
作者&投稿:刁庆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语问题 形容词可分为哪几种类型?请各举一个例子说明
不带词缀的如big, small, good, hard,有带前缀或后缀的如: dislogal,impossible,unkind;beautiful,voiceless,bloody;unthinkab le,monolingual等.复合形容词的构成是多种多样的,如: 形容词+形容词:bitter-sweet,deaf-mute; 形容词\/副词+ing分词:good-looking,easy-going; 形容词\/副词+ed分词:newly-built...

1、disabled([dɪs'eɪbld] )adj. 残废的,有缺陷的;关闭的 v. 使无能力( disable的过去式和过去分词);使残废;使伤残;使无效 例句:It is our bounden duty to help the disabled.帮助残疾人是我们义不容辞的责任。2、enabled([ɪ'nebld])adj. 可激活的;已启用的...

sight 视deaf 聋的simple 简单的able 能够chance 机会sign languag 手语disability 缺陷wheelchair 轮椅left 左边opposite 在……对面cupboard 橱柜U4packet 小包装electricity 电fool 愚弄flow 流explanation 解释servant 仆人mankind 人类form 形式energy 能量bulb 电灯泡flat 公寓connect 与……相连接power station 发电厂ba...

We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important ...

None are so deaf as those who won't hear.充耳不闻。 No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。 No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。 No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。 No pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐。 No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。 No sweet ...

Disbeliever 歌词
歌曲名:Disbeliever 歌手:darkseed 专辑:Ultimate Darkness Disbeliever- Darkseed Artist: Darkseed Album: Ultimate Darkness Year: 2005 We are living in an unrefined world Where wonders fall as soon as they rise The shadows haunt the deaf and blind You are one of them,'Cause you are...

生而为赢 30篇美文
But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or ...

disbeliever-darkseed歌词歌词 不需中文
We are living in an unrefined world Where wonders fall as soon as they rise The shadows haunt the deaf and blind You are one of them,'Cause you are a disbeliever Living in a world ruled by demons for Breaking the pure wings of our angels who flee and conceal They're ...

Judas Priest 歌词
Disinter the ancient ways Deaf to all that dare to pray Ravaged, never as savage And that’s the price you pay Open the door Find the monster Start the war I’m bound to, bow down to I am become Death, destroyer of worlds A menial place in this infinite swirl Your ...

3、Language is not insulting unless it is intended to show contempt or disesteem.除非被有意用来表示轻视或不敬,语言是没有侮辱性的。4、Sign language interpreters represent a vital link between the deaf and hearing communities.手语翻译是聋哑人和听力健全人士之间的重要沟通纽带。5、...

咸兰13015556557问: 如图,D是BC上一点,DE∥AB,DF∥AC,△CDE、△BDF、平行四边形DEAF面积分别为S1、S2、S3. -
银州区阿瑞回答: 由DE∥AB,△CDE与△CBA相似,所以S△CDE/S△CBA=(CD/BC)^2 即S1/(S1+S2+S3)=(CD/BC)^2, √[S1/(S1+S2+S3)]=CD/BC (1) 同理有△BDE与△BCA相似 可推得√[S2/(S1+S2+S3)]=BD/BC (2) 式(1)和(2)相加得 √[S1/(S1+S2+S3)]+√[S2/(S1+S2+S3)]=CD/BC+BD/BC=1 √S1+√S2=√(S1+S2+S3) 两边平方,可得S1+2√(S1*S2)+S2=S1+S2+S3 S3=2√(S1*S2) ,得证.

咸兰13015556557问: 当when引导状语从句时的用法 -
银州区阿瑞回答: when引导的状语从句 一、有“当……的时候”的含义(=at the time that...),此时when后的从句是用来说明前面主句动作发生的背景.例如: James pretended to be deaf when I spoke to him. 当我和詹姆斯讲话的时候,他假装耳聋. 二、有...

咸兰13015556557问: 谁有通达信中线主力资金指标公式 -
银州区阿瑞回答: N:=3 A:=VOL*CLOSE B:=SUM(A,2)/SUM(VOL,2) B1:=EMA(B,10) 主力资金线:(B-B1)*100/B,COLORWHITE,LINETHICK2 MA1:MA(主力资金线,N),COLORBROWN 中线趋势升抄底: VAR1:=(C-REF(C,1))/REF(C,1) VAR2:=(INDEXC-...

咸兰13015556557问: however的用法 -
银州区阿瑞回答: 1. 用作副词(1) 表示让步:意为(1) “无论如何”“不管怎样”,用来修饰形容词或副词,其词序为:however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语.这样用的however其实具有连词的功能,用以引导让步状语从句.如:Phone me when you arrive, ...

咸兰13015556557问: 如图所示,已知三角形ABC,分别已AB、AC、BC为边向BC同侧做等边三角形ABE,BCD,ACF.求证:四边形DEAF为平行四边形
银州区阿瑞回答: 角EBA=60度=角DBC 角EBA-角DBA=角DBC-角DBA 角EBD=角ABC EB=BA, DB=BC, 所以三角形EBD全等于三角形BAC, ED=AC=AF 同时可证,EA=DF, 所以EDFA为平行四边形

咸兰13015556557问: 在the deaf and dumb study in special schools.这个句子中谓语study为什么不用变复数
银州区阿瑞回答: 句子的主语是The deaf annd dumb the➕形容词表示一类人,所以这里,主语意思是:聋哑人,这一类人.是个复数概念. 所以谓语也该用复数.主语是复数,谓语不加s 主语单数,谓语动词才加s

咸兰13015556557问: the+名词表示一类人 谓语动词要单数还是复数 -
银州区阿瑞回答: the old/young/rich/poor/blind/deaf 都是一类人,是复数,谓语动词用复数(are/ do) . 希望可以帮到你~

咸兰13015556557问: 关于虚拟语气的一些问题. -
银州区阿瑞回答: 首先,要理解虚拟语气的定义:虚拟语气是一种不肯定的语气或者是假设的语气,比如if(如果,假如),as if(就像,只是像但实际上不是).其次,要分清楚虚拟语气的几种常见类型:一. If引导的非真实条件句(注意if引导的可以实现的条件...

咸兰13015556557问: 死的形容词英语 - 一个英语问题用一个形容词表示一类人的用法,如:用old表示老人
银州区阿瑞回答: Ablind(失明的),deaf(聋的),disabled(残废的),healthy(健康的)/sick(病弱的),living(活的)/dead(死的),rich(富有的)/poor(贫穷的),...

咸兰13015556557问: Which letter is most useful to a deaf woman? -
银州区阿瑞回答: 这是英语谜语 Which letter is most useful to a deaf woman?哪个字母对一个听不见的妇女有用.答案 A,it makes her hear A,因为这个字母可以让她听得见 her+a=hear

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