
作者&投稿:秋宋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n. 天气,气象,境遇 vt. 使风化,经受住,使日晒雨淋 vi. 风化,褪色,经受风雨 adj. 上风的,天气预报的 n. (名词)1. weather的基本意思是“天气、气象”,指某一地区某一时间的具体天气情况,如阴晴、气温、降水、风力、风向等。weather引申可指“处境”。2. weather是不可数名词,其前不可...


weather有名词和动词两种词性,这里讲名词 weather ['weðə] n.1. 天气,气象条件,大气条件 2. 恶劣天气 3. 天气预报 4. 潮湿冷空气 5. [常用复数]处境,境况 6. 【航海学】上风面,向风侧 April weather (四月里的)变化无常的天气\/ 一会儿晴一会儿阴 bro...

weather 天气

weather,是不可数名词。解析: weather是天气的意思,天气是不可数的,所说weather是不可数名词。weather,读音:英 ['weðə(r)]美 ['weðər]n. 天气;气象;境遇 vt. 使风化;经受住;使日晒雨淋 vi. 风化;褪色;经受风雨 adj. 上风的;天气预报的 词汇搭配:1、...

weather可用作名词,有天气,气象预报等含义;用作动词时,有(因受风吹、日晒、雨淋等,使) 退色,变色等含义。weather的释义 n.天气; 气象; 气象预报;v.(因受风吹、日晒、雨淋等,使) 退色,变色,变形; 经受住,平安地渡过(困难);第三人称单数:weathers 现在分词:weathering 过去式:...

weather造句:1.Don't believe the weather forecast casually.天气预报不要随便相信。2.Due to the bad weather,the competition has been cancelled.由于天气恶劣,比赛已取消。3.Many people go out to wear hats in hot weather.高温天气下很多人出去戴帽子。4.I like warm weather.我喜欢暖和的...

weather,n. 天气;气象;气候;处境 这个单词里包含的单词还有:we(我们)、eat(吃)、the(定冠词,那个,一个)、ear(耳朵)、wear(穿戴)、at(介词,在...),he(他)、her(她)、hear(听)、wether(阉羊)。

weather的定义和解释 Weather是英文中表示“天气”的词语,指的是大气所具有的变化过程和气象要素,包括温度、湿度、气压、风、降水等等。Weather在不同的地区、不同的季节会呈现出不同的状态,它可以影响我们的衣食住行,甚至我们的生活和工作。Weather是我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,深入了解和了解...


余飘13914339425问: 英语作文a weather report,初一水平!!! -
虎亭区参芪回答: Autumn seemed to be so close, with less sunlight cast their final figure, at a corner of the corridor in shadow, by wind honed to the increasingly weak. I do not know that figure who are followers, I do not know who gave it life, may be just a bike, or it is ...

余飘13914339425问: A weather report in China的英语作文, -
虎亭区参芪回答:[答案] Local Weather Report for China - Beijing City: Beijing China Current Beijing Weather Conditions\x05Updated Aug 29,2011 4:00 PM Mostly Cloudy,Temperature:31°C\x05Dew Point:24°C Barometer:101 kPa\x05 Wind:SW 8 km/h Humidity:\x0566.4 %\x...

余飘13914339425问: A weather report 什么意思?
虎亭区参芪回答: 天气预报

余飘13914339425问: The weather report 英语作文.至少10句话 -
虎亭区参芪回答: 1. The weather focus for tomorrow is cloudy with occasionally shower. The temperature is ranged from celsius 32 to 27 degree. For those who are leaving the home for work or school, remember to bring along their uumbrellas. 2. A weather report for ...

余飘13914339425问: A Weather Report 任意地点天气 50词左右 -
虎亭区参芪回答: A weather report Good morning, Everyone! Now, I will tell you lately weather. In the past days, It was always sunny and the temperature was high. But it turn cool today. And it will rain tomorrow, so please take your umbrella when you go out .

余飘13914339425问: 用英语写一份天气预报.必须简单点啊. -
虎亭区参芪回答: Weather Report Beijing This is the weather report. This afternoon is will be cloudy with a light south wind. It will reach a high of 8 degrees. Tonight is will be snowy with a low of 4. Thank you for listening. 天气预报 北京 现在是天气预报. 今天下午天气多云, 关伴有偏小级的南风, 最高温度8摄氏度. 今天产夜间会有降雪, 最低气温4摄氏度. 谢谢收听.

余飘13914339425问: weather report是什么意思 -
虎亭区参芪回答: weather report 英[ˈweðə riˈpɔ:t] 美[ˈwɛðɚ rɪˈpɔrt] [词典] 气象报告; [网络] 天气预报; 报告; 天气报告; [例句]Annie: I watched the weather report this morning.安妮:今天早上我看了天气预报.

余飘13914339425问: 以"the weather report"为题,写一篇短文,至少6句话,用三种句型.秒求大神 -
虎亭区参芪回答: Good morning ! Here's the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It's very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there's beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is ...

余飘13914339425问: A weather report usuallg answers these - ----------. -
虎亭区参芪回答: questions 希望能帮到你,祝你更上一层楼,有不会的可以继续问哦~~

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