
作者&投稿:察重 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

宾炭15599426811问: 英语冠词应用:advertising advertisementA company plans to do an advertising which will do advertisement 10 times.advertising 是不可数名词,前面为什么要... -
凤城市法乐回答:[答案] 抽象名词具体化,就和go for a walk 一样的用法

宾炭15599426811问: advertising department 什么意思 -
凤城市法乐回答: advertising department 英[ˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋ diˈpɑ:tmənt] 美[ˈædvɚˌtaɪzɪŋ dɪˈpɑrtmənt] [词典] [经] 广告部; [例句]He is an asset to Wesley and the entire advertising department.对卫斯理和整个广告部门而言,他是一个不可多得的人才.

宾炭15599426811问: advertising campaign是什么意思 -
凤城市法乐回答: n. 广告运动,广告战; 全部释义>> [例句]This month, the company launched an advertising campaign touting its commitment to privacy.本月,谷歌发起了一个广告活动,宣传其在隐私保护方面的努力.

宾炭15599426811问: 什么是Advertising - Campaign? -
凤城市法乐回答: 广告战役(Advertising Campaign) 广告战役指在某一特定市场上为实现某一重大目标所集中进行的大规 模的广告活动,是 广告 决战思想的一种体现,是企业之间进行 市场竞 争的策略之一.希望采纳

宾炭15599426811问: 求助英语作文advertising!~ -
凤城市法乐回答: Advertisements are everywhere. In the streets, in our homes, even in elevators and public toilets. The idea is simple, tell someone something long enough and they will believe it. Since companies learnt this fact it seems where ever we go we can ...

宾炭15599426811问: 美国传播学研究生的分类都有哪些 -
凤城市法乐回答: 一、传播学 (communication) 传播学教育在美国教育中占据很重要的位置,其教育发展水平在全球处于领先地位.传播学又称大众传播,是传媒类专业之一,由于传播学专业学校分布广泛而且名校众多,因而备受学子青睐.学院设置传播学硕...

宾炭15599426811问: advertising和advertisement有没有什么区别 -
凤城市法乐回答: advertising永远是不可数名词.有三个意思:1、指整个广告业;2、指广告活动(比如说某公司正在筹备做一个广告);3、指所有广告的总称(例:All the advertising here in this chamber is brilliant. 这个屋子里的所有广告都很有创意.) 而...

宾炭15599426811问: 英语选择题Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication - ---- - the advertiser pay -
凤城市法乐回答: 39. Advertising isdistinguished from other forms of communication ______ the advertiser pays for the message to be deliver ed. a. in that b. in order that c. in which d. that 为什么选择A?不是说that前面不可以有介词吗?IN +关系代词(WHICH /...

宾炭15599426811问: 关于Advertising的一系列单词 -
凤城市法乐回答: Advertising广告 广告活动Ads 广告物 Account Executive 客户主管 account 客户项目 account planning 客户策划Account Services 客户部 account service 客户服务 Art Director美术指导 advertising campaign 广告活动 advertising agency 广告代...

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