
作者&投稿:乐正滕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

01.Audition You 02.Audition You`re Already Gone 03.4`s 新年到来 04.4`s 倾听 05.高耀太 大笑脸 06.高耀太 秘密 07.高耀太 我爱摇滚 08.高耀太 圆圈 09.高耀太 圣诞歌 10.高耀太 特别天使 11.高耀太 爱会改变吗 12.高耀太 甜蜜 13.高耀太 黄牌 14.高耀太 See 15....

Short and short 16 days, the world comes in sight of the ages elegant appearance and civilization images of the Chinese.1,700,000 volunteers of Olympics win the good reputation of world with the smile of the service and sincerity of the superior quality, all Chinese enthusiasm, ...

尤庞13550485471问: 这句话“after all,tomorrow is another day.”说的是什么含义?
赫章县复方回答: 这是《乱世佳人》中很经典的一句对白.“不管怎样,明天又是新的一天.” 就像我们常说的“希望在明天”一样,无论如何,人生不能没有希望!

尤庞13550485471问: After all, tomorrow is another day. -
赫章县复方回答: 这是《乱世佳人》, 又叫中很经典的一句对白,片尾思嘉利说的最后一句话.“不管怎样,明天又是新的一天.”

尤庞13550485471问: afterall,tomorrowisaanotherday什么意思 -
赫章县复方回答: 展开全部 after all, tomorrow is a another day. 别忘了,明天是另一天.

尤庞13550485471问: Tomorrow is another Day 是谁说的 -
赫章县复方回答: 《飘》(《Gone with the Wind》/又译《乱世佳人》)中女主角 郝思嘉 说的.After all, tomorrow is another day!

尤庞13550485471问: After all,tomorrow is another day! -
赫章县复方回答: Maybe you can understand it as follows1.Seize today,don't wait for tomorrow!2.Forget today's failure and sorrow,tomorrow will be ok!

尤庞13550485471问: After all,tomorrou is another day. -
赫章县复方回答: after all:毕竟 总之 到底 楼主写错了应该是After all,tomorrow is another day.意思是:总而言之呢,明天是崭新的一天(一个新的开始);

尤庞13550485471问: After all, tomorrow is another day什么意思?
赫章县复方回答: 毕竟,明天又是新的一天

尤庞13550485471问: After all,tomorrow is another day.
赫章县复方回答: 毕竟,明天是另外一天

尤庞13550485471问: After all tomorrow is a new day 什么意思? -
赫章县复方回答: 不管怎么说明天是崭新的一天.

尤庞13550485471问: After all,tomorrow is another day!这句话是我的个人名言,我能完全信它吗? -
赫章县复方回答:[答案] Maybe you can understand it as follows 1.Seize today,don't wait for tomorrow! 2.Forget today's failure and sorrow,tomorrow will be ok!

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