
作者&投稿:茹毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2. 语境不同:hardly通常用于否定句中,表示否定的强调;almost则可以用于肯定句和否定句中。例句:- I hardly ever eat fast food.我几乎不吃快餐。- It's almost impossible to finish this task in one day.在一天内完成这项任务几乎不可能。3. 程度不同:hardly是强调很少或没有,程度比almost...

楼主你好!翻译如下:The early explorers and settlers told of abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet almost in the same breath bemoaned the lack of this succulent game animal.早期的探险者和定居者在19世纪初期欣喜于鹿的数量之多,却几乎在同时哀叹这种美味猎物的稀少。注:1800s是19世纪...

It's almost inpossible for __few people to do___much work in...
It's almost inpossible for _so_few people to do_so__much work in_such_ a short time 理由:比较so和 such 其规律由so与such的不同词性决定。such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much, little连用,形成固定搭配。s...

And there, almost___in the chair,sat her little brother,who never...
我觉得这里lost有了比喻的含义(高阶字典里没一个解释对得上),这里解释为“沉默,保持安静(安静的感觉人间蒸发了)”那里,安静地坐着我的弟弟,他从未被要求安静 almost___in the chair是插入语 who never had to be told to be quiet是定语 And there (almost___in the chair)sat her ...

一般也只可用almost,相当于汉语的“简直”。 如:22)I almost wish I had taken his advice. 23)You could almost imagine you were in Switzerland. 24)It almost seems (looks) that something is wrong with the TV set.在当代英语中,almost 有时并不强调其but not completedly or exactly(...

英语语法,马上给分in almost everything 这个almost 为什么可以修饰代词...
你好。almost是副词,在英语中,程度副词可以修饰不定代词,everything就是不定代词。也要注意以下搭配:nearly everything\/ everyone , hardly anyone \/anything, almost anybody anyting ok,明白了吗?

nearly hardly almost区别
"almost"和"nearly"的区别:almost与nearly比较容易混淆的。下面我来说一下这两个词之间的区别:1)almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly),可用于no, none, nothing等前面,但nearly不可。almost不能用not修饰。2)nearly表示“接近”。常可与almost换用,但在具体数字前常用nearly. not修饰...

not nearly 表示“一点也不,决不”,而not almost则是“还没有那么多”.下面来看题 1) I'm not almost ready.2) I've almost never seen him.3) Almost no one believed him.4) The book cost me almost 60 yuan.5) I nearly didn't hear what the teacher said in class.6) This ...

almost 和mostly 有何区别??
例子1:I'm almost certain that I left my keys on the table.(我几乎可以肯定我把钥匙放在桌子上了。)例子2:She mostly prefers to work alone rather than in a team.(她大多数情况下更喜欢独自工作,而不是在团队中。)语法角色:"almost"通常作为副词修饰动词、形容词或副词,或者作为...

almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly),可用于no,none,nothing等前面,但nearly不可.almost不能用not修饰.nearly表示“接近”.常可与almost换用,但在具体数字前常用nearly.not修饰nearly 意为“远非”,“远不及”.He thought almost nothing worth to teach.他认为没什么可以教的.如:She ...

经国18914994432问: almost是什么意思 -
惠水县复方回答: almost 英[ˈɔ:lməʊst] 美[ˈɔ:lmoʊst] adv. 将近; 近乎; 几乎,差不多; 快要; [网络] 几乎,差不多; 差不多了; 差不多; [例句]The poll canvassed the views of almost eighty economists.民意调查征询了将近80位经济学家的意见.[其他] 形近词: midmost outmost inmost

经国18914994432问: nearly与almost的区别 -
惠水县复方回答: 1 nearly,almost虽然都可以表示“几乎”,但是当要表示“接近”或“就要到了”时最好用nearly;当想表达“不足”或“尚差一点儿”时最好用almost 2 有时almost和nearly可以换用,但如果要表达“差一点儿”还是用almost确切 3 句中有no, ...

经国18914994432问: almost这句话翻译中文是什么意思 -
惠水县复方回答: almost 英 ['ɔːlməʊst] 美 ['ɔlmost] adv. 差不多,几乎 adj.几乎是…(的),几乎可算是…的,几近于…的 不彻底的,不完全的;有差距的 例句:1. Almost no one took any rest.几乎没有一个人歇过一下.2. He dines with friends almost every night.他几乎每晚都和朋友们进餐.

经国18914994432问: almost是什么意思中文 -
惠水县复方回答: almost中文意思是几乎;差不多. almost音标英 [ˈɔːlməʊst],美 [ˈɔːlmoʊst]. adv.几乎;差不多 not quite. I like almost all of them. 我差不多所有的都喜欢. 扩展资料: 同义词:nearly almost 【导航词义:大约,差不多】. 1、...

经国18914994432问: ALMOST的中文意思是什么? -
惠水县复方回答: adv. 几乎, 差不多

经国18914994432问: almost和nearly的区别?
惠水县复方回答:almost, nearly都是副词,意为“几乎,差不多” >> almost一般不带语气,表示“这事情已经这样了.” nearly一般带点语气,表示“这事情居然都已经这样了!” >> 另外almost多表示时间、程度、距离、进度,且almost可以修饰more than, ...

经国18914994432问: almost可以加not吗? 老师说可以,星火的教辅却说不行. 加了怎样,不加又怎样?如题 谢谢了 -
惠水县复方回答: 一almost可以表示“几乎”,当想表达“不足”或“尚差一点儿”时最好用almost ,加入not,意为几乎不...,但语境属委婉型 一般情况下almost not=hardly,他们均以副词的词态来运用,当表示几乎不的时候只能使用hardly或者almost not连用,...

经国18914994432问: in a heartbeat 是什么意思呢? 越狱中有句话,bichify you in a heartbeat. 似乎in a -
惠水县复方回答: almost immediately. 立刻,马上.心跳一下时间很短呀, 类似中文的 一个呼吸之间, 弹指之间.例句 If I had the money, I would go back to college in a heartbeat.Just tell me that you need me and I'll come there in a heartbeat.

经国18914994432问: 英语中almost 和totally可以同时用吗 -
惠水县复方回答: 当然可以同时用,例如, Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence.几乎/完全, 中文里也可以同时用.他有严重耳背,几乎完全听不见.

经国18914994432问: almost forget in addition to me you have someone else,52什么意思 -
惠水县复方回答: almost forget in addition to me you ha...的中文翻译almost forget in addition to me you have someone else,52几乎忘记除了我你还有别人,52

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