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memorable 英 [ˈmemərəbl]美 [ˈmɛmərəbəl]adj.值得纪念的; 显著的,难忘的; 重大的,著名的

值得纪念的, 难忘的

memorable 英 [ˈmemərəbl] 美 [ˈmɛmərəbəl]adj.值得纪念的;显著的,难忘的;重大的,著名的

Try Something New for 30 Days来源: TED.com
There's a few things I learned while doing these 30-day challenges. The first was, instead of the months flying by, forgotten, the time was much more memorabl 当我在做这些30天的挑战时,我学到一些东西。 第一就是,这段时间没有飞逝而去,被快速地遗忘,它反而更加令人难忘 This ...

diary entries什么意思\/用法
一、“diary entries”意思是:日记记录。例句1:Now a series of diary entries,written by a woman who saw those memoranms,has come to light.翻译:现在,一系列日记作品问世了,它由一名当时看了那些回忆录的妇女所写。例句2:The envelope contained copies of what appeared to be diary ...

宦咽19852269796问: A memorable gift英语作文200单词 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: When I was young,my father who always taught me how to be a true mantold me that it is essential to be tolerant in your life whatever happens.我年轻的时候,我的父亲,总是教我如何成为一个真正的男人,告诉我,在你的生活无论发生什么事,宽...

宦咽19852269796问: 一次难忘的旅游经历.用英语怎么说? -
鹿邑县和畅回答: 一次难忘的旅游经历 An unforgettable travel experience 长段文字建议使用有道翻译,翻译结果仅供参考

宦咽19852269796问: "这真是一次难忘的旅行啊"怎么翻译成英文 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: It was a memorable trip

宦咽19852269796问: “真是一次难忘的旅行啊”用英语怎么说? -
鹿邑县和畅回答: how unforgetable the trip is! It is a unforgetable trip.

宦咽19852269796问: 英语作文My trip to…….怎么写 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: My Trip to Hong Kong Last winter vacation, my parents took me for a trip to Hong Kong by plane. We spent three days there. On the first day, we went to the Ocean Park and Disneyland. We had much fun there. On the second day, my parents took ...

宦咽19852269796问: a memorable journey150词大一作文 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend. Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown flat onto the concrete road, knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike. Soft dust blurred my eyes and grated my teeth. This must be ...

宦咽19852269796问: a memorable day是什么意思 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: a memorable day 难忘的一天 memorable[英][ˈmemərəbl][美][ˈmɛmərəbəl] adj.值得纪念的; 显著的,难忘的; 重大的,著名的; 例句:1.Every memorable class is a bit like a jazz composition. 每一堂难忘的课程都有点像爵士乐.2.He crashed his way through all obama's most memorable speeches. 他一路赶出了几乎所有奥巴马令人难忘的演讲.

宦咽19852269796问: 《人生旅程》英语翻译 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: 人生就象一次旅行,在旅行中,我们有过快乐与痛苦,有过成功与失败,有过名誉与耻辱.不管你愿意不愿意去接受,遇到了就应当坦诚去面对,不要逃避,不要埋怨命运的不公,不要责骂现实的残酷,一切的困难都是要靠勇气与毅力去战胜的...

宦咽19852269796问: 英语单词trip是什么意思 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: 你好!trip 英[trɪp] 美[trɪp] n. 旅游,出行; 摔倒,绊倒; 绊(使某人跌倒的动作); 错误,过失; vi. 旅行; 绊倒,绊; 轻快地走,跳; vt. 使犯错误; 松开(离合器等)以开动; [例句]On the Thursday we went out on a day trip 星期四我们出去玩了一天.

宦咽19852269796问: 难忘的英语 -
鹿邑县和畅回答: 难忘的要根据语境来进行翻译:1. 最常见的书面翻译你可以用unforgettable,memorable,比如:我今年夏天参加了一个令人难忘的夏令营.I went to a memorable/unforgettable summer camp this summer.2. 口语中提到难忘,可以用impressive 或...

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