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有没有accept sb to do sth

英语This is a humable conclusion怎么翻译?
This is a humable conclusion的中文翻译是这是一个令人信服的结论 重点词汇:conclusion 词语分析:音标:英 [kənˈkluːʒn] 美 [kənˈkluːʒn]n. 结束, 结尾;信念, 意见, 结论 短语:in conclusion 总之;最后 draw a conclusion 得出结论...

英语近义词大全短语 abundant in (近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with)富于,富有 19.abundant in富于 20.accept sth同意某事 21.accept sb into sth\/ accept sb as sth接纳某人 22.accept that…相信\/认为…23.access to(不可数名词) 能接近,进入 辨析 accept:表示主观意愿 receive:表示客观事实(...

entertain vt. 娱乐;招待;怀抱;容纳 vi. 款待 accept vi. 承认;同意;承兑 vt. 接受;承认;承担;承兑;容纳

should、ought&have to、agree&accept、dress up&dress的意义区别及l...
典型用法 dress sb\/oneself; be dressed in sth let1 [let]vt.1. 让,允许,容许,许可[后接不定式,通常不带 to 或接动词短语中的副词等]:Let him tell you what has happened.让他告诉你发生了什么事情。2. 让…经过(或来、去);允许…通过:The secretary let me into the office.秘书...

你好~accept是接受的意思,使用方法是accept sth。agree是同意的意思,使用方法是agree with sth。通过使用方法就可以区别了~

accept sb as 接纳某人成为……26. Outdoor activitiesarereallyhelpful inbuilding up my body andenrichingmy schoollife. 2014.江西户外活动确实对我增强体质和丰富学校生活有益。be helpful in doing sth 对做某事有帮助27.As Teachers' Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate ...

牛津英语8b课文翻译 Chapter4 Educational visits
enabled sb to do sth 使得某人能够做某事 make sb able to do sth\/allow sb to do sth tea-making茶道 sightseeing tour观光旅游 sightsee[ 'saitsi: ]vi. 观光,游览 After the first five weeks, we visited Kyoto[ ki'?ut?u ], * the old capital of Japan, and Yokohama[ 'j?uk...

Cngratulation to sb 和congratulation sb on Sth 的区别
相信很多小伙伴也会遇到题目这两个短语,下面我就讲讲它们的区别ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ,Congratulations to sb表达一种更泛化的、不特定的祝贺;而Congratulations sb on sth 则明确了祝贺的具体事由,因此在具体性上有差异。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一...

(1) [take his words;readily accept sb's ideas] 说的话都听,出的主意都被采纳。形容非常信任解衣衣我,推食食我,言听计用。——《史记·淮阴侯列传》(2) 亦作“言听计从”言外之意yánwàizhīyì[implication;meaning underneath the words;read between the lines;what is actually meant] 含蓄...

仇熊13042638854问: 用accept...as造句急求啊大家快来看看!多造几个 -
留坝县五维回答: They accepted us as their equals

仇熊13042638854问: 【英语】【语法】这句话里的“to accept things as they are”是什么成分? -
留坝县五维回答: 是不定式短语作定语修饰refusal.其中as they are可以看作是不定式短语中的方式状语修饰accept.你的翻译是意译.本句字面意思是:伟大的思想来自于不断拒绝按事物的现状接受事物.

仇熊13042638854问: 动词+sb+as有哪些这样的词组 -
留坝县五维回答: regard sb as...

仇熊13042638854问: as和while引导让步状语从句的时候有什么区别 -
留坝县五维回答: as引导的让步状语从句的确需要倒装,而while则不需要adj+as sb be young as he is ,he can do a lot of things 尽管他很小N+as sb be child as he is .... 尽管他是个孩子ADV+as sb does well as he does 经管他做的很好.

仇熊13042638854问: 这个程序~~下列程序段的输出结果是( ). ACCEPT TO A IF A=〔123456〕 S=0 ENDIF S=1 ?S RETURN -
留坝县五维回答: if是条件语句,只有在条件为true的时候才会执行.你看你的程序,s=1是在endif后面,而不是elseif,所以无论如何s=1都会执行.所以s=1.另外A在ascii码 中表示65.即使s=1是在elseif条件中,s仍然等于1.

仇熊13042638854问: 动词+sb+as,哪些动词可用于此结构,大家帮帮忙啊,这今晚作业!! -
留坝县五维回答: 实意动词都可以啊……

仇熊13042638854问: pass+sb+sth与pass+sth+to+sb的区别 -
留坝县五维回答: 当sth为名词时,可以互换;但是当sth为人称代词时,这只能用pass sth to

仇熊13042638854问: 介词+sb+doing还是do -
留坝县五维回答: 你好 介词+doing或+名词 加动词的现在分词(doing)或者加名词,加sb的话看情况:例如for sb to do sth, it is +adj+for sb to do.名词+介词+doing 有些名词,其后通常接“介词+-ing分词”作后置修饰语,而一般不接to do,例如:aptitude, ...

仇熊13042638854问: [W49] I refuse to accept the blame for something - ---- - was someone else's fault. -
留坝县五维回答: 翻译:我拒绝接受那些因为别人过错而带来的责难.解释:1. 主句:I refuse to accept the blame for something. 我拒绝接受那些因为某事而受到的责难/备.定语从句:___ was someone else's fault.2. 其中,先行词是something指物,排除指人的...

仇熊13042638854问: i refuse to accept the blame. - --was someone else's fault -
留坝县五维回答: 因为中间是句号 表示前面是个完整的句子 后面也是个完整的句子. i refuse to accept the blame as that was someone else's fault.which was what 不能用在此处 因为先行词blame已经出现. what 应该用在先行词没出现的地方 比如 i have finally found what they are looking for.或用which,句子变成i have finally found the letter which they are looking for. 这里的letter 就是先行词~ 希望能帮到你 欢迎追问~

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