
作者&投稿:佐肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

36、我以为我们很好,其实我们彼此心里都明白。 I thought we were good, but in fact we knew each other in our hearts. 37、最美的感动是我以为人去楼空的时候,你依然在。 The most beautiful thing is that when I think people go to the empty building, you are still there. 38、睫毛下的眼泪,是...

29、优秀的人都善于团结人,而最能征服人心的力量,恰恰是对他人发自内心的尊重。Good people are good at united, but most can conquer the power of the people is a heartfelt respect to others.30、搅拌机,善于把分散的颗粒,凝聚成牢固的整体,机声隆隆,高奏着团结进行曲。Mixer, is good...

55、Life is a intereone in the ; Again the sea, the mind can open; Good, play to have , then ise to decrease,; ) to increase quantity to jealousy, diminishing. Steps to increase to decrease, alcohol and tobacco.生活加减法:知识要递增,烦恼要递减;友情要递增,怨恨要递减;...

中国谚语 Dont take charge of, dont kno emotional. 30、卑鄙小人总是忘恩负义的,忘恩负义原本卑鄙的一部分。雨果 Dirty dog always ungrateful, ungrateful originally part of the base. 31、感恩是美德中最微小的,忘恩负义是品行中最不好的。英国谚语 Thanksgiving is a virtue of the smallest, ungrateful...

1、I love you not because of eone is to be sitting right beside them knoan, e you.用礼物买来的朋友终会被买走。12、Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the pany on the road is the shortest cut.有了好的旅伴,路途就变得无比短暂。30、Love is the ...

1、因为你,我懂得了爱。Because of you, I knoforting me b.11、我为你而生,你因我而存在。I was born for you, and you were there for me.12、没有了你这个世界多么寂寞。How lonely you are in this world without you.13、我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。I need him like I need...

A good reading reading this prehensive study of kno and insight.35、阅读,带来不经意间的心灵悸动,带来未曾体会的精神旅途。阅读的时光,心中安静。Reading, bring you heart throb, bring not spiritual journey. Reading time, quiet in my heart.36、渐渐发现,越是不想阅读的时候去阅读,反而...

001 The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处。 2002-02-12 002 Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher. 美德和幸福犹如母女。 2002-02-12 003 TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。 2002-02-...

is summed up in tething. 天生我才必有用。8. And gladly es from experience alone. 知识来自实践。14. kno the mistakes of others and prevent your o is more precious than pass.生活没有目标就像帆海没有罗盘。54. Nothing is impossible to a it.我们来到世上是为了尽本人所能给生活...

39、Cried enough, you will go, injury will be good、 哭过了就好了,你都会走的,伤也会好的。 40、A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself、 朋友就是那些你敢在他们面前做自己的人。 41、Action may not always bring happines、 行动不一定带来幸福。 42、If you are tired dont ...

呈叙18776289344问: knowledge 不可数 ,为啥a good knowledge??? -
裕民县罗红回答: 知识本身不可数 但是加了a good就是“对知识有一个很好的见解”的意思了,所以是可以用a的不知解释清楚了没,如果还有问题问我

呈叙18776289344问: knowledge是可数名词吗 -
裕民县罗红回答: knowledge不可数. knowledge 英 ['nɒlɪdʒ] 美 ['nɑːlɪdʒ] n. 学问;了解;知识;认识;知道 1、knowledge可表示“了解,知道”或“知识,认识,学问”等,是不可数名词.有时在knowledge前可直接加上不定冠词a,表示“对…有某...

呈叙18776289344问: konwledge是可数名词吗? -
裕民县罗红回答: 有两重用法一种 最常用的是不可数 表示知识,如: Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive. 还有一种,可数,但只作为单数,这个形式用法单一,即a + 形容词 +knowledge(表示一种特定的知识) 如: He has a limited knowledge of French. 即除了以上表示一种特定知识(a + 形容词 +knowledge)以外,都不可数

呈叙18776289344问: a good knowledge of是什么意思 -
裕民县罗红回答: 对....有很好的了解或者说很精通某某东西 例句: We are looking for someone with a good knowledge of german . 我们正在找一个精通德语的人.

呈叙18776289344问: 关于a+adj+不可数名词?有一道题目: -
裕民县罗红回答: 不可数名词+adj可以+冠词a的情况: a heavy rain\snow have a rich breakfast\lunch\supper (一日三餐) a (good)knowledge of have a great interest in receive a good education give sb. a big surprise a good time a big disappointment 这些要靠平时积累和背诵.

呈叙18776289344问: a good knowledge??? -
裕民县罗红回答: 当knowledge指一个人对某一具体事物或具体学科的知识时,可以与不定冠词a连用(不管有...

呈叙18776289344问: 名词什么时候加a什么时候不加a的情况形容词+名词前面什么时候加a?比如说,a good knowledge,a big supper.但是为什么good news ,nice weather前又不加... -
裕民县罗红回答:[答案] a/an/the (+ 形容词) + 可数名词单数(形容词+)可数名词复数knowledge,supper为可数名词所以也可以是good knowledges,big suppers(形容词+)不可数名词 news,weather为不可数名词 a/an/the +量词单数+of+不可数名...

呈叙18776289344问: knowledge是可数还是不可数名词? -
裕民县罗红回答: 不可数名词 !

呈叙18776289344问: have a good knowledge of这个短语的意思是什么,以及它的用法是什么,例外就是knowledge具体用法? -
裕民县罗红回答:[答案] have a good knowledge of 精通;掌握;对…很熟悉I have a thorough knowledge of the English language.我精通英语.I have a knowledge of astronomy.我懂一点天文学.He has a good knowledge of London.他对伦敦...

呈叙18776289344问: She is an English teacher and she has a good - ------(知识)of English. -
裕民县罗红回答: 填knowledge.Have/has a good knowledge of很有用,赶快抄到笔记上吧,因为knowledge 在这个词组中可以作可数的名词.

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