
作者&投稿:谯幸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

底促17247591353问: she - (join)the acting group横杆该填什么 -
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答: she _(join)the acting group She will join the acting group.她将加入表演小组.

底促17247591353问: 急!厂长兼管理者代表,施工科,物流控制,直销组,代理组,资材科,生管,仓管,采购,关务,英文解释 -
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答: Factory director& governor deputy Construction faculty Logistics control and marketing group Direct sell Group The Acting Group resource and material Group manufacture manager storage manager buyer Customs

底促17247591353问: People acting together as a group can accomplish -
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答: 好多年没动改过英文句子了.应该可以这样:People acting together as a group can accomplish those things which no individual acting alone could ever hope to accomplish.

底促17247591353问: a group of people wroking or acting together用一个单词来概括,顺带翻译 -
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答: 哇塞,貌似被雷到了.不过试试吧 a group of people wroking or acting together的意思是:一群人的工作或共同行动.用一个单词概括就是partnership,合作关系的意思. 下面呢: 青睐 普遍推崇 深受很多人喜欢 常见的 广泛的传播 带回的头脑 ...

底促17247591353问: 英语里 军衔等级 是怎么说的啊 -
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答: Army 陆军Field Marshal 元帅 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 ...

底促17247591353问: I'm interested playing basketball. - 上学吧找答案
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答:[答案] 1.colleague 4.current 5.winner 6.geography 7.yesterday 9.week 11soap 14.everything 15.record 16.opposition 1.He did not his homework last night. Did he do his homework last night? 2.No,I didn't. 3.Did Vera like her vacation? No,she didn't. 1....

底促17247591353问: c语言中++group[(int)(value[i]+0.5)/10] -
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答: 这是个错误的代码.这你个代码就会成这个: *(++group+(int)(value[i]+0.5)/10) 正确的写法是: ++group, ( (int)(value[i]+0.5) / 10)

底促17247591353问: 全英文个人陈述 -
玉树藏族自治州加扶回答: 你这文章还可以,我翻完之后你要给我加分哦~~ 翻这种东西很辛苦的,而且文章还这么长four years in technical secondary school is a turning point in my life. in 2004 i was enrolled in xxx school with excellent grades,where i constantly challenge ...

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