
作者&投稿:虞爽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Maybe l ought to take a moment to acknowledge the reason iˊm sad...

ought,our,out over,own,ox...以M结尾的:film,cream,slam(猛然关上),form,from,steam(水蒸气),idiom(成语,习惯用语),madam,firm,film,inform,perform,storm,whom,drum,sum,mum,swim,him,kim,team,term,dream,scream,stream,jam,am,dam,ham,exam,gram...

l could跟l should的区别
△区别:它们意义不相同,could是能够做某事 相当于was\/were able to,有时候用作can的过去式;而should是应该做某事 相当于ought to,总的来说could表示一种能力,而should表示一种义务。△拓展:当它们后面加上完成时态时,意义又略微改变 could have done 本能够做而没有做 should have done 本...

ordinary, organ(器官), other, ought,our,out over, own, ox...以M结尾的:film,cream,slam(猛然关上),form,from,steam(水蒸气),idiom(成语,习惯用语),madam,firm,film,inform,perform,storm,whom,drum,sum,mum,swim,him,kim,team,term,dream, scream,stream,jam,am,dam,ham,exam,gram......

yes, l should should"t l 是什么意思
意思是:是的,我应该,不是吗? should的用法,should作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作“应该”、“应当” should可以和ought to,be supposed to互换使用

ought v.aux.应当,应该 ounce n.盎司,英两 our pron.我们的 ours pron.我们的 ourselves pron.我们自己 out ad.出,在外;现出来 outcome n.结果,后果,成果 outdoor a.户外的,室外的 outdoors ad.在户外,在野外 outer a.外部的,外面的 outlet n.出口,出路;排遣 outline n.轮廓;略图;大纲 outlook n....


情态动词有can (could)、may (might)、must、need、ought to、dare (dared)、shall (should)、 will (would)。一、can 1、读音:英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]2、翻译:aux. 可以;能 n. 罐头 v. 罐装;<口>解雇 3、例句:You can count on me.你可以指望我。二、may 1、读音:...

英语语言学的题,下列哪个单词的发音没有运用省略规则(deletion rules...
3.gh在字母组合ought中不发音.例:bought\/bɔ:t\/,brought\/brɔ:t\/,fought\/fɔ:t\/,thought\/θɔ:t\/ 4.字母组合augh前面不是1时,gh不发音.caught\/kɔ:t\/,daughter\/'dɔ:tə\/,naught\/nɔ:t\/,naughty\/'nɔ:ti\/,taught\/tɔ...

1. 过去式和过去分词中含有ought, aught, 读音是〔 :t〕 bright---brought---brought think---thought---thought buy---bought---bought catch---caught---caught teach --- taught ---taught 2. 动词原形中的e为o,变成过去式和过去分词。 get---got---got sell---sold---sold tell---...

范莉19790915363问: alought和thought的区别 -
武穴市补肾回答: 区别:①although和though同义,在一般情况下,可以互换使用.只是though较普遍,常用于非正式的口语或书面语中,而although则较为正式.另外although语气比though重,常用以强调让步概念. e.g. Though/Although my car is very old, I don't ...

范莉19790915363问: alought能与but连用吗 -
武穴市补肾回答: 不能

范莉19790915363问: but alought 一样造两句子 -
武穴市补肾回答: but: 1.I know you love me deeply, but my parents don't agree with our marriage 2There's nobody but a girl in the classroom. alought??你想说although吧? 1.Although he arrived at the bus station at last,she has already gone. 2.You intended to ...

范莉19790915363问: 求解,alought i tell you and you may know who he is
武穴市补肾回答: alought我告诉你,你可知道他是谁 although i tell you and you may know who he is 虽然我告诉你,你可知道他是谁

范莉19790915363问: but alought 一样造两句子上课坐等 -
武穴市补肾回答:[答案] but:1.I know you love me deeply,but my parents don't agree with our marriage2There's nobody but a girl in the classroom.alought?你想说although吧?1.Although he arrived at the bus station at last,she ha...

范莉19790915363问: foraway和for away 的区别
武穴市补肾回答: faraway是形容词“遥远的”,例如a faraway place(一个遥远的地方);而far away是“离……很远”,例如:She lives far away from her home.(她住在离家很远等地方.) - -|| 打错字…应该是“她住在离家很远的地方”…

范莉19790915363问: 英语th在各种情况下的发音 -
武穴市补肾回答:[答案] 1.gh在词首时,读作/g/. 例:ghost/gəust/ 2.词首为字母1,且后跟字母组合augh时,gh读作/f/. 例:laugh/la:f/,laughter/'la:ftə/... 例:eight/eit/,eighth/eitθ/,neighbor/'neibə/,straight/streit/,weigh/wei/,weight/weit/ 3.gh在字母组合ought中不发音. 例:bought/b...

范莉19790915363问: Alought these lawyers were about the case,they couldn't be sure about the final result of it. -
武穴市补肾回答: 首先排除 A好奇,B尤其、特别,然后看C、D选项.我们要先理解句子的意思:C 尽管律师们对案件持 乐观 态度,(但)他们还是不能肯定案件的结果.D 尽管律师们对案件持 谨慎 态度,(但)他们还是不能肯定案件的结果.我们用代入法可以看出,C项最合适,前半句和后半句表示转折的关系时,逻辑上才通顺.望采纳,谢谢.

范莉19790915363问: 九年级英语选择填空加完成句子 -
武穴市补肾回答: a b b a a (如果后面是fast;但如果后面是expensive就选C) b a c b a is so heavy that is such a nice girl that is too small to studies so hard that though we haven't met There was so little water but he lives a simple few friends that

范莉19790915363问: 用英语介绍自己喜欢的明星exo -
武穴市补肾回答: I like EXO very much.It's a Chinese-Korea music bank.It consists of 4 Chinese junior and 8 Korea junior.EXO means a planer away th Earth.Alought there are 1 years since EXO sing,they attract many teenagers over the world.I think more peole will like EXO.The boys,fighting!


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