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...正如一句古老的谚 语所说 2...be nothing but... ...不过就是... 3.from where i stand... 从我的立场来说 4.give oneself a chance to...给某人一个机会 去... 5.i feel sure that...我坚信... 6...is the best way to make sure that...确保... 的最好办法是......

Tom is the tallest boy in our class.Nancy is the most beautiful girl in our class.Tony ran fastest on sports meeting.Lucy jumped highest on sports meeting.Elephants are the heaviest animal in the world.I like to play ping pong best in my free time....

★形容词的比较级和最高级:形容词有三种等级:原级、比较级、最高级。3.原级:句中只有一者时用原级,其标志词是very, so, too, quite等。e.g. His handwriting is very good.他的书法很好。 (一个人不作比较。)太阳、月亮和地球那个大?★ 形容词比较级和最高级的构成:1.一般在原级后...

1.Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town .乔 萨德斯拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。2. I am the tallest in our class. 我是咱们班里个子最高的。3.My movements are the most graceful of us three. 三个人中我的动作是最优雅的。4.Racing is the most interesting sport I'...

1.Mary is the tallest girl in her class.2. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.3. My brother runs fastest in the class.4. I think autumn is the most beautiful season.5. This song is the most wonderful of all....

1、I am the tallest in our class.2、Racing is the most interesting sport I've ever known.3、That book is most interesting.4、You are always my fondest friend.5、They are happiest on Saturdays

构成法 原级 比较级 最高级 一般单音节词 tall(高的) taller tallest 未尾加-er,-est great(巨大的) greater greatest 以不发音的e结尾 nice(好的) nicer nicest 的单音词和少数 large(大的) larger largest 以- le结尾的双 able(有能力的) abler ablest 音节词只加-r,-st 以一个辅音字母...

17、我拿《红楼梦》的句子回他:“纵然举案齐眉,到底意难平。”18、关于爱恨情仇的道理,关于人生的感悟,我们说了那么多,也听了那么多,最后又如何?19、鸟的迁徙是一个关于承诺的故事。20、关于爱,我只是个初学者。蓄势待发的霸气句子2 1、我以前来过这里,知道关于它的一切。2、最好的...

5、真实是人所持有的最高级的东西。 6、大多数的科学家,对于最高级的形容词和夸张的手法都是深恶痛绝的,伟大的人物一般都是谦虚谨慎的。贝弗里奇 7、美“是高级的”善“,创造”美“是最高级的乐趣。 8、同情是最高级的无私。像这句话里讲述的一样,同情心可以让你和别人都幸福。但是...

He is the tallest in his class.Changjiang is the longest river in China.

强祝19277962657问: 写出十个最高级的句子 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答: 最高级:the girl is the most beautiful one in my class. the book is the thickest in all the books. the red pen is the best one in the library. this place is the niceset among all the places that i have ever visited. Gao Ling is the best student in Grade 2. She ...

强祝19277962657问: 造10句最高级的句子 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答: Changjiang River is the longest river in China. YaoMing is the tallest man in NBA. USA is one of the most developed country in the world.His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重. There are more ...

强祝19277962657问: 找10个最高级的英语短句 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答: 1.timeiswhatyoumakeofit.(swatch) 天长地久.(斯沃奇手表)2.makeyourselfheard.(ericsson) 理解就是沟通.(爱立信)3.engineeredtomovethehumanspirit.(mercedes-benz) 人类精神的动力.(梅塞德斯-奔驰)4.startahead.(rejoice) 成功之路,...

强祝19277962657问: 写出10句最高级的句子 .急 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答:[答案] He is the greatest person in the world. She is the strictest teacher that I've ever seen. This is the nicest food that I've ever tried. This book is the oldest in the library. This sweater is made of the finest wool. Mount.Everest is the highest mountain on earth. ...

强祝19277962657问: 写出10句最高级的句子 ......急 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答: He is the greatest person in the world.She is the strictest teacher that I've ever seen.This is the nicest food that I've ever tried.This book is the oldest in the library.This sweater is made of the finest wool.Mount. Everest is the highest mountain on earth....

强祝19277962657问: 造10句最高级的句子 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答:[答案] Changjiang River is the longest river in China.YaoMing is the tallest man in NBA. USA is one of the most developed country in the world.His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.他的...

强祝19277962657问: 用比较级最高级写10个句子 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答:[答案] 比较级的:tall-I am taller than you. short-You are shorter than Mary. long-Your hair is longer than mine. funny-This joke is funnier than that joke. heavy-The elephant is heavier than the mouse. thin-...

强祝19277962657问: 构成最高级的句子二十个 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答:[答案] the girl is the most beautiful one in my class. the book is the thickest in all the books. the red pen is the best one in the library. this place is the niceset among all the places that i have ever v...

强祝19277962657问: 10个世界之最的句子(最高级) -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答: 1.The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. 6. The fastest plane is in the USA. 2. The fastest car is in britain. 7.The highest mountain is the mount everest. 3.The giraffe is the tallest land animal. 8.The longest river is the nile. 4.The fastest boat is ...

强祝19277962657问: 用英语写出10个形容词的最高级句子,初二上册水平 -
新晃侗族自治县双将回答: i'm the best. i'm the most beautiful in the class. Jane is the thinnest girl in class. Tom is the tallest boy in the room. 暂时想不到这么多,先给你点吧

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