
作者&投稿:房谭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



牧羊人吓得请求山羊不要告诉主人, 山羊说:“即使我不说,又怎能隐瞒下去呢?我的角已断了,这是十分明显的事实。” 这故事说明,明显的罪状是无法隐瞒的。 The Miser守财奴 A MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wa...


1、于连 在比利时首都布鲁塞尔中心广场附近的“埃杜弗”街口,有一座引人注目的撒尿小童”(Manneken Pis)铜雕像 。小孩蓬松的头发,翘翘的鼻子,光着身子,笑眯眯地站在一个约2米高的大理石雕花台座上,旁若无人地在撒尿。于连的“尿”像涓涓细流,长年不息地浇注在下面的水池里,天真活泼的姿态,栩栩...

王二小 少年抗日英雄。1929年生于河北省涞源县上庄村。抗日战争时期,王二小的家乡是八路军抗日根据地,经常受到日本鬼子的“扫荡”,王二小是儿童团员,他常常一边在山坡上放牛,一边给八路军放哨。1942年10月25日(农历9月16日),日本鬼子又来“扫荡”,走到山口时迷了路。敌人看见王二小在山坡上...



故事讲述的是在抗日战争时期,河北白洋淀地区的少年英雄雨来利用熟悉的水乡环境,与当时的日本侵略者之间展开智谋斗争并最终战胜鬼子的故事。 雨来是一个十分顽皮的孩子,也是一个很有“威望”的孩子王,只要他出去玩,孩子们几乎全跟着他。于是,为了逃学,雨来跟老师之间展开了“拉锯”战。 老师在跟...

1、刘胡兰的故事 1946年秋,国民党军大举进攻解放区,文水县委决定留少数武工队坚持斗争,大批干部转移上山。当时,刘胡兰也接到转移通知,但她主动要求留下来坚持斗争。这位年仅14岁的女共产党员,在已成为敌区的家乡往来奔走,秘密发动群众,配合武工队打击敌人。刘胡兰在威逼利诱面前不为所动,被带到...

盈畏15657884239问: 有没有1 - 2分钟的简单的英文小故事? -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] Ye Gong Hao Long Once apon a time,in the Chu contry there was a man called Ye Gong,he likes dragons very much.His ... and ignoring the actual bad idea,bad style.Through this story,we must discard the theory divorced from reality,bad ideas,,bad style,...

盈畏15657884239问: 有哪些两分钟的英语故事,一分钟也行?不要太长. -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] There was a man who had seven sons, but he had no daughter, greatly though he longed for one. At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and, sure enough, when it was born it was a baby girl. There was great rejoicing, but the child ...

盈畏15657884239问: 五年级英语小故事,急……要既简单,又长一点的,能讲1 - 2分钟的. -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] 1.Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked ...

盈畏15657884239问: 有趣的英文小故事,一分钟左右, -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] 1. A girl's wish On the way home after watching a ballet performance,the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it. The smallest girl in the class said she wished the dancers were taller so that they would not have to stand on their ...

盈畏15657884239问: 急求英语幽默小故事1 - 2分钟有翻译 -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] Speeding A speeding motorist was waved down by a police patrol car.“I'm going to give you a ticket for speeding,” said the policeman,writing his note.“You've been driving over 60 miles per hour.” ...

盈畏15657884239问: 有没有英语小故事1 - 2分钟,通俗易懂, -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] 小小的儿童听的故事: The Ant and the Grasshopper In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about,chirping and singing to its heart's content.An Ant passed by,bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest. "...

盈畏15657884239问: 2分钟英语小故事给我一个2分钟左右的英语小故事,快,快啊,一定是两分钟的, -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] 一A man in the fishing by the river,he caught much fish,but every catch fish with a ruler.As long as the big fish than the feet,he threw back into the river.Bystanders who saw don't understand ground ...

盈畏15657884239问: 请帮我找一些英文小故事要短一点的,不要太短,2分钟以内, -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] 很经典的一个小故事 我小时候看过 One day the wind said to the sun,“Look at that man walking along the road.I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” “We will see about that,” said the sun.“I will let you try first.” So the wind tried to ...

盈畏15657884239问: 英语小故事,要中文.1 - 2分钟, -
平利县绿萼回答:[答案] Just after class,a teacher asked to a student"Boy,why have you got cotton in your ear?Is it infected?You look very pain," "No,sir,but you just told me everything my a ear went in one ear and out.so I am trying to stop it." “孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住...

盈畏15657884239问: 一个英语故事,1 - 2分钟,小学高年级水平. -
平利县绿萼回答: Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚.There was once a shepherd to the sheep and found that the sheep pen was broken, someone advised him to fill the hollow as soon as possible, he did not listen, the next day the ...

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