
作者&投稿:典田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

链接: https:\/\/pan.baidu.com\/s\/1sIsj5_53RgAtKxQRpbrwhQ ?pwd=nz4v 提取码: nz4v 赠课:写作强化英语一(2020考研英语)|英语一写作强化提分精进讲义.pdf|024—20考研英语一写作强化精讲.mp4|023—20考研英语一写作强化精讲.mp4|022—20考研英语一写作强化精讲.mp4|021—20考研英语一写...

计俗19241958719问: 今天下午英语六级考试英语作文题目是什么? -
长武县舒眠回答: Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

计俗19241958719问: 英语六级作文怎样写才能得高分 -
长武县舒眠回答: 5个英语六级作文写作拿高分要点:1、字迹清楚,段落明朗(clear):字体不要太大,也不要太小,以行间距的三分之一到二分之一为合适;另外,大小要一致,不要忽大忽小;字母的倾斜方向要一致,不要东倒西歪;要抵着给出的虚线写,...

计俗19241958719问: 今天六级考试作文题目why it is unwise to judge a person by t -
长武县舒眠回答: 从语法上来说,这个句子是错误的.不知道出题人是怎样想的.如果想避免性别歧视,可以说judge people by their appearances.

计俗19241958719问: 英语六级作文三段论 -
长武县舒眠回答: 最好要用.用三段论的话,你写着容易,老师批起来也容易.这样就不容易失误.有的参考书没用是因为他们就找一些写好的文章来套六级的题目,可能文章写的是不错,主题也基本一致,但是不易模仿,换个题目也许就完全不适用了.

计俗19241958719问: 英语六级作文 -
长武县舒眠回答: 在下四级587分,六级622分,向你简单提点意见,原创: 你首先要记住这一点,六级考的是速度,一定要控制好速度,不要慢了,特别是阅读理解,千万不能在那儿停留太长的时间. 1.关于词汇,我不知道你掌握情况怎么样,假如我是你这种...

计俗19241958719问: 求批改英语六级作文题目是waste sorting1、目前很多人扔垃圾时不分类2、由此带来的问题3、提倡垃圾分类的意义Waste SortingGenerally speaking,waste ... -
长武县舒眠回答:[答案] waste sorting means by classifying garbage based on whether these are recycled.这句话改成:waste sorting means that garbage could be classified are based on whether it is recycled.Refuse sorting has b...

计俗19241958719问: 六级作文请问什么是从正反面论证 请就找这个题目给个解释1、 我们是否应当崇拜名人?明确阐述你的观点;2、 从正反两方面具体论述你的观点. -
长武县舒眠回答:[答案] 正面,也就是积极的一面,比如崇拜名人可以学习他们身上的优点,通过他们成功的例子来激励自己.反面,也就是对自己不好的影响,盲目的崇拜,浪费时间在追星上…

计俗19241958719问: 高悬赏!求一篇四级难度或六级的作文,题目是,you should start your essay -
长武县舒眠回答: 例文 Secondly, a highly developed future world is still based on the practice of foundamental knowledege. There is no wonder that at this time and age,even in the coming future, human beings still cannot be replaced by computers doing most ...

计俗19241958719问: reading selectively or extensivery ?为题目的四六级作文 -
长武县舒眠回答: Reading Selectively or Extensively Like some chidren very picky about their food, some people are very picky about their books they choose to read. They just select books they think suitable for them. They say that in a knowledge-exploding world, it ...

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