
作者&投稿:貂刮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2. Device:- The security system is equipped with various devices such as cameras and motion sensors. (该安全系统配备有各种设备,如摄像头和运动传感器。)- She uses a medical device to monitor her heart rate during exercise. (她使用一种医疗设备来监测运动时的心率。)总结:equipment ...

how to change language baidu in english in andro
There will be two ways to do as what you said.Use computer or other device to login your baidu account, and then change your preference through setting. After that, login in baidu account in your android phone, it will be what you want.Find the setting botton in your phone,...

quartus 2 下载问题
Erase— Erases content from MAX II devices.ISP Clamp—Allows you to use the Quartus II software to hold each I\/O pin of a device to a static state when you program the device.简单来说,Verify是验证FPGA配置芯片里的程序与烧写的文件是否一致。Blank-Check是检查配置芯片是否为空。

Formula One teams also use a similar device to analyse dynamic forces.Customisable instrumentsThe instrument on the left of the speedometer associates the number of revolutions in the form of a luminous column with the display of the selected gear. Finally, every Reventón is equipped with a ...

facility \/ equipment \/ device 的区别
device 装置,设计,策略,设备 这个既可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的 比如:1. They use television advertising as a device for stimulating demand.他们利用电视广告作为刺激需求的方法。2. Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him.她所谓生病只不过是避免见他的花招而已.3. The device...

例子:The camping equipment includes tents, sleeping bags, and cooking utensils.(露营设备包括帐篷、睡袋和烹饪用具。)The manufacturing company invested in advanced production equipment to increase efficiency.(制造公司投资先进的生产设备,以提高效率。)- Device(装置\/设备)通常指小型的、独立的...

devices 和 device 有什么区别啊?
例如:Left to my own devices I'd eat the whole cake. (要是没有人管我,我会把整个蛋糕吃掉。)device 做单数的时候,有两个意思:1.“方法、手段、策略”例如:use any device to gain money (想方设法挣钱);2. “仪器、器械、器具”,例如:an electronic device 一台电子仪器 ...

mechnism, device, equipment等等设备,装置之类的词区别是什么,词义大 ...
scheme; trick 策略; 计策; 诡计; 计谋: Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him. 她所谓生病只不过是避免见他的花招而已.symbol or figure used as a sign by a noble family, eg on a crest or shield (贵族用作家族标志的)图案(如用於饰章或盾形徽的): a heraldic ...

16.Keeping Track of Things to Do日程备忘 17.Taking Photos and Shooting Videos拍照\/录影 18.Viewing Photo and Videos查看照片\/视频 19.When Connecting Your Device to a Computer连接手机与电脑 20.Synchronizing Your Device with Your Computer手机与电脑同步信息 21.Copying Files to Your Device...

He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.
他可以再学学使用吸尘器、洗衣机和其他家用电器。三、是否可数名词不同 1、equipment 表示 “特定活动所需的设备、器械”,是不可数名词。 “Equipment” 通常指 “成套的,不只一件的设备...

元虹13089926843问: advice to do sth 还是advice do sth -
电白县感冒回答: advise的词组句型:advise sb/advise sb to do sth/advise sb that he or she should do sth/advise sb how,where,when……

元虹13089926843问: advice sb to do sth造句 -
电白县感冒回答: He advices me to reading English every morning. 他建议我每天早上读英语. The doctor advices the patient to do more exercises. 医生建议病人多做锻炼.

元虹13089926843问: advice sb to do sth造句 -
电白县感冒回答: The teacher advice us to do some social practice in the holiday.

元虹13089926843问: 英语里advice的用法? -
电白县感冒回答: advice ad.vice [əd`vaIs; ədˋvais] 《advise 的名词》 名词 1 (U) a. 忠告,劝告; 劝导 [on,of,about] according to a person's ~ 依照某人的忠告 act on [against] a person's ~ 依照 [违反] 某人的忠告行事 follow [take] a person's ~ 听从某人的劝告,接...

元虹13089926843问: 英语里advice的用法?advice on 与 advice to的区别 -
电白县感冒回答:[答案] 名词:advice on - - - -- 关于 - - -的建议Give me some advice on how to do this job.I need it for a living.动词:1 advice / advise that sb.(should) do sth ------- 宾语从句She advises that Tom (should) ...

元虹13089926843问: 为什么advice用some?some不是用来修是可数名词的吗? -
电白县感冒回答: 一定记清楚,advice,"建议",不可数名词!!!some +可数名词复数!!,当然,也可some+不可数名词.但该名词绝对不能加s/es,如:some water, some milk等等 记得采纳,谢谢~~~~

元虹13089926843问: some后能加advice复数形式吗 -
电白县感冒回答: 正确的用法是 some advice , some advices 是不对的, 这个词组通常我们不用复数,但如果你要用复数, 正确的表达方式是 a few pieces of advice many pieces of advice a lot of advice

元虹13089926843问: advice的用法.例如什么什么后面加什么(速求,多点)
电白县感冒回答: 你好楼主,advice的用法有:advice sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事(作动词) give sb. advice给某人提建议(作名词) 如果对楼主有帮助,望楼主采纳!如果还有任何疑问,请楼主继续追问!

元虹13089926843问: advice sb to do sth与advice sb that ab (should) do -
电白县感冒回答: 前者是一个词组,意思是建议某人做某事.后者是一个句型,用的是虚拟语气.这个是语法里的东东,讲起来很多,就不细说了,你以后肯定会学到的.


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