
作者&投稿:恽周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Pursuant to\/In compliance with your instruction\/directions, we have covered your shipment of cosmetics in the sum of $10,000,at the rate of 3 percent, as per policy enclosed.(翻中)本公司已遵照合同承包贵方10000美元的化妆品船货,费率按所附保单的3%计算。我方已用东南亚的账户,向...

4 .reasonable utilization foreign exchange reserve. Our country foreign exchange reserve in September, 2009 has amounted to 2,272,595,000,000 US dollars, but in July, 2005 is 7327. 33 hundred million US dollars. The sufficient foreign exchange reserve should not be the Renminbi ...

关于草原的英语翻译 。。。急
The Hulun Buir grassland is like a huge hand scroll of painting, with no bound. Only at this moment, one can really feel what “blue sky , green land” is , and what “green and pure land” is.With an area of 149,000,000 mou, Hulun Buir grassland is a fascinating land...

Mongolia is a big country of mineral resources, whose mineral reserves rank the 20th in the world . More than 80 kinds of minerals have been found and identified and there are currently more than 800 mines and more than 8,000 mining point. They are mainly coal, oil, copper, ...

east 东方的、eagerness 热心、eagle 鹰、ear 耳朵,听力、early 早等。词汇解析 一、east 英 [iːst]   美 [iːst]adj. 东方的 adv. 向东方 n. 东方;东部 1、east的基本意思是“东,东方”,指与西方相对的一个特定的方向,即日出的方向。2、east可与介词at, in, on,...

''It takes 3,000 procedures to assemble an H.P. computer,'' says Isaac Wang, an iSuppli analyst based in China. ''If a contract manufacturer can find a way to save 10 percent of the procedures, then it gets a real good deal.''“组装一台惠普电脑需要3000道工序”,作为在...

英语翻译25.more than 50 million people live in the rainforests o...
他们吃森林里的果子,但不砍果树.他们杀一些动物为生,但不灭绝他们.when we cut down the rainforests ,we destroy these forest people ,too .当我们砍倒雨林的时候,我们也在毁灭森林的居民.In 1900,there were one million forest people in the Amazon forest .In 1980 ,there were only 200,00...

See the text of articles on the protection of the Earth's touched me deeply, this paper reviews the recent survey of scientists, at present, life on Earth is at an annual rate of extinction than 50,000, five square kilometers of tropical rainforest (tropical forests) are Butter...

to pay company's 225 , the goods of 489.26 euroes compensate claim volume, should compensate amount in two months in later delivery process compensate with the way reduced.Hereby resolution.我是学英语的,请参考看看,应该没有问题,格式也应该是这样的。希望采纳o(∩_∩)o......

中国贵阳-中国贵州省省会 贵州地处中国西南内陆,云贵高原东部,是贵州省省会,全省政治,经济,科技和文化中心。贵阳辖六区,三县,一市,总面积8034平方公里人口360万。贵阳市国家一类口岸城市,国际机场、电气化铁路干线和现代化高等级公路使贵阳通江达海,与世界紧紧相连。Guiyang is the capital of ...

莘汪17267085420问: 1000用英语怎么写? -
合川区乳果回答: one thousand.

莘汪17267085420问: 1000用英语这么说 -
合川区乳果回答: one thousand 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

莘汪17267085420问: 1000用英语怎么说
合川区乳果回答:one thousand[wʌn][ˈθaʊzənd]

莘汪17267085420问: 1000用英语怎么说发个图 -
合川区乳果回答:[答案] One thousand 想知道发音的话,那你就网上查看吧,然后就有个广播的图标,你点击就能听到了. ====

莘汪17267085420问: 1000到10000的英语怎么写? -
合川区乳果回答: 1000 one thousand10000 ten thousand中间就是普通数字 比如 1001 one thousand one 1010 one thousand ten 1100 one thousand one hundred 1101 one thousand one hundred one 1111 one thousand one hundred and eleven

莘汪17267085420问: 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000英语怎么说 -
合川区乳果回答: one hundred,two hundred.....nine hundred,one thousand/ten hundred

莘汪17267085420问: 英语单词1000怎么拼 -
合川区乳果回答: one thousand thousand 表示千的意思 希望能够帮到楼主

莘汪17267085420问: 英语1000元怎么写 -
合川区乳果回答: one thousand yuan(1000元人民币)

莘汪17267085420问: 数字,100,1000,10000翻译成英文 -
合川区乳果回答:[答案] 100 one hundred 1000 one thousand 10000 ten thousand

莘汪17267085420问: 把“每月工资1000元”翻译成英文! -
合川区乳果回答:[答案] a thousand yuan for every moths,income

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