
作者&投稿:乐正服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你听到一个词,这个词也很简单,如apple(从学英语时就接触过这个词吧),但是你就是反应不过来。词汇量再多也没用,active words才是真正有意义的部分,A bird in hand is worth two in bush. (一鸟在手胜过两鸟在林),这么表述可能有问题,一句话说到底就是得想办法提高自己的active words。多输入,还有很远的...

School starts at 8:00 every day.I usually go around at 10:00.Please write to me and tell me for your study.They do their homework in the evening.14.What do your often do on weekends?15.who plays basketball?16.Why do you like comedies?17.What does she like to do?这个...

of things about the movie “Australia.”If I picked you up at 7:00, would that be too early?A: I think that seven o'clock will work out well.B: Perfect! Well, I'll see you at 7:00 on Friday, then!A:See you later B: See you.初中水平的,不是很难,祝您愉快 ...

John: See you tomorrow at 7:00. Make sure you dress a little formally. I heard the restaurant is kind of upscale。Linda:Thank you. See you then。John:See you。简单英语口语对话【2】Steven:Hey!Marry,what's going on with you?You look a bit down.嘿!Marry,你怎么啦?看起来...

一.含有音标\/i:\/的单词:(1) 以e结尾的重读开音节:she, be, he, me, we, the, zebra, e-mail (2) 以“e + 辅音+ e”结尾的重读开音节:these, evening, Chinese, Japanese (3) 字母组合ea: clean, please, speak, read, teacher, sea, eat, meat(肉), tea, wheat(小麦,浅...

英语小短文!80~100词就行,简单点! 帮忙找找,个人与家庭、学校生活、工作的英语小短文!简单点,应付考试!... 帮忙找找,个人与家庭、学校生活、工作的英语小短文!简单点,应付考试! 展开  我来答 33个回答 #热议# 历史上日本哪些首相被刺杀身亡? Q清风徐徐year 2013-05-04 · TA获得超过4937个赞 ...

school bus.我通常坐公共汽车去学校。5 never She never goes to school late.她从不上学迟到。6 work My father works in a factory.我的父亲在一家工厂工作 7station I live near the railway station.我住火车站附近。8 exercise I want to buy three exercise books.我想买三个练习本。

根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1.I'm thirsty. I want some water.2.His uncle works till 11:00 every evening.3.We do our homework weekday.4.If you have a toothache you should see a dentist 5.The opposite of "wide is confined\/close"保持安静 keep (quiet)传统 (tradition)...

英语简单的电话对话  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 17岁寻亲男孩刘学州离世,涉及哪些法律疑问?dickzhu12 2017-10-13 · TA获得超过1.2万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:3560 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:4016万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 A: Can I help you? 有什么事吗?B: Yes. Ive...

36.Well start with an orientation video. It runs about 15 minutes.我们将从一个电视简报开始,大概放15分钟。37.The tour will take about an hour and a half. We ought to be back here by 3:00.参观大概要一个半小时,3点钟以前回到这里。38.Our new product line has been very ...

员贤18316394625问: 简单的英语水果单词20个 -
宜都市捷芝回答: 你好字母A、B开头的水果英语单词: Almond 杏仁 Apple 苹果 Apricot 杏子 Arbutus 杨梅 Avocado 南美梨 Bagasse 甘蔗渣 Banana 香蕉 Bennet 水杨梅 Bergamot 佛手柑 Berry 桨果 Betelnut 槟榔 Bilberry 野桑果 Bitter orange 苦酸橙 Blackberry ...

员贤18316394625问: 简单的英语单词100个左右(比如He She 这样的单词) -
宜都市捷芝回答:[答案] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand I you he she it they we my your his her its their our hers ours ...

员贤18316394625问: 初中常见的英语单词(100个左右) -
宜都市捷芝回答:[答案] 名词:school,class,classmate,classroom,desk,bag,schoolbag,book,pen,pencil,ruler,pencil-box,eraser,sharpener,ball,football,ping-pong,grade,row,game,home,house,room,door,window,floor,wall,kite,table,cha...

员贤18316394625问: 100个英语单词摘抄 -
宜都市捷芝回答: lifestyle生活方式n./'laifstail/maybe或许;大概adv./'meibi/unhealthy.不健康的;不益于健康的adj./an'helθi/grandpa爷爷;外公n./'granpa:/sore.疼痛的adj./so:/view观点;看法n./vju:/way方式n./wei/yard院子n./ja:d/screen屏;幕n./skri:n/...

员贤18316394625问: 求105个很简单的英语单词 -
宜都市捷芝回答: paper n. 纸 piece n. 片 ink n. 墨水 bottle n. 瓶 water n. 水 bread n. 面包 give vt. & vi. 给 me pron. 我(宾格) here adv. 这儿 thank vt. 谢谢 want vt. 要 write vt. & vi. 写 letter n. 信 any adj. 任何 thanks n. 谢谢 go vi. & vt. 去 there adv. 那儿 come vi. 来 ...

员贤18316394625问: 简单一点的,100个单词左右,还要翻译好的我会给分.. -
宜都市捷芝回答:[答案] 1)TOM'S EXCUSE Teacher:Tom,why are you late for school every day?Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go Slow".汤姆的借口 老师:汤姆,您为什么每天上学迟到?汤姆:我每次路过拐角,一个路...

员贤18316394625问: 一分钟英语朗读(简单点的)100个单词左右 含义别太深 带翻译 -
宜都市捷芝回答:[答案] 没什么事儿,帮他翻译一下吧: When Barbara was fishing,she dropped her watch.It fell into the water.Barbara was sad because it was her best watch. Next day ,Barbara went fishing again.She put her hook into the water.When she pulled it up,there was...

员贤18316394625问: 谁能帮我找100个英文单词 -
宜都市捷芝回答: 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅...

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