
作者&投稿:马曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语求翻译解释 英语老师,学者,前辈~>_<~
1, 戈兰德尔 黑洞是由一个很深的空间构成,那里的拉力如此巨大甚至连光都难以逃脱。这个星系里没有任何行星。2, Badur subterr anean Muktian 种族的殖民地家园是一个寒冷的矿产丰富的带有水晶洞穴和地下城市的星球。(carems这个单词是不是打错了,查不到)Suberranean集市 以物易物 3,...

Dear Mr.Green Iam writing to express my sincere thanksfor your help with the singing contest held last week.Thanks to your guidance,I won first place in the contest.In my view ,it was you that helpd me choose the song which suited me most. Besides,you gave me some valuable ...

以Rules of My School 为题,写一篇英语作文
As for uniform, student have different suggestions . Some students agree that we have to wear school uniform on week days. They say: Iy can make us more concentrate on our studies than our clothes.But the rest disgree. In their opinions, clothes can’t get in the way of ...

绿茶 英文为什么叫black tea?怎么不是green tea??
black tea是 红茶。在英文里,“茶”就是Tea。那么“红茶”理所当然的应该是“Red Tea”。有趣的是,在英语里,我们所说的红茶实际上是“Black Tea”,英文的直译就是“黑茶”。一种说法是因为在红茶加工过程中,茶叶的颜色越来越深,逐渐变成黑色,因此得名Black(黑)茶。另一种说法,则是因为在...

A control by the giant of the world. Become the giant built up huge towering walls and human sacrifice freedom to the wall, to prevent the invasion of the other. Some teenagers - Allen, etc, to attempt to break the wall of the cage, but was laughed at by people. Addicted ...

Billy was tgree years old.One day,when he wastrying to……谁见...
He did.After a while,his mother said,"You know,Billy,whenever you make a mess like this,finally you have to clean it up.So,how would you like to do that?We could use paper,a towel or a mop.Which do you want to use?"Billy used the paper and together they cleaned ...

Then everyone gives gifts to each other. Late that day,families usually have a bag get-together with a special dinner. They usually gree each other and say,"Merry Christmas!"(在圣诞节的早上,孩子们通常都会很早起床,在长筒袜中找到礼物,并打来它。他们认为这礼物一定是圣诞老人送来的...

It was by chance that their paths crossed. After a few studio tests with conclusive results she was chosen. The single was a huge success with...her greediness. The album was a huge success, going platinum in just 3 months with 300,000 copies sold and with sales to date amounting to ...

A yeh ,life in college is really more interesting than that in high shool.we can have more time to do something we enjoy.A But sometimes we will also meet some difficult problems just as the relationship with my roommates.When our opnions disgree , mutual understanding is the ...

初二英语作文邀请函模板 Dear Petty,I hope you didn’t make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I...

称纪17870819011问: Agree后面可不可以加that -
祁阳县沙巴回答: that 是代词,当然可以跟在介词后面当介词宾语 但在定语从句中充当关系代词时,介词后必须要用which,而不能用that,这是定语从句中非常重要的语法点(帮助别人,快乐自己, 如果我的回答对你有帮助就点击『好评』感谢你的支持 如果还不明白的话就追问我)

称纪17870819011问: agree + that ,这个句型怎么用,表示什么意思? -
祁阳县沙巴回答: 后面加一个that从句啊 意思是 同意后面那句话的内容

称纪17870819011问: agree 的用法 -
祁阳县沙巴回答: 1. agree 同意, 赞同, 相符, 一致, 协调2. agree with 同意...的意见; 与...一致; 对...适合3. agree to 同意某事...4. agree on 对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见5. agree about 同 agree on6. agree upon 同 agree on7. agree in 在…方面一致...agree that...里,使用的就是单独的agree

称纪17870819011问: agree的用法 -
祁阳县沙巴回答: 一、读音:[ə'ɡriː] 二、意思是同意、赞成. 三、例句 We agreed to leave at once. 我们同意立即离开. 四、词汇用法 1、agree后不直接接动名词作宾语,如需接动名词时则要加介词.但接that从句时其前不加介词.agree可用于被动结构. ...

称纪17870819011问: agree to 和 agree that怎么用? -
祁阳县沙巴回答: 我来细致的说下 agree on 就sth 达成一致意见 agree with sb 同意sb agree to 同意某个计划或建议 agree to do/that 同意去做

称纪17870819011问: agreeit和agreetoit有什么不同?在句型里分别是什么
祁阳县沙巴回答: 你好! agree to it 是对的, agree it 是不对的. 因为 agree 是这样使用的 agree +(that)+ 主语 + 动词 ---> 例如 I agree it is good to talk. agree to + 名词 ---> 例如:I agree to it. agree to + 动词 ---〉例如:I agree to help. agree with + 人 ---〉例如:I agree with you.

称纪17870819011问: agree的用法有哪些?
祁阳县沙巴回答: agree with sb. 赞同/同意某人 agree on sth. 赞同/同意某事 agree that 赞同/同意....

称纪17870819011问: I agree that为什么可以接that?agree不是不及物动词吗?这个that是什么用法? -
祁阳县沙巴回答: that作为宾语,带从句(完整句子)

称纪17870819011问: agree that的意思 -
祁阳县沙巴回答: agree [ə'ɡri:]vt. 同意;赞成;承认 vi. 同意;意见一致

称纪17870819011问: agree 的句型. -
祁阳县沙巴回答: 1. agree with①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点): I don't agree with you. 我不同意你的意见. They agreed with this idea. 他们同意这个想法. I agree with what you say. 我同意你说的. ②表示“ (食物...

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