
作者&投稿:英尤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求300字英语作文“What Should We Do in the 21th Century...
what should we do in the 21th century? I consider we should do the following two points.On the one hand, we should maintain good health.People often say:The body is the capital of revolution. With improved quality of life, new types of intractable diseases endlessly emerge ....

as the 200th century came to a close,the raw materials for a g...
没有给出具体语境不好翻译 在200个世纪结束之际,一个伟大民族文化的取材回到了家乡

是弹完钢琴说的那段么?如下:还记得苏泽[美国国歌作者]吗 Alright. You remember, we were talking about John Philip Sousa?上世纪初的进行曲作家 March composer, around the turn of 90th century.非常著名 然而他的艺术生涯有个特点 He... very famous man, but he had an huge thing ...


twentyth century women

动画片21th century FOX什么意思
是电影公司 二十世纪福克斯 公 司 名:二十世纪福克斯 \/ 英文:20th Century Fox 百科:http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/358314.htm

随着计算机和网络的出现,电脑已逐渐融入人们的生活当中。Computer has gradually merged into people's life with the appearance of the computer and the internet.伴随着信息产业的发展,信息化教育已成为了21世纪必不可少的一部份。Information education has become a essential part in 21 century ...

my favorite means of information i lived in 21th century ,this is a modern society,there are many informations made in the world.we always got informations throught tv,computers,news paper and so on.there are many informations around everyone,so how to choice informations are many...

...dates back to the 18 th century, when a small number of Chinese...
小题1:B小题2:A小题3:C小题4:C小题5:B 小题1:根据文章内容 London’s Chinese community(社区) dates back to the 18 th century,可知答案为B小题2:根据文章内容At first, the new immigrants found it difficult to get jobs.可知答案为A小题3:根据文章内容They worked as cooks...

Mandarin, the official language of China, is suddenly hot in American schools. With the rapid development of China’s economy in the 21th century, both public and private schools in America are scrambling to add Mandarin to their curricula of foreign languages or expanding ...

载马15761894513问: 在英语中,5th century 与 5AD意思有什么区别呢 -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[答案] A.D.是〈拉〉Anno Domini 的缩写.即公元. B.C.是before Christ的缩写.即公元前. 参考文献:牛津百科大字典 5th century 与 5AD 都是一样的

载马15761894513问: The Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD)这个the怎么理解,其他的前面怎么没有?
绥芬河市欧宁回答: 固定用法:中世纪 一些专有名词前要加the,如:the United States, the UK等 希望对你有帮助

载马15761894513问: much a+比较级 语序 There is no doubt that women have_____today than half a century ago. -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[选项] A. a much stronger voice B. much a stronger voice C. much stronger a voice D. a stronger much voice 选哪个?请解释一下……谢谢 那不应该是B吗

载马15761894513问: 正方形abcd,ab边上有一点e,ae=3,eb=1在ac上有点p使ep+bp为最短ep+bp为?ac为abcd对角线,p图上没有. -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[答案] 连接BD交AB于P,则P为所求(即PE+PB最小). 连接DE,AB=AE+BE=4, ∵ABCD是正方形,∴∠DAE=90°,AD=AB=4, ∴DE=√(AE²+AD²)=5, ∴PE+PB最小=5.

载马15761894513问: 初三上册数学几何题三角形证明本题无图.已知三角形ABC,AB=AC,BD平分角ABC交AC于D.(1)若角A=100度,求证:BC=BD+AD(2)若BC=BD+AD,求证:... -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[答案] 1)证明:如图,在BC上截取BE=BA,延长BD到F,使BF=BC,连接DE、CF. 又∵∠1=∠2,BD是公共边∴△ABD≌△EBD... ∴△DCE≌△DCF(AAS)∴DF=DE=AD∴BC=BF=BD+DF=BD+AD

载马15761894513问: 谁知道 虚数的乘法除法公式?(a+bi)*(c+di)=?(a+bi)÷(c+di)=? -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[答案] (a+bi)*(c+di) =ac+adi+bci+bd*i^2 =(ac-bd)+(ad+bc)i (a+bi)÷(c+di) =(a+bi)(c-di)÷[(c+di)(c-di)] =(ac-adi+bci-bdi^2)÷(c^2-d^2i^2) =[(ac+bd)+(bc-ad)i]/(c^2+d^2)

载马15761894513问: 求向量:(OA+AO)+AD+DC -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[答案] =Ac

载马15761894513问: 逻辑代数中 反函数怎么求啊?比如 A+B+C*!D+!( A* D)*!B*!C -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[答案] 逻辑代数中 反函数怎么求啊?比如 A+B+C*!D+!( A* D)*!B*!C 设A反=A' 已知逻辑函数F,求其反(非)时,只要将F中的... 所以,F'=(A+x)'=A'x'=A'((B'C)')'=A'B'C F= A+B+CD'+(AD)'B'C' 设x= CD',y=(AD)'B'C' F'=(A...

载马15761894513问: 求教数字电路技术,化简Y=A+(B'+(CD)')'+((AD)'B')'需要过程 -
绥芬河市欧宁回答:[答案] 因为 AB=(A'+B')' 又因为 (A'B')'=A+B 所以 Y=A+(BCD)+(AD+B) =A(D+1)+B(CD+1) =A+B

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