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求一篇关于环境保护的英语作文 100字左右 带翻译的 着急 哪位大神能帮...

求初中带翻译的英语作文 一定要有翻译的 我匿名了 不喜欢别人回答完问题...
我们许多人都能很快发现他人的过失和错误,但我们却很难看到我们自己的错误。其实,很多时候,我们逃避不敢正视自己的错误,所以我们把大部分注意力都放到了别人的身上。我们认为我们有足够的智慧知道别人犯了什么错,但我们完全看不到自己的弱点和失误。额 最后在给楼主几篇中考难度的吧,我知道你这200分...

英语作文模板 旅游英语作文带翻译 英语作文80词左右 英语高考作文万能套用 高考英语作文范文50篇 ...色情、暴力 政治敏感 我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。 说明 0\/200 提交 取消 新手

nose, big mouth, thin figure, he is a manager (Manager), height 160m, personality and humorous.我的妈妈我的妈妈今年四十岁,皮肤白白的,长着大大的眼睛小小的鼻子大大的嘴,身材瘦瘦的,他是一个经理(manager),身高160m,性格风趣幽默。按照我以上的要求写一篇有关妈妈的英语作文。

2、英语励志小短文加翻译篇一 quotWe are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite” “我们正在读一本书的第一章第一行,这本书的页数是无限的” I do not know who wrote those w。3、知道小有建树答主 回答量110 采纳率0% 帮助的人848万 我也...

My English teacher comes fom Chengdu,Sichuan Province.Her name is Zhang Yanhong,She was born on 15th,June,1982.Her elementary school was Yu Ling Primary School.She is a nice teacher and is good to us

初一英语作文my friend60字,带翻译

we felt happy. 上周日我和朋友们去了动物园。那天天气很热、晴朗。我们乘公交大约两个小时才到那。动物园里有成千上万的人。我们看见了许多动物。如:熊猫、袋鼠、北极熊、长颈鹿、大象、老虎、狼、蛇等等。我们也看了大象表演。大象是如此聪明的动物,他们能象我们人类一样做动作。中午我们野餐并...

I like Mickey because it is very cute and lovely. I like to play with Mickey after I finish my homework everday. I feed Mickey twice a day. It likes to eat meat and rice.I feel happy because I have Mickey as my pet.我有一只宠物狗名叫米奇。它是一只西施犬。我爸爸在我...

一、My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I become interested in reading. I like books, because they help me in many ways. This is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.我父亲在业余时间喜欢阅读。他告诉我阅读非常有...

东方月17849879167问: 初一英语作文20篇带翻译,少于60词 -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] 1. My English teacher. Ms. Gao our English teacher is my favorite person.She is slim and beautiful with curly,long hair. She is ... 黄色和黑色,都是我最喜欢的颜色. 我喜欢老虎,并且2010年刚好是中国的虎年,我希望所有人都能健康,就像老虎那样. 7 ...

东方月17849879167问: 求初一英语作文60词左右10篇 -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] 我的网友(My Net Friend) I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer. My mother is my first teacher. I ... 将来我要更自觉地保护周围的环境,更多地为他人着想. 网上英语聊天(chat in English on the internet) I am greatly interested ...

东方月17849879167问: 英语作文,初一的20篇 -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] my best friend Xiaofang is my best friend,she is very modest and very beautiful.she has long hair and black face,and she is very tall.she is very kind and she always helps others with their homework.a...

东方月17849879167问: 初一的英语100词左右的作文 加翻译 -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] A Day to Remember It was Sunday.Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday.But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour. We got there at nine o'clock.Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and ...

东方月17849879167问: 七年级上英语作文10篇~50字~,必须《带翻译的》! -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] The Spring Festival is also the Chinese New Year. Every year, before the Spring Festival, people are very busy. They buy many foods to prepare for a big dinner with their families. If their families are outside the city, they will make travel plan to meet them. ...

东方月17849879167问: 我要20篇250字英语作文带翻译,初一水平,谢谢一定要带翻译 -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] 给你我写的几篇 毕竟20篇太多了 忠诚是什么 ?对于我们来说有很多答案.但是再也没有这样一个故事让我如此的了解到忠诚的涵义. 昨天我看了一部电影名字叫做:《忠犬小八》,故事的主人公Hachi是一只从日本来到美国的一只狗.一名教授发现了...

东方月17849879167问: 七年级英语优秀作文十篇,60字左右,带翻译 -
黎城县全泽回答: Today is my grandpa's birthday. Our family went back to my grandpa's home in the morning. We got together to have a big family dinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave some presents to my grandpa.In the ...

东方月17849879167问: 初一英语作文5篇(40 - 60)词, -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] I want to be an actor I want to be an actor,beacuse it is very interesting! I can sing and dance,play the piano ,the guitar! I like ... School is over at 15:00.After school,I go home.I have dinner at 16:00.Then I do my homework. I usually take a shower at 20:30.I ...

东方月17849879167问: 我想要初一的英语作文20篇,言简意赅,每一篇要不一样,最好是描写暑假生活的 -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] 1.What fun I had last Sunday! Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to the moutains.We met at the school gate,then we ... too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so...

东方月17849879167问: 初一上学期的,要20篇英语作文.每篇50字左右就可以.注意 是初一上学期的 每篇50字如果实在找不到那么多 找到几篇是几篇吧 -
黎城县全泽回答:[答案] Today my aunt took me to Happy Land. I played many games. And I had fun. I also saw many animals. There are bears, birds,... I have dinner in the kitchen. This is my house. I like it 初一英语作文 The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero, ...

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