
作者&投稿:卜图 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语语法,马上给分in almost everything 这个almost 为什么可以修饰代词...
你好。almost是副词,在英语中,程度副词可以修饰不定代词,everything就是不定代词。也要注意以下搭配:nearly everything\/ everyone , hardly anyone \/anything, almost anybody anyting ok,明白了吗?

10. Lithuania is heavily reliant on Moscow for almost all its oil.立陶宛的石油供应几乎完全依赖莫斯科。11. They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.他们爱炫耀,几乎对每种情况都添油加醋。12. He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this...

almost 后加anything还是everything
是everything. 反义则是almost nothing. 给个例句吧:几乎一切都湿掉了...Almost everything is wet. 你读读看,把everything换成anything是不是很不顺啊?希望有帮到你啦

each可作代词和形容词,而every只能用作形容词,如可以说each of these dictionaries或each one of these dictionaries, 但不能说every of these dictionaries, 该用every one of these dictionaries。区别三:用法不同 each强调的是整体中的个性;而every强调整体中的共性,every 可与almost, nearly及...

"Almost everything a manager does involves decisions"2个语法...
"Almost everything a manager does involves decisions"2个语法问题 ①这句话可以翻译成“管理所作的一切都和决策有关”吗?如果可以翻译成这样子,那为什么要把Almost everything放到前面,而不是A manager does almost everything involves decisions②involve我查了下是动词,它可以v+n搭配使用,可是在...

在一个句子里的非谓语动词用被动的时候前面可以加will之类的不?_百 ...
如:Almost eveyone fails to pass(=fail in passing) his driver's test on the first try. He offered to help me. Her son promised to stay in the house until the mother came back.2)下列动词常接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语,(但不定式前不能用if,表示“是否”,用whether):advise, ask, decide, ...

No one + like还是likes almost是+everything还是anything
No one 或 everyone 的时候都是第三人称单数。所以要用likes。 almost + everything。或者直接用anything 不加almost

怎么翻译"几乎所有学校" almost all the school还是almost all the_百...
首先用all的情况,后边接复数形式,因此,all the school错误,应为all the schools;用every的情况,后边接单数形式,因此,every schools错误,应为every school。其次,all强调的是整体,every强调的是个体。因此侧重点不同。所以,用almost all the schools和almost every school都是正确的。

nearly hardly almost区别
"almost"和"nearly"的区别:almost与nearly比较容易混淆的。下面我来说一下这两个词之间的区别:1)almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly),可用于no, none, nothing等前面,但nearly不可。almost不能用not修饰。2)nearly表示“接近”。常可与almost换用,但在具体数字前常用nearly. not修饰...

eg: Almost every person is here. 几乎所有人都在这儿。Not every girl likes dresses. 并不是所有女孩都喜欢裙子。(半否定):1.each用作代词时,在句中可作主语、宾语和同位语。2.each用作主语时,常用于each of短语,如果each强调的是“个别”,谓语动词与相关 的物主代词通常总用单数形式,但如果...

禤郎15390269174问: almost可以做形容词吗?那下面这句话对么?almost everybody likes to play.不是说副词只能修饰动词或形容词的吗?那为什么这里修饰everybody呢?副词能... -
浚县羟丙回答:[答案] almost是副词,不可以做形容词 almost everybody likes to play.用法是对的, 不过应该把第一个字母大写: Almost everybody likes to play.

禤郎15390269174问: almost和hardly有什么区别 -
浚县羟丙回答: 一、词义辨析不一样 1、almost adv. 几乎,差不多 〔辨析〕指在程度、数量等方面十分接近. 〔例证〕Almost everybody spoke. 几乎每个人都发了言.2、hardly adv. 几乎不,几乎没有 〔辨析〕指接近最低限度,几乎没有富余,或指能力上有...

禤郎15390269174问: 这是我写的英文,请帮我挑挑错或者提提意见Almost everybody wants to be successful and as you know, to be successful sometimes is rather difficult. But the ... -
浚县羟丙回答:[答案] 1.There was a young man who wanted to find a good job, so he send his resume to a company.这里的send改为sent 2.Eleven people was agreed to go for the second interview.这里应该用复数的,还有agree的用法这里好像怪怪的,改为required(要...

禤郎15390269174问: almost可以做形容词吗? -
浚县羟丙回答: almost是副词,不可以做形容词 almost everybody likes to play.用法是对的,不过应该把第一个字母大写:Almost everybody likes to play.

禤郎15390269174问: nearly和almost(都是副词)的不同点 -
浚县羟丙回答: 1 nearly,almost虽然都可以表示“几乎”,但是当要表示“接近”或“就要到了”时最好用nearly;当想表达“不足”或“尚差一点儿”时最好用almost 2 almost“将近”“几乎”“差不多”,主要指程度上的差别,空间的距离,时间的长短等都相差无几.但相差程度较小. 3 nearly“几乎”将近“相近”,所指时间一般比almost长,所指距离或相差长度一般比almost大. 4 nearly多用于时间或数字方面,almost在修饰动词,形容词,副词和名词是,常和almost换用,但和no,none,nothing,never,连用时,只可用almost,不能用nearly.

禤郎15390269174问: 短文填空 英语Almost everybody likes to play.All over the world men and women ,boys and girls enjoy sports.Sports help to keep people ( )They help people to ... -
浚县羟丙回答:[答案] Almost everybody likes to play.All over the world men and women ,boys and girls enjoy sports.Sports help to keep people (healthy ) They help people to live happily. (Sports )chance with the seasons.People play(different )games in winter and summmer....

禤郎15390269174问: 好难 50分 好的在加almost everybody knows the famous story.the prince and the the story,a girl kissed a frog and the frog turned into a handsome prince.... -
浚县羟丙回答:[答案] The prince and the frogA girl kissed a frog and she was turned a frog and shi was turned into frogNot to kiss a frogOver 50 childrenBecause they wanted to copy princess tiana in the movie【都可以在文...

禤郎15390269174问: 阅读理解.      Grammarphobia is the fear of grammar. This fear attacks almost everybody at one time or another and it's most likely to strike during ... -
浚县羟丙回答:[答案] 1-4DCAB

禤郎15390269174问: “nearlyeverybody”是怎么回事?可以和复合不定代词?
浚县羟丙回答: 这些东西不要死扣字眼,应该记住,经常用就便成你的了,虽然说,ALMOST= NEARLY ,但是我感觉老外很少用ALMOST EVERYBODY, USUALLY USE “ NEARLY EVERYBODY”

禤郎15390269174问: Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart(购物手推车). They will, in a lifetime, push the chrome - plated ... -
浚县羟丙回答:[答案]小题1:shopping carts 小题2: It was to make shopping easier and attract more business. 小题3:Because few customers used his carts. Or: Because few customers would give the shopping cart a try. Or: Because hardly any customer gave the shopping ...

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