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gY0AMIGJAoGBAPplyda0uRqN\/xAoYqPY\/a3kq1bFKpmSBPnGjMxCMwSa9sPxG1GL cirwWPkRL46lOYgXOuXafyW7p85rhRp4WU5gqHVx8676dCPIDTI1kYVo12Wwc753 +\/UQhwryscbxANMNZINXb53\/2CH86y4gjnOzVpWXbPbd9BYDMcq\/uCLRAgMBAAGj geswgegwEgYDVR0TAQH\/BAgwBgEB\/wIBADBwBgNVHR8EaTBnMGWgY6Bhhl9odHRw Oi8vb...

BN cabinet electric insulation products when similar foreign products designed bit, with novel styles, reasonable structure, convenient operation, fast heat up, temperature uniformity, energy-saving features, etc., apply to hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, large traffic place.First, the...

MFC 为什么服务端不能发消息到客户端的??
Return Value If no error occurs, Receive returns the number of bytes received. If the connection has been closed, it returns 0. Otherwise, a value of SOCKET_ERROR is returned, and a specific error code can be retrieved by calling GetLastError. The following errors apply to this ...

It would take the form of a reverse takeover where the $500m KazakhGold would absorb the $10bn Polyus. The enlarged company would then be renamed Polyus International and potentially apply for a place in the FTSE 100. The deal would effectively use KazakhGold as a vehicle to ...

我是沈阳铁通的用户最近两天网速突然变慢了hfbn的ping都特夸张请问这是我的问题还是铁通的问题谢谢... 我是沈阳铁通的用户 最近两天网速突然变慢了 hf bn的ping都特夸张 请问这是我的问题还是铁通的问题 谢谢 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 张桂梅帮助的只有女生吗? 及虹英5g 2006-01-25 · TA获得超...

Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn. C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as ...apply C. reply D. demand 29. A. situations B. disadvantages C. opportunities D. conditions 30. A. few B. many C. honourable D. leading ...

TE文-亚马逊帝国 经典句型巩固翻译
自2015年初至今,亚马逊股票价格已经上涨了173%,增长速度是前两年的7倍(比标准普尔500指数快了12倍)3.With a market capitalization of some 400 bn, it is the fifth most valuable firm in the world.它的市值约4000亿美元,位列全球第五 4.Never before has a company been worth so much ...

The antenna of the network has already extend to the square aspect noodles of the social activities, the network is an information-based form, enrich of information resources and obtain a way conveniently just is an information-based contents and the substance.Along with science and ...

倍压器 ; 电压倍增器倍压器 ; [电子] 电压倍增器 ; 电压乘法器 image multiplier 影像倍增器 例句:Now we try to apply our Lagrange multiplier equations.现在我们来用拉格朗日乘数法方程。The debate hinges on the scale of the "fiscal multiplier".争论的焦点主要集中在“财政乘数”的规模。

关于开头是did you know that more than 8.3 tons of foo
The UK government is considering removing “Best Before” dates on food packaging in the country, in order to prevent throwing away of million tons of eatable produce worth £6bn each year.According to the Waste and Resources Action Program, British families throw away 8.3 ...

独孤贸13535684731问: R的apply函数怎么用 -
青田县辰龙回答: apply函数经常用来计算矩阵中行或列的均值、和值的函数,具体方法如下: apply(x,计算行或列数字代码,函数),详见例子: > b first second one 1 2 two 3 4 three 5 6 > apply(b,1,sum)#第一个参数表示要计算的矩阵,第二个参数1表示计算每一行,第三个参数是要计算每一行的函数,这里是求每一行的和.

独孤贸13535684731问: apply的用法? -
青田县辰龙回答: apply(vi.)作“申请”解,常用apply to sb. for sth. 结构,意为向某人申请某事.如: He has applied to the banker for a loan.他向银行家申请贷款. She applied to the manager for a post in England.她向经理申请去英国工作的职位. application(n.)和apply(vt.)还作“应用”,“运用”解.如: The application of new scientific discoveries usually makes jobs easier.运用新的科学发现通常使工作更容易了.

独孤贸13535684731问: applications的词根的派生词 -
青田县辰龙回答: application = ap-【加强含义】+plic-【折叠,引申为卷入】 + -ation【名词后缀】. 核心词根为plic-表示重叠、折叠.例如: accomplice appliance applicable applicant apply compliance complicate complicity comply duplicate explicable explicit implicit imply mutiplicity pliable reply supply 等等. 具体可参考手机app词根词缀记忆字典.很全的啊.

独孤贸13535684731问: apply加后缀ant是什么 -
青田县辰龙回答: apply加后缀ant 成为单词: applicant 读音音标: 英 [ˈæplɪkənt] 美 [ˈæplɪkənt] 单词词义: n. 申请人,求职人;请求者

独孤贸13535684731问: 英语单词apply的同根词及其用法!谢谢高手,全面最好. -
青田县辰龙回答: application: [ .æpli'keiʃən ]n. 申请 n. 应用软件程序例句与用法: 1. The manager received twenty applications for the post.经理收到了二十份求职申请书.2. We made an application to the court for an inquiry.我们曾请求法院调查.3. ...

独孤贸13535684731问: apply;申请的用法有那些?急 -
青田县辰龙回答: 1、apply表示“应用”、“运用”、“适用”等,注意以下用法:①表示“应用”、“运用”等,通常为及物动词;要表示“将...运用到...”,通常用介词 to:②表示“适用”,通常为不及物动词;要表示“适用于...”,通常用介词 to(不能用 ...

独孤贸13535684731问: Apply to+doing 和apply for +doing这些用法对吗 -
青田县辰龙回答: apply for sth./apply(sb.) to doing sth.一般不用apply for doing

独孤贸13535684731问: js中的call和apply方法的区别 -
青田县辰龙回答: cal,apply,第一个传参就是内部改变this,区别在于给函数传参不一样.这里不讨论this,举例:function a(b,c){return b*c} a.call(null,2,3) === 6 a.apply(null,[2,3]) === 6

独孤贸13535684731问: python语言中apply函数的作用? -
青田县辰龙回答: #!/usr/bin/env python def add2(x, y): return x+y print add2(1,2) print apply(add2, (1,2))

独孤贸13535684731问: 关于apply的主被动用法 -
青田县辰龙回答: 过去分词applied by men bearing arms修饰hard power,做定语 可以这样翻译: 毕竟,伊拉克的恐怖事件对于限制持枪者运用的硬实力是有力的证明.这个句子中的“applied by”还是实施,运用的意思 sound 有“健康的,合理的”意思 由住房部门实施的健康的经济政策

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