
作者&投稿:剧鲍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

运营总监 Director of Operations 进出口经理 Import\/Export Manager 商店经理助理 Assistant Store Manager 操作经理 Operations Manager 房地产经理 Property Manager 首席运营官 Chief Operations Officer 生产经理 Production Manager 服务经理 Service Manager 零售店经理 Retail Store Manager 产品经理 Product Manager 项目...

ROG,全称为Railhead Operations Group,是一个常见的英文缩写词,中文直译为“铁路头部操作组”。其在英文中的缩写词流行度为4327,主要应用于政府和军事领域。ROG的中文解释即指“Railhead Operations Group”,是一个专门用于描述与铁路头部运营相关的组织或任务的术语。在英语中,ROG作为缩写词,其含义...

Jordan became part owner and the President of Operations for the team. Although he won several awards during his time as a basketball executive, many people just didn't quite know what to make of his management skills and career. And, when he bored of that hat, he again donned a jersey...

Such as the use of two tigers had made me the tone I AM A MOUSE, I AM A MOUSE, LA LA LA LA, I also use a mixture of English and Chinese children's songs strung together, such as, I am I, you are YOU, yes COME COME , are go GO, nodded YES, shaking his head NO, each ...

She looked around, and saw a little frog jumping out of the well. It has a big and ugly head. ugly adj. 丑陋的 The princess said she was weeping for her golden ball. It had fallen into the well. The frog asked,“What will you give me if I bring it up again?”She said ...

There was a car crush happened on 5pm Feb 28, a yellow ford mustang GT with plate number A12345 heading southbound hit a red mini cooper's left rear wheel at the intersection of (road) and (road). The road was dry and it was still early so both of them didnt have their head light...

医药企业-英文title大全 入圈必备
CM: Commercial Manager – Overseeing the company's commercial operations and strategic partnerships.SFE: Sales Force Effectiveness – Dedicated to enhancing the performance and efficiency of the sales team.BU Head: Business Unit Head – The head of each product line, responsible for the ...

外资银行招聘的customer service advisor 是什么职位?
售后\/客户服务(非技术)经理 Customer Service Manager 文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译 (大学)校长 President\/Chancellor (大学)副校长 Vice President (大学)代理校长 Acting President (中学)校长 Principal (小学)校长 Head \/Master 学院院长 Dean of College\/Head of College 教务长...

1. 定义 overhead: 经常费用、日常开支 operating expense:运营费用、管理费用 2. 区别 overhead是经常性的、周期性的开销。如水电费、房租、工资等。operating expense是指包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的大部分花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用。3. 联系 两者都是企业管理方面的费用,只是范畴...

操作系统可能包含许多关于系统当前状态的信息。当系统发生变化时,这些数据结构必须做相应的改变以反映这些情况。例如,当用户登录进系统时将产生一个新的进程。核心必须创建表示新进程的数据结构,同时 将它和系统中其他进程的数据结构连接在一起。 大多数数据结构存在于物理内存中并只能由核心或者其子系统来...

菜贫13613175651问: ahead of领先 的具体使用方法 -
天河区律定回答: Ahead是指“(在空间或时间上)向前,朝前;在前”.那么,由ahead的基本词义,我们就不难理解ahead of的意义了.ahead of的一个意思是“(在空间或时间上比某人或某事物)更前,更早.”如下面这则新闻的标题Israeli, Palestinians call for negotiations ahead of UN meeting. 另一个意思则是“处于(某人或某事物)的领先地位;比……更先进;领先”,比如His ideas were well ahead of his time.

菜贫13613175651问: ahead的一些词组及语法
天河区律定回答: ahead of 在...之前 ahead of schedule 提前 The production plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule. 生产计划提前完成了. ahead of time 提前; 提早 They finished the work ahead of time. 他们提前完成了工作. go-ahead 前进 get ahead 进步 I've got ...

菜贫13613175651问: ahead of =? -
天河区律定回答: ahead 如果单独用在句尾,可以用in advace 替换,表示提前,提早.但是如果是ahead of则是表示in front of 在...前面 e.g.He is walking ahead of us.

菜贫13613175651问: ahead of到底怎么用?和in front of有什么区别 -
天河区律定回答: in front of (在...前面) 常用于描述具体或抽象的东西之间的位置关系,空间感比较强 The vase is in front of the table.He is standing in front of the entrance.The problem in front of us is water shortage.摆在我们面前的困难是缺水.ahead 翻译和 in front of 很相似,不过意思上有超越了、超前的感觉,比较 He is ahead of us.表示他走在我们前面,或他超越了我们 Japan is one hour ahead of us.日本比我们这儿快一个小时

菜贫13613175651问: ahead of&in front of 的区别 -
天河区律定回答: ahead of是在一个物体内部的前面 in front of是在一个物体得前面 ahead of “在..前面”,是抽象意义上的,如“科技实力”,“时间”等概念 Finally,we accomplished the task ahead of the schedule.我们最终提前完成了任务. in front of 是在物...

菜贫13613175651问: aheadof和infrontof有什么区别 -
天河区律定回答: ahead of 可以指在时间、成绩、速度 等这些偏于抽象的方面 靠前.in front of 指在地点位置上 靠前.举例:There is an infinitely bright future ahead of us.我们有无限光明的前途.There is a tall building in front of us.在我们前面有一座高楼.

菜贫13613175651问: in front of 和 ahead of 都有“在……前面”的意思,请问两者有什么区别?
天河区律定回答: in front of 一般用来形容方位,位置 There is a tree in front of the house. 房子前面有一棵树. ahead of 可指时间上的提前 ahead of time I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成. 同时也有超过,先于的意思 He will be ahead of others in English. 他在英语方面将超过别人.

菜贫13613175651问: ahead of等于in the front of吗? -
天河区律定回答: 首先,这道题选a 其次ahead of不等于in front of 因为ahead of是:在...之前 而in front of是:在...前面 最后,我不知道我对不对

菜贫13613175651问: ahead ahead of 意思和区别
天河区律定回答: 副词,ahead “在前面”和“向前”. 介词短语

菜贫13613175651问: “ahead”、“before”和“in front of”的具体区别是什么? -
天河区律定回答: 形容的维度不同.ahead of 在...前面,指具体和比喻空间上前面,还可以指时间上提前.in front of 一般用作表示具体的地点介词,可以指具体和比喻空间上前面,但是不可以指时间上提前.before 一般用在时间上,或者顺序. 1.说明事物出现...

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