
作者&投稿:狄琬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

名物主代词是语言中两种重要的代词形式,用于标识所属关系和指代作用。形容词性物主代词,如my、your、his等,如同限定词,置于名词之前,如"This is my book"和"We love our motherland"。名词性物主代词,如mine、yours、his等,则直接充当名词角色,如"the red one is yours, and the blue one...

”(不,不是你的)来回答这个问题。在这个例子中,“mine”和“yours”都是名物代词,分别代表着“我自己的”和“你自己的”。我们还可以使用“yours”这个名物代词来回答某个问题。例如,“Whose is this book?”(这本书是谁的?)我们可以用“it's yours.”(它是你的)来回答这个问题。

形容词性物主代词后面必须出现名词,名词性物主代词后面不能出现名词 举例:This is my bag.This bag is mine.

名物代和形物代是英语中的两种代词。名物代指的是名词性物主代词,它用于代替某个事物的所有者。在英语中,常见的名词性物主代词包括mine、yours、his、hers等。这些代词在句子中可以作为主语、宾语或者表语使用。例如,在句子“This is my book.”中,“my”就是一个名词性物主代词,用来表示这本书...

1、形容词性物主代词(my,your,his,her,its,our,their)My mother is a teacher 2、名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs)His mother is a teacher 3、主格人称代词(I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they)I am a student 4、宾格人称代词(me,you,him,her,it,...

首先,你打错字了 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours theirs eg. This is my book. 这是我的书。此处的my像一个形容词一样修饰book.This book is mine.这本书是我的。 mine是个省略,相当于my book.所以,名词性物主代词...

综述:1、形容词性物主代词(my,your,his,her,its,our,their)。My mother is a teacher.2、名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs)。His mother is a teacher.3、主格人称代词(I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they)。I am a student.4、宾格人称代词(me,you,him...

因此,在主语、宾语的位置,当后面没有名词时,需要填写名词性物主代词形式。例句:Ours is a big country.(ours名词性物主代词作主语)我们的国家是个大的国家。You use yours and I use mine.(yours,mine名词性物主代词作宾语)你用你的东西,我用我的东西。5、反身代词,表示反射或强调的...

名词型性物主代词有mine(我的)、yours(你的)、his(他的)、hers(她的)、its(它的)、ours(我们的)、theirs(他们的)。形容词性物主代词有my(我的)、her(她的)、our(我们的)、your(你的)、his(他的)、its(它的)、their(他们的)。形容词性物主代词用法 1、形容词性...

英语 人称代词的主格,宾格,形物代,名物代和反身代词
主格作句子的主语,宾格作句子的宾语或表语。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,在句中作定语。名词性物主代词起名词的作用,在句中作主语或宾语。Please call me Jim. (宾格作句子的宾语)I am a teacher.(主格作主语)Who is knocking at the ...

陀翟18838026677问: 名物代造句 -
岚山区唑来回答: 名词物主代词 名词性物主代词(nominal possessive pronoun): 单数形式:mine(我的什么东西),yours(你的什么东西),his /hers /its(他的什么东西、她的什么东西、它的xx),Ben's(本的什么东西). 复数形式:ours(我们的什么...

陀翟18838026677问: 名词性物主代词造8个句子 -
岚山区唑来回答:[答案] This is her coat.Mine is over there. Some friends of mine will attend my birthday party. That car of mine is always breaking down. His dictionary is much thicker than yours. I know each brother of hers. He is a friend of hers. s this her pen?No,hers is red. ...

陀翟18838026677问: 请写出8个形容词性的物主代词,并用其中2个造句. -
岚山区唑来回答: 形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his(他的) her(她的) its(它的) our(我们的) their(他们/她们/它们的) your(你们的)造句: my——My favourite animal is dog. your——Give me your books,please. his——His name is ...

陀翟18838026677问: 名词性物主代词造8个句子 -
岚山区唑来回答: This is her coat. Mine is over there. Some friends of mine will attend my birthday party. That car of mine is always breaking down. His dictionary is much thicker than yours. I know each brother of hers. He is a friend of hers. s this her pen? No, hers is ...

陀翟18838026677问: 用名词性物主代词造句 -
岚山区唑来回答: My book is here. 我的书在这. Yours is there. 你的书在那. His pen is red . 他的笔是红的. Hers is blue . 她的笔是兰色的.Its tail is short . 它的尾巴短. Its is long. 它的尾巴长. Our teacher is pretty. 我们的老师漂亮. Yours is pretty,too. 你们的老师也漂亮. Their English class is interesting. 他们的英语课有趣. Theirs is boring. 他们的英语课无聊. 所以如果前面有相同的名词,后面可以用名词性物主代词代替 .

陀翟18838026677问: 用名词性物主代词造句,我不会,谁教教我 -
岚山区唑来回答: 名词性物主代词起名词的作用,后面不跟名词.形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,用在名词前.如 This is my book.(形容词性物主代词)这是我的书. This book is mine.(名词性物主代词)这本书是我的. He likes my pen. He doesn't like hers.他喜欢我的钢笔.不喜欢她的. May I use your pen? Yours works better.我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用. 你可以仿照着自己写一些.

陀翟18838026677问: 用人称代词和物主代词各造5个句子. -
岚山区唑来回答:[答案] 形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his(他的) her(她的) its(它的) our(我们的) their(他们/她们/它们的) your(你们的) 造句: my——My favourite animal is dog. your——Give me your books,please. his——His name is Edword. ...

陀翟18838026677问: 用名词性,形容词性的物主代词给我造五个句子(英文) -
岚山区唑来回答: 1. The book is his, but the ruler is mine. 2.His best friend is Danny, hers is Danny,too. 3. My books are new, but his are old. 4. Their school is smaller than ours. 5. Your picture is as beautiful as mine.

陀翟18838026677问: 名词性物主代词造句英语 -
岚山区唑来回答: my name is Daming.我的名字是大明. your name is daming . 追问: 物主代词:my your his her its our your their

陀翟18838026677问: 用人称代词造句16个 物主代词造句16个 -
岚山区唑来回答:[答案] I am a student.He is a doctor.She is a nurse.They are my friends.You are very nice.We are playing in the park now.It is a long snake.I am going to the supermarket now.You are a polite boy.She is my el...

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