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1:00 1:05 1:10 1:15 1:20 1:25 1:30 1:35 1:40 1:45 1:50 1:55 用...
1. one o'clock 2. 1:05 one or five = five past one 3. 1:10 one ten = ten past one 4. 1:15 one fifteen = a quarter past one 5. 1:20 one twenty = twenty past one 6. 1:25 one twenty- five = twenty five past one 7. 1:30 one thirty = ...

你好:6:15 a quarter past six 6:45 a quarter to seven 8:30 half past eight 9:00 nine o'clock 10:00 ten o'clock 11:30 half past eleven 希望对你有帮助!满意请采纳!

“11:00”用英语怎么表达?千万别用Eleventh hour!
小时、钟头、...点钟,是大家熟悉的 Hour 词的用法。但对于 Hour 的理解,你是否深入探索过呢?11 点,我们不能仅仅使用 Eleventh Hour 来表达。Eleventh Hour 按字面意思容易误解为“11点”,但正确的翻译是“最后一刻、危急之时”。在英文表达中,Eleventh Hour 通常被用于形容时间紧迫,紧急情况。...

<同音异义词> see\/sea,die\/dye,dear\/deer,write\/right\/rite son\/sun compliment\/complement sew\/so no\/know meat\/meet\/mete week\/weak <同形异义词> bank bear date bow sow ball ear fair long swallow last <词族> happy happily happiness unhappy unhappliness unhappily free freely unfree ...

nine o'clock

one twenty-eight thirty-two two thirty-two eight twelve three five teen 看一下这个,希望对你有帮助 在口语中或朗读英文时,经常有需要表达时间的情况出现。如何准确地用英语表达时间呢?总的来说,有两种 。一、直接读数字。如:如 7:00 读作:或seven o’clock 8:30 读作:eight thirty ...

2:00 4:05 8:30 3:12 6:15 9:40 12:45 7:50的英语
2:00 4:05 8:30 3:12 6:15 9:40 12:45 7:50 two o'clock five past four a.m.half past eight a.m.twelve past three a.m.a quarter past six a.m.twenty to ten a.m.a quarter to one p.m.ten to eight a.m.

8:00(八点) eight o'clock 4:30(四点半) four-thirty或者half past four

240000的英语:two hundred and forty thousand。分析过程如下:英语中没有万这个计算单位,240000只能才有三位分级法,即240,000。也就是240个一千。重点词汇:1、hundred 英 [ˈhʌndrəd] 美 [ˈhʌndrɪd]num.一百;许多;100 到 999 间的数目;某个世纪...

at five o'clock 五点 at five o'clock 五点

门古15916932387问: 初中常见的英语单词(100个左右) -
诏安县兰释回答:[答案] 名词:school,class,classmate,classroom,desk,bag,schoolbag,book,pen,pencil,ruler,pencil-box,eraser,sharpener,ball,football,ping-pong,grade,row,game,home,house,room,door,window,floor,wall,kite,table,cha...

门古15916932387问: 简单的英语单词100个左右(比如He She 这样的单词) -
诏安县兰释回答:[答案] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand I you he she it they we my your his her its their our hers ours ...

门古15916932387问: 小学六年级常用英语单词100个 -
诏安县兰释回答:[答案]啊 a 爱 love 啊 ah爱 lov 按照,如同,当…,因为 as 澳大利亚 Australia 八 eight 八月 August 巴黎 Paris 爸爸 dad 白色的 white 白天 daytime 百 hundred 班级,年级 class 办公室 office 帮助 help...

门古15916932387问: 初一课外英语单词积累100个,谢谢!~急需呀! -
诏安县兰释回答:[答案] 国歌 the national song 大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说 speak out 发言,演讲 make a speech 以...的速度 at a speed of 平方公里 square kilometers 代表,象征 stand for 饿死 starve to death 处于良好状态 in a good state 逐步地,一步一步地 step by step ...

门古15916932387问: 100个英语单词摘抄 -
诏安县兰释回答: lifestyle生活方式n./'laifstail/maybe或许;大概adv./'meibi/unhealthy.不健康的;不益于健康的adj./an'helθi/grandpa爷爷;外公n./'granpa:/sore.疼痛的adj./so:/view观点;看法n./vju:/way方式n./wei/yard院子n./ja:d/screen屏;幕n./skri:n/...

门古15916932387问: 求20个英语生词 有音标 词性 例句 中文意思 -
诏安县兰释回答: bee n. 蜜蜂 pen n.钢笔 dark adj. 黑暗的 pink adj. 粉红的 black adj. 黑色的 cat n. 猫 dog n. 狗book n. 书 work v. 工作 zip n. 拉链 后面的不想写了,说实话 ,好累

门古15916932387问: 一百个最基础,最常用的,最简单的English单词? -
诏安县兰释回答: 介绍你一个网站吧 http://www.wordsgo.com/ 有2000基本英文单字,附有中文解释 3000进阶中级单字 还有在线字典这里给你看几个例子 adult 成人 baby 婴儿 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 kid 小孩;儿童 children 小孩 guest 客人 genius 天才 King 国王 male 男性 female 女性 teenager 青少年joy: 快乐. sorrow: 悲伤. anger: 生气. fear: 害怕 Head 头 Hair 头发 Brain 大脑 Eye 眼睛 Nose 鼻子 Breath 呼吸 Tongue 舌头 Teeth 牙齿

门古15916932387问: 求英语一到一百的单词要英语1--100的单词. -
诏安县兰释回答:[答案] 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 ...

门古15916932387问: 求100个英语单词! -
诏安县兰释回答:[答案] open ten seem simple together several next vowel white toward children war begin lay got against walk pattern example slow ease center paper love often person always money music serve those both road ...

门古15916932387问: 100到150的英语单词 -
诏安县兰释回答: one hundred 100one hundred and one 101one hundred and twoone hundred and threeone hundred and fourone hundred and fiveone hundred and sixone hundred and sevenone hundred a...

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