
作者&投稿:帛泉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用be fraid (恐怕)恐怕。。。造句话。
I am afraid I have missed the last bus.恐怕我已经错过了最后一班车。

5,You can't go against your parent!

星期一:Monday [ˈmʌndi] 忙day 星期二:Tuesday [ˈtju:zdi:] 求死day 星期三:Wednesday [ˈwenzdi] 未死day 星期四:Thursday [ˈθə:zdi] 受死day 星期五:Friday [ˈfraidi] 福来day 星期六:Saturday [ˈsætə...

1、星期一:Monday['mʌndi, 'mʌndei];缩写:Mon.2、星期二:Tuesday['tju:zdi];缩写:Tues.3、星期三:Wednesday['wenzdei, 'wenzdi];缩写:Wed.4、星期四:Thursday ['θə:zdi];缩写:Thur.\/Thurs.5、星期五:Friday['fraidi]; 缩写:Fri.6、星期六:Saturday['...


55的英语单词为five,读音为英式fa#618v,美式fa#618v造句She could work out five by herself她自己可以做出五个道题来66的英语单词为six,读音为英式s#618ks,美式s#618ks。five五分之一 one fifth 名音我国民族音乐音阶上的一级 a note of the scale in gongchepu 工尺谱, corresponding ...

用be fraid (恐怕)恐怕。。。造句话
I am afraid that I cannot be there on time 我恐怕我不能准时到那里 希望能够帮到楼主

星期四英文这样读:Thursday (Thur. ) 想要掌握英语学习技巧或者知识,推荐报班跟着外教学英语,高频学习效果好,一节课不到20元。免费体验课:【点击领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包】试听完之后,还可以免费获得一次英语能力水平测试和一份详细的报告,以及公开课免费看。很多学员表示当时也试听过很多...

扈炭18567521159问: 用afraid造句简单的方式 -
博爱县巴利回答: Be afraid to do: I'm afraid to ride a bike.我怕骑车. Be afraid of sth: She is afraid of snakes.她怕蛇. I'm afraid so: A: do i have to do my homework?我要写作业了吗? B: I'm afraid so. 我想恐怕是的

扈炭18567521159问: 用“afraid”造句,谢谢,说说用法 -
博爱县巴利回答:[答案] afraid 1. 害怕的,怕的[(+of)][+to-v][+(that)] She was afraid that she might lose her job. 她担心会丢掉工作. It seems that she is afraid to tell them about it. 似乎她怕将此事告诉他们. Don't be afraid of snakes. 别怕蛇. 2. (用于提出异议,告诉不好的...

扈炭18567521159问: 请用afraid造句我要标准答案,是很正规的答题哦,别有语法错误,谢谢了··· -
博爱县巴利回答:[答案] I've always been afraid lf heights.我一直害怕恐高. She was afraid for her children.她为她的孩子们担心. (that从句)They were afraid that their teacher would find out.他们担心老师会发现 . (表sorry)I'm afraid you've completely misunderstood the ...

扈炭18567521159问: 请用afraid造句 -
博爱县巴利回答: I've always been afraid lf heights.我一直害怕恐高. She was afraid for her children.她为她的孩子们担心. (that从句)They were afraid that their teacher would find out.他们担心老师会发现 . (表sorry)I'm afraid you've completely misunderstood the ...

扈炭18567521159问: afraid的结构并造句 -
博爱县巴利回答:[答案] afraid of sth./afraid of doing sth. 造句:I am always afraid of water. I am afraid of swimming in the sea.

扈炭18567521159问: 用“afraid”造句,谢谢,说说用法 -
博爱县巴利回答: afraid 1. 害怕的,怕的[(+of)][+to-v][+(that)] She was afraid that she might lose her job. 她担心会丢掉工作. It seems that she is afraid to tell them about it. 似乎她怕将此事告诉他们. Don't be afraid of snakes. 别怕蛇. 2. (用于提出异议,告...

扈炭18567521159问: 害怕做某事用英语造句 -
博爱县巴利回答:[答案] 害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth. 1 She's too afraid to do it herself! 她太害怕自己动手了! 2 He was afraid to go out alone at night.他害怕晚上独自外出.

扈炭18567521159问: afraid的句子.帮忙.
博爱县巴利回答: drove, 因为表示昨天晚上的,所以要用过去时,

扈炭18567521159问: 英语造句~!大家好~谁知道I"mafraid~意思也就事是恐怕~
博爱县巴利回答: 1. She was afraid that the dog would bite. 她害怕这狗会咬人. 2. Don't be afraid (ie Don't hesitate) to ask for help if you need it. 倘若需要帮忙的话, 尽管提出来(不...

扈炭18567521159问: 用“be afraid of doing sth”造句 -
博爱县巴利回答: I am afraid of speaking English. 翻译:我害怕说英语.

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