
作者&投稿:柯莫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

accurately correctly区别

exactly,precisely 与accurately用法的区别
区别如下:1. accurate 指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入。如:Watches have become very accurate. 手表已造得非常准确了。You should send in accurate income tax returns. 你应当寄去准确的个人所得税报表。Many people complain about not gathering accurate ...

accurately 准确地 双语对照 词典结果:accurately [英]['ækjərətlɪ][美]['ækjərətlɪ]adv.正确无误地,准确地; 精确地; 如实;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.There are many problems with accurately measuring online advertising.准确衡量在线广...

意思:adv.准确地,精确;正确,正确地 读音:英 [ˈækjʊrɪtli],美 [ˈækjərətli]例句:The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do.该试验能准确地预测一次更大爆炸的威力。词汇用法:用作副词。修饰形容词,表示准确地...

accurately读音['ækjərətlɪ]。例句:1、His work is difficult to label accurately.他的工作很难准确归类。2、He can speak English fluently and accurately.他能准确流利地说英语。3、Can you measure accurately with this ruler?用这把尺子能量得准吗?4、It is ...

accurately[英]'?kj?r?tl?[美]'?kj?r?tl?adv.正确无误地,准确地;精确地;如实moreaccurately更精确 proper ly的近义词 近义词是exactly,例如:1.Thenhe'llknowexactlywhat'srequiredofhim.到那时他就会确切地知道对他的要求是什么了。2.Youwillseeexactlywhereyouareslippingup.你会确切地知道自己...

单词accurate的副词是accurately。accurate 英 ['ækjərət] 美 ['ækjərət]adj. 准确的;精确的 例句:The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.翻译:经理让办公室职员认识到做精确记录的重要性。用法 adj. (...

accuratelyKK [ˋækjərɪtlɪ] DJ [ˋækjuritli]看汉科技提供准确地; 精确地; 正确无误地反义词inaccurately, incorrectly definitionexamplerelated expressionad. 副词准确地; 精确地; 正确无误地He works slowly but accurately. 他做事速度较慢, 但正确无误。参考资料...

accurate的副词是accurately。accurate 读音:英 ['ækjərət],美 ['ækjərət]释义:adj. 准确的;精确的 名词:accurateness 用法:1、accurate在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。2、accurate前面可以加very,quite等副词修饰。3、accurate既可以人作主语,也可以...

exactly,precisely 与accurately用法的区别
意思比较单一,主要指精确的,准确的.通常用在测量或者评估,但是准确程度要比precisely低.比如:Individuals and corporations have strong economic incentives to accurately estimate the present and future earning capacity of the land.个人和公司都有强有力的经济手段来确切估计现在和将来土地的盈利能力.

爨凤15158284615问: accurately是什么意思 -
惠东县新力回答: 意思:adv.准确地,精确;正确,正确地 读音:英 [ˈækjʊrɪtli],美 [ˈækjərətli] 例句:The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do. 该试验能准确地预测一次更大爆炸的威力. 词汇用法:用作副词.修饰形容词,表示准...

爨凤15158284615问: “统计”当作动词,用英文怎么说呢 -
惠东县新力回答: “统计”当作动词是count,读音:英[kaʊnt] 美[kaʊnt] 一、count的释义 n. 总数; 数数;罪状; 论点; v. 数数;计算总数; 统计;把…算入;重要; 二、count的释义 It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't...

爨凤15158284615问: pronounce带n怎么读 -
惠东县新力回答: pronounce的中文意思、音标、例句及语法 单词音标 英语音标:[prəˈnaʊns] 美语音标:[prəˈnaʊns] 转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究 中文翻译 vt.发音;宣告;宣判;断言 vi.发音;发表意见 单词例句 用作...

爨凤15158284615问: 天才的英文单词怎么拼 -
惠东县新力回答: 是genius,一下是具体解释,100分啊,想要啊啊啊O(∩_∩)O [di:njs] n. 天才, 天赋 Mozart showed genius even at the age of six, when he began to compose minuets. 莫扎特六岁时就开始创作小步舞曲, 展露才华. 天才人物 Einstein was a ...

爨凤15158284615问: ”确切的说”用英语怎么说? -
惠东县新力回答: 确切地说: 1. properly speaking2. be more exact Examples:1. 我不能确切地说出那所房子的年代,但一定是很古老的. I can't date that house exactly, but it must be very...

爨凤15158284615问: 副词的比较级有哪些 -
惠东县新力回答: (1) 一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示“某一类人”的名词.例如:work—__________ paint – ____________ play – ____________ski –____________ teach—___________ sing--_____________ jump-____________ learn—__...

爨凤15158284615问: “kung fu”用美式英语和英式英语怎么读? -
惠东县新力回答: kung fu英 [,kʌŋ'fu:] 美 [,kʌŋ'fu] n. 中国功夫vt. 用功夫击打 Can you tell me a little bit about Chinese Kung Fu? 你能告诉我一些关于中国功夫的事情吗?In fact any ability resulting from practice and cultivation could accurately be said to embodykung fu. 实际上任何从实践和修养得来的能力都可被准确地视作包含了功夫在内.

爨凤15158284615问: 中秋节来源的故事用英语怎么读 -
惠东县新力回答: Zhu Yuanzhang and the moon Uprising The Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes legend began in the yuan dynasty. At that time, the majority of the people to bear the cruel rule of the Yuan Dynasty ruling class, have anti-intifada yuan. Zhu Yuanzhang ...

爨凤15158284615问: 河北英语中考培训总结新浪
惠东县新力回答: 传统的中考英语复习教学,主要是学生自己看书,教师打印大量习题,迫使学生无休... 即使复习一个单词,也须具备整体观念,从其词形、读音、词义、搭配关系、语法特...

爨凤15158284615问: 有什么好方法可以记住很多东西? -
惠东县新力回答: 专家有过专门研究:人坐在马桶上边方便边记忆,记忆的东西又快又牢固! 呵呵 楼上的朋友说得对 其实我觉得应该做的第一步,就是分析清楚自己学英语的过程中,强项和弱项分别是什么(...

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