
作者&投稿:成王汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语单选提问:soil 与earth 的区别。
land国土\/陆地的意思;soil着重意思为泥土,污渍;earth侧重可以表示土地,土壤意思;dirt污垢;答案为: C 望采纳,谢谢!

Cold weather and poor soil could not support such a farm economy...
做状语 翻译为:正如在南方发现的那样

英译汉要地道些的:poor food \/ light \/ soil
粗茶淡饭 灯光昏暗 土壤贫瘠

[poor soil;sterile land] 贫脊荒凉不长庄稼的地方,废弃的土地 南方不毛之地,瘴疫之乡。――《三国演义》不可思议 [unimaginable]∶指怪诞出乎常情 这样一种不可思议的事情变化缺乏可能性 [inconceivable]∶对事物的情况、发展变化或言论无法想象 一件事既是又非,是不可思议的 聊以自慰 姑且用来自我...

雏菊英文:daisy 、marguerite 1、daisy 读音:英 ['deɪzi] 美 ['deɪzi]释义:n. 雏菊;菊科植物;<俚>极好的东西;[大写]黛西(女子名)例句:I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular.我特别喜欢雏菊和矢车菊。2、marguerite 读音:英 [ˌmɑ:gəˈ...

numerous islands, shoreline setbacks, and numerous natural harbor. However, in mountainous and poor soil, not suitable for farming, the special geographical environment caused by the diversity of their national way of life, while the geographical environment of the poor has resulted in th...

36.a variety of = various各种不同的 37.in poor soil 在贫瘠的土壤里38.make good money 挣大钱 39. year after year 年复一年40.research on\/ into do research \/on into\/to do 对…调查研究41.practical guide to sth\/doing 对…实际的\/有用的指导42.at the right\/correct time of the year 在...

dirty里的ir音标为[ɜ:]。具体释义如下:dirty 英 [ˈdɜ:ti] 美 [ˈdɜ:rti]adj.肮脏的;恶劣的;卑劣的;下流的 vt.弄脏,污染;使名声受玷污 vi.变脏,污染 第三人称单数: dirties 现在分词: dirtying 过去式: dirtied 过去分词: dirtied 比较级:...

阿特伯格极限 我们知道,粒子的粘土分数可能包括细磨面粉岩石或粘土矿物。由于其晶体结构和形状,粘土矿物有强烈的表面势力占优势超过了重力的力量。表面上的力量吸引水分子向粘土粒子。那些最接近其粘土颗粒紧密地举行,以粘土及性能有很大的不同,从那些普通的水。这就是所谓吸附的水和被认为是给粘土其...

A. the way in which poor soil is made better B. the way in which Chinese farmers work on their land C. the way in which crops develop from seed D. the way in which farmers take care of the environment 学生活动:认真阅读课文完成任务,然后向全班汇报。 设计意图:训练学生快速查读细节、捕捉...

鄣晨17327432184问: soil 是可数名词吗 -
扎鲁特旗保和回答: 泛指“土壤”是不可数的: The soil here is very poor.此处土壤贫瘠. 但特指“某一片,某一种土壤”时,可数,前面可加a: The plant grows well in a sandy soil. 这种作物在沙土里长的好.

鄣晨17327432184问: 不定冠词a/an+名词和the+名词表示类指的区别,并举例. -
扎鲁特旗保和回答: a/an 表示一个或一种,例如:an apple,a kind of.也表示前面没有提到过的一件东西或事情. 而the可以表示一类,例如:the poor指穷人们,the Smiths 表示史密斯一家,也可以表示特指,也可以表示独一无二,例如:the earth.还有除了二胡以外,其他的乐器都必须加the.

鄣晨17327432184问: 高一英语需要背的单词和词组请把高一要背的和重要的都总结出来细细
扎鲁特旗保和回答: Unit 16 actise doing sth 练习做... 2.Safety comes first. 安全第一. careful ... = various各种不同的 poor soil 在贫瘠的土壤里 kegoodmoney挣大钱 arafteryear年复一年...

鄣晨17327432184问: 例:big - i+a=bag 1.thank - ()+()=() 2.pool - ()+()=() 3.soon - ()+()=() 4.might - ()+()=()
扎鲁特旗保和回答: 1.thank-a+i=think想 2.pool-l+r=poor贫穷 3.soon-s+m=moon月亮 4.might-m+l=light轻的,光 5.soup-p+l=soul灵魂 6.them-m+y=they他们

鄣晨17327432184问: 英语什么时候用such什么时候用so? -
扎鲁特旗保和回答: Can you believe that in ___such___(such/so)a rich country there should be _so____(such/so)many poor people?” such与so的区别与用法 such与so的意思都是“如此,这样”.但两者用法根本不同,与what和how引导的感叹句相类似. 1、such...

鄣晨17327432184问: the + adi+ 什么 后面是跟is 还是are 帮我分析一下 谢谢大神 -
扎鲁特旗保和回答: the + old/young/rich/poor这一类的形容词,表示某一类人,都是用复数.

鄣晨17327432184问: 初一下英语题目阅读完形填空Today a lot of good land has gone with them,leaving only wilderness or areas with poor soil.W______still,too many trees are still ... -
扎鲁特旗保和回答:[答案] 答案应该是worse,意思是“更为糟糕的是”

鄣晨17327432184问: 根据首字母和句意填空:A() they are poor,they are happy -
扎鲁特旗保和回答: 为您解答.Although they are poor, they are happy.虽然他们很穷,可他们很快乐. although,虽然.

鄣晨17327432184问: ...where no one could see it.But without sunlight and good soil,the tree soon died.Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor ... -
扎鲁特旗保和回答:[答案] Why does the farmer plant the tree in his wood He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road,strangers would steal the fruit.If he planted the tree in one of his field,his neighbors would co...

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