
作者&投稿:沙净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

两个都可以, 主要用法如下:1 sports meeting 运动会(英式英语)sports meet 运动会(美式英语)2 meet作名词,有个意思是“集会;运动会(多指单项比赛,如田径、游泳、体操等)”,例:hold an athletic meet举行运动会(或田径比赛)a swimming meet游泳比赛 a basketball meet篮球比赛 但是现在, ...

sports meeting和sports meet区别
你好:两个都可以, 主要用法如下:1 sports meeting 运动会(英式英语)sports meet 运动会(美式英语)2 meet作名词,有个意思是“集会;运动会(多指单项比赛,如田径、游泳、体操等)”,例:hold an athletic meet举行运动会(或田径比赛)a swimming meet游泳比赛 a basketball meet篮球比赛 ...

sports meeting [体]运动会;双语例句 1,Our headmaster with our performance at the sports meeting.校长对我们在运动会上的表现很满意。2,They are getting ready to hold a sports meeting.他们正在为举行运动会做准备。3,The heavy rain means putting off the sports meeting.大雨意味着运动会...

the sports meeting是什么意思
【sports meeting】【[体]运动会】【双语例句】There is a sports meeting next week.下周有一场运动会。We have a sports meeting in our school every term.我们学校每学期开一次运动会。We calculate on having fine weather for the sports meeting.我们指望开运动会时有一个好天气。The first ...

汉语读音:[yùn dòng huì]英文:sports meet; athletic meeting; games; an athletic meeting game ;例句:1.This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.这次的兴奋剂丑闻又给奥林匹克运动会抹了黑。2.As the modern Olympics grew in stature, so too did athletics.随着现代奥林...

运动会为什么叫运动会(sports meeting)?为什么叫“会”?有什么起源么...
会就是聚会,会合,会面的意思,而会面用英语表达就是meet,所以运动会即sports meet或sports meeting ,美国英语和英国英语

参加运动会的英文是Participate in the sports meeting。例句:1、我想参加运动会。I want to take part in the sports meeting 2、这次参加运动会是为了证明我自己。I took part in the sports meeting to prove myself.3、参加运动会的人很多,你要小心。There are many people participating in ...

who+took+part+in+the+sports+meet+in+your+class 用meeting。sports meeting运动会。你们班谁参加运动会?

sports meeting 中sports是什么词性?
赞成楼上的说法。名词做定语!sports 是名词不是形容词,您想想运动会是有很多体育运动的,所以要用复数!名词当了定语后起说明作用。解释后面meeting的属性!希望采纳!

Sports meeting这个复合型名词为啥后面不加s而是前面+s呢
为您解答 Sports这种复数形式通常用在名词前面形成复合名词,比如a sports centre, sports equipment, sports injuries等等。Sport讲一种运动时是不可数的(除非你想描述一个类型),比如Baseball is a kind of sport.以上是通常的用法,事实上,英美英语里面对sport,sports的用法是不同的,英式不加s当做...

以樊18750494436问: sports meeting与sport meeting哪个对? -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: sports meeting是对的,sports 表示运动,都是以复数出现的

以樊18750494436问: the sports meeting - ---- - A. is put off B.is to put off C. is to be put off D. puts off 求详解? -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: the sports meeting ______ A. is put off B.is to put off C. is to be put off D. puts off 本题选【A】put off是推迟的含义. 本题指运动会被推迟了,所以使用被动语态. 一般现在时的被动语态是am/ is /are+ done(过去分词),本题中the sports meeting是单数因此选A

以樊18750494436问: Sports meeting这个复合型名词为啥后面不加s而是前面+s呢 -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: 为您解答Sports这种复数形式通常用在名词前面形成复合名词,比如a sports centre, sports equipment, sports injuries等等.Sport讲一种运动时是不可数的(除非你想描述一个类型),比如Baseball is a kind of sport.以上是通常的用法,事实上,英美英语里面对sport,sports的用法是不同的,英式不加s当做集合名词使用,美式通常加s.不必过于深入琢磨.

以樊18750494436问: 请大家帮我写一篇英语作文 A sport meeting -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: A Sports Meeting Our school had a sports meeting last week.It was very interesting.Early last Friday morning,all the teachers and students gathered on the play ground.We had the opening ceremony there.Then the meeting began.We had running,...

以樊18750494436问: 以An Exciting Sports Meeting为题写一篇60字的英语作文 -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: Here is a football game.One of the team is English team and another team is Australian Team.Both of the teams are trying their best to play football.The football player passes football to another Player.And then Cheer team and people are shouting to them.Oh how exciting the football Game is.

以樊18750494436问: there will be held a sport meeting还是there will be a sport meeting -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: 我觉得是后者.前者一般为A sport meeting will be held

以樊18750494436问: 英语习题------- - a sport meeting tomorrow.A.there is going to have B.there is going to be -
杏花岭区氨麻回答:[答案] 选B be going to 译为将要. there be 结构译为"有' 后面的be为there be 句型

以樊18750494436问: A CLASS MEETING 英语作文怎么写 -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: We held a class meeting yesterday afternoon. Lily took charge of the meeting. At the meeting we mainly discussed one thing, that was who would be our monitor. Some students elected Mary because she has experience. Others elected Tony. ...

以樊18750494436问: There is going to be a school sports meet next month.谢谢你,再帮帮忙 -
杏花岭区氨麻回答: 1,用be错误,应该改成have ,There is going to be 意思是将会变成XXX 2,sports meeting 是固定搭配,意思是运动会 所以正确的句子为:There is going to have a school sports meeting next month. 或者Our school will hold a sports meeting next month.

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