
作者&投稿:巴曲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

to a degree\/in a sense\/in some way 区别

in-degree 什么意思?
网络释义-in-degree: 输入度 输入度

degree什么时候不用加复数?一度 零度 负一度
可数).To what degree was he involved in the crimes?他在多大程度上参与了这些犯罪活动(不可数)?3、degree表示“社会地位”时,不可数,如:people of high\/low degree 高[低]阶层的人.4、degree表示“学位; 学衔”时,可数,如:take a degree in law\/a law degree 获得法律学位.

一个英语语法问题 关于定语从句的
to some \/a degree在某种\/个程度上,后面的定语从句对the degree 进行修饰,如果把定语从句分开就成了:Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree To the drgee they can be controlled on purpose 两个句子的相同部分就是the degree ,自然就作先行词了。关系词自然就用...

bachelor of arts degree in business
bachelor of arts degree in business:商业本科(注重文科的)。商业英语本科:Bachelor degree in Business English 美国大学有 Bachelor of Arts (BA)(注重文科的本科)和 Bachelor of Science (BS)(注重理科的本科)之分。而中国没有,所以无所谓 Arts 或 Science 之类。Associate degree 是二年制...

1. 释义区别:- Degree title: 指的是学位的名称或头衔,通常体现了所学专业领域。- Degree type: 指的是学位的类别或类型,包括不同学位层次和性质。例句:- Degree title: I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.(我获得了计算机科学学士学位。)- Degree type: She pursued ...

degree title和degree type 有什么区别,怎么填?
1. 释义区别:- Degree title: 指的是学位的名称或头衔,通常体现了所学专业领域。- Degree type: 指的是学位的类别或类型,包括不同学位层次和性质。例句:- Degree title: I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.(我获得了计算机科学学士学位。)- Degree type: She pursued ...

文科和理科的英文:Arts and Science 一、science 读法 英 ['saɪəns] 美 ['saɪəns]n. 科学;技术;学科;理科 短语 archival science 档案科学 ; 档案学研究 ; 㔮applied science [科技] 应用科学 ; 应用科学部 ; 应用科学总论 ; 以及应用科学 agricultural ...

...student at Oxford University, ___ a degree in computer science...
C 试题分析:He与study之间是主动关系,分词短语作伴随状语。故选C。点评:本题较易。非谓语动词是近几年高考的热点,本题是对已学知识点的回顾,需要考生能够理解该题的语言环境,进而作出正确的判断。会判断非谓语动词与它的逻辑主语之间是什么关系,需要考生掌握非谓语动词的不同形式的用法区别等...

bachelor's degree 例句:I have received a Bachelor's degree in finance.我获得了财经学的学士学位。重点单词degree的用法 1、读音 英 [dɪ'ɡriː];美 [dɪ'ɡriː]2、释义 n. 学位;程度;度数 3、例句 用作名词 (n.)Every circle has 360 degrees....

印峡13985804499问: a degree in 还是of -
澧县逸舒回答: a degree of,如 There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women

印峡13985804499问: in some degree,to some degree两者意思一样,有什么区别 -
澧县逸舒回答: in some degree和to some degree唯一的区别就是前面的介词一个用in,一个用to. in some degree 英 [in sʌm diˈɡri:] 美 [ɪn sʌm dɪˈɡri] 多多少少,有几分地;在某程度上 Each of the components is useful in some degree. 每一个元件都...

印峡13985804499问: with a degree in design.是什么意思? -
澧县逸舒回答: 一般用 somebody with a degree in design 表示某人拥有设计专业的文凭

印峡13985804499问: a bachelor's degree in engineering.是什么意思 -
澧县逸舒回答: a bachelor's degree in engineering 工程学授予的学士学位 双语对照 例句:1.A bachelor's degree in engineering. 工程学授予的学士学位.2.Another applicant, rajan kumar, said he earned a bachelor's degree in engineering acouple of years ago....

印峡13985804499问: master degree in是什么意思 -
澧县逸舒回答: master degree in 硕士学位 例:The man graduates with a master degree in clinical medicine from Sydney University according to the local reports.该男子毕业于悉尼大学,获得临床医学硕士学位.

印峡13985804499问: to some degree . to some extent . in a way 有区别吗? -
澧县逸舒回答: 这三个词组用法是类似的: to some degree也作to a degree,与to some extent是一个意思,意为'partly' to a/some degree的例句: To some degree I think that's right, but there are other factors which affect the situation to some extent的例句: To...

印峡13985804499问: 请问degree作先行词时的定语从句,什么时候用when,什么时候用when? -
澧县逸舒回答: 一般用which,如 There is the economic principle that the dependency ratio- the degree to which those who cannot earn depend for a living on those who can -is more advantageous in older societies like ours than in the younger societies of the ...

印峡13985804499问: to some degree/a certain degree是什么意思 -
澧县逸舒回答: to some degree/a certain degree 某种程度/一定程度 例句1、Although caching might alleviate this to some degree, another problem might arise if data is retrieved in blocks of a certain size to support user interface pagination.尽管缓存可能在一定...

印峡13985804499问: to others 和with a degree in broadcasting分别是什么意思
澧县逸舒回答: to others=别的、其他的; with a degree in broadcasting=有一广播学位. 有用请采纳

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