
作者&投稿:在彪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

present practise experience minute - 分钟- ['minit]minute - 很细小- [mai'nju:t]content - 满意 content - 内容 august - 伟大 August - 八月 bass - 低音 bass - 鲈鱼 bow - 鞠躬 bow - 蝴蝶结 patent - 专利 patent - 明显 tear - 撕碎 tear - 眼泪 buffet - 自助餐 buffet - 打...

My idol is Mr Zhou Enlai. Of course I can not sale him, because he is our dear premier. What I'd like to sell is his spirit, a kind of spirit that never give up, never fear the bad force, a kind of spirit of love, that love the people, love our motherland, a ki...

Recreate a speech you've seen then give and present it to an imaginary audience.Reducing public speaking anxiety encompasses many things. You CAN get control of your anxiety and become a wonderful public speaker. It's a matter of having the desire and willingness to break through t...

present is a gift是什么意思?~
present n. 现在,目前 这句话意译一下,就是——现在的每分每秒都是上天赐予你的礼物,要好好利用。

简单的英语演讲稿2分钟篇一 Let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here today. “Mum, I'm sorry, but I need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year.”“Mum, it is my friend's birthday tomorrow, I must...

Live every present moment to the fullest.是什么意思

如何快速背英语单词五分钟内能搞定如下:1、字母组合背单词:英语 单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。具体方法:前面加字母,例如:is-his,ear-near \/ hear,read-bread。后面加字母,例如:hear-heart,you-your,plane-planet。中间加字母,例如:though-through...

Present is present.当前即是礼物
也就是25分钟为一个专注的单位 休息5分钟,再来25分钟 看一天能收获多少个番茄 我买了个橙色的扭蛋钟 随身带在身上 如果你是我的学生 你一定见过 我做了第三件事:珍惜每个碎片时间 朋友分享的经验 拟定一个5分钟清单 写上5分钟能做的事情 在香港中环都能用等电梯的时间 不顾形象的趴下俯卧撑的...

9分钟讲清楚英语12种时态如下:简单现在时(Simple Present Tense):表示经常性的、习惯性的行为或者客观事实。例如:I usually drink coffee in the morning.现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense):表示现在正在进行的动作或者状态。例如:I am studying English now.现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense)...

brown bears,snow leopards and so on . Most of them are the animal protection in the country. Every year Hoh Xil attracts a great many tourists come here. They drive jeeps to through the void area. They enter the center of Hoh Xil: experience the pure natural life there. ...

汗娟17877115629问: 我要做一个英语3分钟演讲,又叫做presentation,希望大家给我一些材料不可以是故事,最好是关于life之类的主题自选 -
张家川回族自治县依立回答:[答案] When people succeed,it is because of hard work.Luck has nothing to do with success. There is a humorous saying in English – “The grass is always greener on the other side of the valley”.The saying is used ironically to point out that there is a ...

汗娟17877115629问: 三分钟的英语演讲大概多少字 -
张家川回族自治县依立回答: 您好! 我是王坤,演讲教练,六段演讲创始人. 王坤 关于您的提问,个人建议,仅供参考. 三分钟的英语演讲稿大约需要300-540词. 具体多少词,需要您先测试一下自己的平均演讲语速,测试方法如下: 选择一段自己或他人的演讲稿,以您的正常语速来演讲,计时一分钟,至少测试三次,取平均值,即为您的平均演讲语速. 最后,祝您演讲顺利! 扩展资料 六段演讲认为:现代英文演讲者,平均语速在100-180词/分钟为宜. 王坤教你学演讲

汗娟17877115629问: 我需要做一个3分钟的presentation,无头绪,请大家帮帮大一小妹!大概像a.b.c.几小点的这种有什么内容呢 -
张家川回族自治县依立回答:[答案] 一般结构如下: 1)introduction 2)state and analyse a b c 3)conclusion 4)recommendation

汗娟17877115629问: 英语美文内容积极的 最好短一些 可以用做三分钟的presentation -
张家川回族自治县依立回答:[答案] 我在网上找到一篇文章,觉得挺好的,又短,内容也向上,希望对你有帮助! Right Beside You 身边总有你 The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the young woman with the white cane made her way1 carefully up the steps. She paid ...

汗娟17877115629问: 英语三分钟演讲稿 -
张家川回族自治县依立回答: Youth Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of ...

汗娟17877115629问: 求一篇3 - 5分钟的presentation发言稿【English】求一篇3 - 5分钟的presentation发言稿,内容与newspaper相关即可,如对报纸的评价,看法等, -
张家川回族自治县依立回答:[答案] A newspaper is a publication containing news,information and advertising,usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint.It may be general or special interest,most often published daily or weekly. The first printed newspaper was published in 1605,...

汗娟17877115629问: 我需要一个英语三分钟Speech又叫Presentation,求一份文稿,300字左右,难易程度初中高中均可 -
张家川回族自治县依立回答: choice Everyone has a choice when he wakes up in the early morning.You can choose to be happy or sad all the day. But for me , I think I have responsibilities to fulfill all the day. So every morning my first job is to choose what kind of day I am going ...

汗娟17877115629问: 关于love的三分钟 presentation -
张家川回族自治县依立回答: What is love? Love can be soft like feathers, warm like hugs, and sweet like chocolate. But love can also be fierce as demons, harmful as drugs and painful as bullets. Everyone has love, when you're young, you will receive love from your family ...

汗娟17877115629问: 英语presentation 3 - 4分钟,来点简单的好记的. -
张家川回族自治县依立回答:[答案] Hi,my friends,have you ever been to Bangladesh Country, the northeast of India and the southwest of China?if not,just to find the chance to have a visit,which will bring you an unforgettable experienc...

汗娟17877115629问: 求一个英语presentation,两三分钟左右,不要网上已经有的,或是给我几个有趣好写主题,谢谢 -
张家川回族自治县依立回答: topics:Hometown; travel experience family movie pop stars hobby,etc.

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