
作者&投稿:孙凭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There is a hearsay of a middle school, when the day is 15th, you can't go to the classroom building at night, because the eyes of sculpture in front of building can move, all electricity will be cut in the building, steps of stairway will become to 14 from 13. Water wi...

go on: 1 继续 Please go on with your story(请继续将你的故事)2 开始运行;灯亮 All the lights goes on when it's 8 p.m.(每天晚上8点的时候路灯都亮了。)come on: 1 来吧 Come on, let's go swimming!(来吧,我们去游泳)2 开始 The film comes on at 8 p.m.everyda...

in the mid 13th century 在十三世纪中叶 世纪给人们带来的一个麻烦是,怎样确定某年属于哪个世纪。我们可以简单地概括为:在百位数中加1,再去掉两位尾数,即得世纪数。如:725年在百位数上加1,去掉两位尾数25,得8,因此725年属八世纪。再如: 1103年在百位数上加1去掉两位尾数03,得12,故1103...

Let me introduce the teaching building to you .Teaching building is in the middle of the school which has six floors.The third floor have a large reading room ,o puter rooms and three science labs.We have puter lessons in puter rooms and we all like this lesson You can read books in t...

In this war we do not live, a world that "the war to eradicate the use of force" of private armed groups emerged. Mobile Suit owned "up to" they called "armed groups Heaven (Celestial Being)". With up to a strong performance, they start to force States to intervene in ...

大笨钟介绍 英文版
这一 停就是1个半小时,此后才恢复了正常。一些人猜测说,可能是炎热的天气造成了这一问题。28日伦敦的最高气温达到了31.8摄氏度。气象部门说,这是自1953年以来英格兰地区5月份中最炎热的一天。但那名议会大厦工程师认为,这一说法缺乏依据。“我们得知有一点小故障,但接着它就再次开始运转,”他...

鄂州旅游景点英文介绍 介绍鄂州的作文
用英语介绍随州炎帝神农故里风景区的导游词山水名胜与文物古迹二者兼备。长江三峡驰名世界。七十二峰朝大顶,二十四涧水长流,人誉“第一山”的道教名山武当山为道教圣地。武汉黄鹤楼公园、宜昌三峡大坝旅游区 、宜昌三峡人家风景区、十堰武当山风景区、恩施巴东神农溪纤夫文化旅游区是湖北省的五个国家5A级风景名胜旅游景...

因为我们是作为一个小婴儿出世 3. 感恩作文开头结尾 1 开头:“感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有勇气做我自己。感恩的心,感谢命运,花开花落,我一样会珍惜。”这首歌使我明白没有阳光,就没有温暖;没有水源,就没有生命;没有父母,就没有我们自己;没有亲情友情和爱情,世界就会是一片孤独和黑暗,为了摆脱它...

有一个女生很喜欢我,可是我和她因为一些彼此之间的误会而分手了,我现在知道是我错了,我想和她和好,能不能帮我写一封英语的道歉信,400自以上,写得好我可以再给100分。谢谢了最好... 有一个女生很喜欢我,可是我和她因为一些彼此之间的误会而分手了,我现在知道是我错了,我想和她和好,能不能帮我写一封英语...

谓语:动词 宾语:动词的承受对象 表语:说明主语的品质、性质、身份、特征和状态,通常在系动词(be\/become\/feel\/sound\/turn...)后面 定语:用来修饰、描述主语或宾语,形容词通常做定语 补语:用来补充说明主语或宾语 同位语:即“同等位置”,以一个名词来解释说明另外一个名词或代词。状语:表示时间...

竹琰17859789357问: 英语小故事【简短些,50字】 -
海伦市欣加回答:[答案] 儿童寓言故事 Story 1 Three Good Friends One day,a monkey rides his bike near the river.This time he sees a lion under a tree.The lion runs at him.He is afraid and falls into the river.He can't swim.He shouts.The rabbit hears him.He jumps into the river....

竹琰17859789357问: 英语小故事100词左右 -
海伦市欣加回答: The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got ...

竹琰17859789357问: 谁有100字左右的英语小故事啊!!!1 -
海伦市欣加回答: 是个短的幽默小故事,很简单的那种哦~~展开全部Look at the skyOne day , Charley bought a hot dog in a snack bar after school .Suddenly , he stopped and raised his head high . He kept looking at the sky . It lasted two minutes .A woman ...

竹琰17859789357问: 简单英语小故事 带翻译带读音 -
海伦市欣加回答: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:度米文库英语简短小故事带翻译 【篇一:英语简短小故事带翻译】 万圣节(halloween)为每年的10月31日,源自古代凯尔特民族(celtic)的新年节庆,此时也是祭祀亡魂的时刻,在避免恶灵干扰...

竹琰17859789357问: 最简单的英语小故事不用太长.. -
海伦市欣加回答:[答案] An Indian Farmer And A Lion 狮子和农夫 An Indian farmer and his child were toiling in the fields. It was almost dark by the ... 然后被绑了整个晚上又饿又冷,现在不晓得要带我到哪里去.你赶快跑,不然的话你生命难保啊!」 After hearing this story, the ...

竹琰17859789357问: 英语小短文100字小故事简单的附题目 -
海伦市欣加回答: he policeman answered. “5261I'4102ve lost my cat!1653”And the policeman said, “I'm sorry, sir,that's not the job of the police. We're too busy!”The person said, “But you don't understand. This is a veryintelligent cat! He's ...

竹琰17859789357问: 英语简短的小故事(大约100词,简单一点的,加翻译) -
海伦市欣加回答: The Dog In The Manger 在马槽里的狗 Once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox. It was full of hay. But soon the ox came back from his work to the manger. He wanted to eat his own hay. Then the dog awoke, stood up and barked at the ox...

竹琰17859789357问: 求超短、超简单的英语故事、、、适合初一的 -
海伦市欣加回答:[答案] 英语幽默故事 Five Pounds Three people were walking along a street ,first a big man ,then a pretty woman ,and then an old gentleman .The firsr two went round a corner .Suddenly the gentleman saw a piece of paper on the ground .He picked it up .It ...

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