
作者&投稿:戴聂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语作文“a nice windy day“
It’s a windy day.The wind is blowing hard.Paper is blowing everywhere.The wind blew the man’s hat off.It blew the woman’s hat off.It blew a bird off the telephone wire.The other birds laughed.The wind keeps blowing.The trees are bending over.The people outside are ...

单词解析:一、windy 1、读音:英 ['wɪndi] 美 ['wɪndi]2、翻译:adj. 有风的;多风的 3、例句:Hold on to the hat on a windy day.在有风的日子里请紧紧抓住帽子。二、sunny 1、读音:英 ['sʌni] 美 ['sʌni]2、翻译:adj. 阳光充足的;晴朗的;明媚...

一、词语搭配 get windy 有风 Windy Bike 疾速骑士 Windy whistle 主题曲 windy night 多风的夜晚 ; 风夜 ; 一个有风的晚上 二、双语例句 1.It was so windy I could hardly keep my feet.风很大,我几乎站不稳脚跟。2.Today is a cold ( and) windy day.今天是又冷又刮风的一天。3....

I was a busy last weeked。这个语法有什么问题?
这两句都没问题。I was busy last weekend.这的busy是形容词。意思是我上周末很忙。I was a busy last weekend.这的busy是名词。表示爱管闲事的人,整句话得意思就是上周末我成了爱管闲事的人。It was a windy day.a 和windy 都是day的修饰词。day是单数可数名词,所以要在前加a....

Sunny, 代表着阳光明媚,如"Sunny weather alternates with rain.",意味着天气晴雨相间。多云的天气可以用cloudy来表达,"In a cloudy sky, only one star can be seen",形容的是阴天的景象。windy则意味着有风,"Hold on to your hat on a windy day",提醒我们在刮风的日子里注意防风。rainy...

五年级英语作文a windy day
On a strong windy day, people will be running home because of the wind, and trash will be thrown up in the air everywhere. What a terrible scene!It is better to wear a mask, in case of the flying sand. And standing under a tree may be dangerous because the tree will ...

形容词的巧妙运用在语言表达中起着至关重要的作用。首先,形容词可以作为定语或表语使用,如在"It's a cold and windy day."中,"cold"和"windy"修饰"day"。其次,它们遵循特定顺序修饰名词,如"small"、"round"、"white"等,决定了描述的细致程度。形容词还能构成复合形容词,如"English-speaking"...

04 Windy whistle 主题曲; Windy Bike 疾速骑士; bit windy 位风 ; 位多风 ; 正在翻译 。05 And I like windy weather, too. 我也喜欢有风的天气。 I like the windy day in spring. 我喜欢春天的有风的日子。 For me, Christmas always began in the middle of the ...

lt's warm and winday是什么意思
句中的“winday”应该是“windy”,意思是“有风的”;“lt's warm and windy”的意思是:天气很暖和,而且还有点风。

刮风那天我试着去拉你的手 The wind that day I try to pull your hand 但是偏偏雨渐大,直到你在我的视野里慢慢消失 But just the rain gradually, until you in my view slowly disappears 从前有一个男孩爱你爱的很深 Once there was a boy love you to love of deep 但是偏偏风渐大,...

良凯15364861938问: a windy day作文40字样 -
内江市五味回答:[答案] It's a windy day.The wind is blowing hard.Paper is blowing everywhere.The wind blew the man's hat off.It blew the woman's hat off.It blew a bird off the telephone wire.The other birds laughed.The w...

良凯15364861938问: 五年级英语作文a windy day -
内江市五味回答:[答案] On a strong windy day,people will be running home because of the wind,and trash will be thrown up in the air everywhere.What a terrible scene!It is better to wear a mask,in case of the flying sand.And...

良凯15364861938问: A windy day? 作文45字 -
内江市五味回答: It's a windy day. The wind is blowing hard. Paper is blowing everywhere. The wind blew the man's hat off. It blew the woman's hat off. It blew a bird off the telephone wire. The other birds laughed. The wind keeps blowing. The trees are bending ...

良凯15364861938问: 五年级英语作文a windy day -
内江市五味回答: On a strong windy day, people will be running home because of the wind, and trash will be thrown up in the air everywhere. What a terrible scene! It is better to wear a mask, in case of the flying sand. And standing under a tree may be dangerous ...

良凯15364861938问: 英语作文:on a windy day.60词 -
内江市五味回答: Today is a windy day. We did a lot of interesting things today. First we put out some balloons. They flew away quickly. Second we stood in the wind and felt it. It was a little bit cold but we are very happy. It was a very happy day today.

良凯15364861938问: A windy day为题,写一段文字,不少于35个单词 -
内江市五味回答: A windy day It is a windy day today. It's cold outside. There are not many people on the street. I usually go to school by bike, but now I have to take a bus because it's too hard to ride a bike on a windy day. I hope the wind can go away quickly so that ...

良凯15364861938问: On a windy day 作文 -
内江市五味回答: a windy day英语作文不少于6句话

良凯15364861938问: A rainy day 英语作文,80词 -
内江市五味回答: 一个下雨天(A rainy day) This morning,I woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. Unwillingly opened my eyes, I found it was 6:30 already.Nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. What a cold day! How comfortable it ...

良凯15364861938问: 英语作文:on a windy day.60词 -
内江市五味回答:[答案] Today is a windy day. We did a lot of interesting things today. First we put out some balloons. They flew away quickly. Second we stood in the wind and felt it. It was a little bit cold but we are ver...

良凯15364861938问: 以a wind day 为一提题写一篇短文英文 -
内江市五味回答:[答案] It's a windy day.The wind is blowing hard.Paper is blowing everywhere.The wind blew the man's hat off.It blew the woman's hat off.It blew a bird off the telephone wire.The other birds laughed.The w...

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