
作者&投稿:鄂琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'll get home at about five o'clock.

1、表示几点钟用基数词可以加o`clock,也可省略:5:00读作five o`clock或five。2、表示几点过几分,在分钟后加past,再加小时。例:five past seven七点过五分。half past six六点半。a quarter past eight八点过一刻。3、表示几点差几分,在分钟后面加to,再加小时。例:ten to eight差十分...

we'll be there ___(tonight \/five o'clock\/ten minutes)
tonight 只有这个不需要加介词。at five o'clock in ten minutes

Mary loved small animals. One morning while she was walking in the forest, she found two weak birds in the grass. She took them home and put them in a small cage. She looked after them with love and the birds both grew well. They thanked her with a wonderful song every m...

and its prevalence in the English language. We'll also explore its categorization, areas of application, and illustrative examples in the context of business and the London Stock Exchange.The term "FIVE" stands for "X5 Retail" in its expanded form, with a popularity score of 162 ...

例: I'll be back by five o'clock 什么意思?

One breath it'll just break it 你的一次呼吸就够让我心碎 So shut your mouth and run me like a river 闭上嘴吧 和我像溪水般追逐嬉闹吧 Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver 闭上嘴吧 亲爱的 做好表率 Holy hands ooh they make me a sinner 紧牵双手却让我成了千古罪人 Li...

一、时钟时间(Clock Time):Hour (小时):表示一小时的时间单位。例如,"It's five o'clock" 表示 "现在是五点钟"。Minute (分钟):表示一分钟的时间单位。例如,"It's ten past three" 表示 "现在是三点十分"。Second (秒):表示一秒的时间单位。例如,"Wait for a few seconds" 表示 "...

2.在家, 在里面 My wife won't be in until five o'clock. 我妻子要到五点钟才在家。 3.到达, 来临 Is the ship in yet? 船到港了吗? 4.当政, 当选 This year the Conservative Party is in. 今年保守党执政。 5.正当时令, 正当流行 Honey peaches are in now and we can e at ...

an closed door (c-l-o-s-e-d)a long pencil (l-o-n-g) 一支长铅笔 a short pencil (s-h-o-r-t) 短铅笔 a red book (r-e-d) 红皮书 a green book (g-r-e-e-n) 一本绿皮书 a big chair (b-i-g) 大椅子 a little chair (l-i-t-t-l-e) 一把小椅子 a tall ...

柴肩19418013880问: All five other 错在哪里 -
北江区八珍回答: all five others

柴肩19418013880问: 句型“再/又...” 是基数词+more/other+复数可数名词. 例如:they need two other coffees. 如果用another, 是不是也是在这个位置上? they need two another coffees. -
北江区八珍回答: 如果用another,应该是they need another two coffees.

柴肩19418013880问: make的用法 -
北江区八珍回答: make KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 做;制造;建造[O1][(+for)] Mary made a paper boat. 玛丽做了一只纸船. 2. 作出(某种举动) I didn't make any promise. 我没有作出任何承诺. 3. 使得;使...做...[O3][O7]...

柴肩19418013880问: any other +名词单数,那any应该加什么,顺便说一下,the other与other的区别,他们后加的是单数还是复数还是别的.all the other 加什么,any of the other 呢 -
北江区八珍回答:[答案] 否定句中any表示“一些”的意思,后加可数名词复数,或不可数名词;肯定句any表示“任何的”后加可数名词单数形式或不可数名词.the other表示特指的另一个(些),一般one 与 the other连用的较多,one…,the other… ;...

柴肩19418013880问: all - of - the - others是什么意思 -
北江区八珍回答: all of the others 所有别的人 双语对照 例句:1.Nearly all of the others already owned an iphone, in other words. 换句话说,其他那些人几乎都曾经拥有过iPhone.2.The key is, how do you put all of the others? 关键是,如何把其他的(基因)放进来?3.One more set of invitations and appointments to juggle with all of the others. 那些批量的邀请和约会象变戏法一样困扰着我们.

柴肩19418013880问: 向量(AB+MB)+(BO+BC)+OM等于? -
北江区八珍回答: !向量加法的交换律 ab+mb+bo+bc+om =ab+bo+om+mb+bc =ao+om+mb+bc =am+mb+bc =ab+bc =ac 其实最后几步就是直接用向量的多边形加法法则直接得到 求采纳!!!!!

柴肩19418013880问: 初中英语不定代词练习 -
北江区八珍回答: 不定代词的用法-不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词.常用不定代词有: some,any,all ,n...

柴肩19418013880问: 求数学帝!:和加减乘除括号(符号只能用一次)列一个结果为22的等式. -
北江区八珍回答: (3/2+4)*(5-1)=22

柴肩19418013880问: 已知平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC,BD相交于点O,AB=5,AO=4,BO=3,则平行四边形的周长是 - -----,面积是--- -
北江区八珍回答: ∵平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC,BD相交于点O, ∴AB=CD=5,AD=BC,AC=2AO=8,BD=2BO=6, ∵AB=5,AO=4,BO=3, ∴AB 2 =AO 2 +BO 2 , ∴∠AOB=90°, 即AC⊥BD, ∴平行四边形ABCD是菱形, ∴平行四边形的周长是:4*5=20,面积是:12 AC?BD=12 *8*6=24. 故答案为:20,24.

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