098932931问: “他是我的同学也是朋友.”用到also,怎么造句? -
德阳市维普回答: He is my classmate and also my friend.祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

实紫18098932931问: also too either这三个词,用于什么句,放在句什么位置,例句? -
德阳市维普回答: too? 你也在三年级吗. (2)too常用于肯定句或疑问句尾. He likes China, too.他也是走着去的,表示“也”.他也喜欢中国. Are you in Grade 3,常用于否定句句尾. She is not a Japanese, I'm not.我们也是学生. He also went there on foot? (3)also也常用于肯定句或疑问句,但一般位于句中. We are also students, either. My sister doesn't like this song, either.我妹妹也不喜欢这首歌.她不是日本人,我也不是(1)either用作“也”时是副词

实紫18098932931问: not only……but also造句 -
德阳市维普回答: I like not only apples but also bananas.我不但喜欢苹果而且喜欢香蕉 My mother is not only a teacher but also a good cook.我妈妈不但是个老师而且是个好厨师

实紫18098932931问: also,too,aswell,either,分别造一个句子,并且翻译成中文 -
德阳市维普回答: I am also a student. =I am a student, too. =I am a student as well.我也是学生.

实紫18098932931问: not only...but also...造句2个 -
德阳市维普回答: He can speak not only Chinese but also English 他不仅会讲中文也能讲英文. He is not only a teacher but also a doctor 他不仅是老师,也是医生

实紫18098932931问: not only ...but also 造句 -
德阳市维普回答: Not only does the traditional teaching mothod cannot improve the teaching quality but also destories the interest of study and the desire of seeking knowledge of the students. (水平不高,有误之处还请高手指正) 更多例句: He not only easily ...

实紫18098932931问: 英语造句notonly......butalso -
德阳市维普回答: Not only students but also teachers like this painting. 不仅学生,老师也很喜欢这幅油画. 十个句子是输不下d.超字数咯

实紫18098932931问: too,either,as well ,also在句中的区别与用法 -
德阳市维普回答: 四者均可表示“也”,区别如下: (1) too 和 as well 多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末.如: I like you too [as well]. 我也喜欢你. Are they coming too [as well]? 他们也来吗? 在 Me too...

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