
作者&投稿:江孔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语中什么时候用what 什么时候用what is
what提问的是动作,助动词是 do did have has 等,而 what is 提问的是状态的词,如什么 ,你要做什么 如what is he going to do ? what is your family name ?

what is和 what do有什么区别
what is...? 这个疑问句中,谓语动词是be动词。。如:What is it ? What is he doing ?what does... ? 这个疑问句中,谓语动词是行为动词。如:What do you do ? What does he usually do ?同样都是What引导的特殊疑问句,只是谓语动词不同而已。

what和what‘s 的区别和用法
what's是what is的缩写 1.pron. (用作疑问代词)什么 What did you say?(你说什么?)2. (用于感叹句)多少 What she must have paid for her diamonds!(她买那些钻石首饰一定花了不少钱!)3. (用作关系代词)所...的事物(或人)We must decide what to do next.(我们必须决定下一步做什么...

可以 在what引导的特殊疑问句中,做主语的名词或代词是单数第三人称,且是一般现在时的时候,be动词要用is.如:What is your name? What is this?

what is还是what are加介词短语
What is + 介词短语(表示位置处所)? 询问某处有什么东西,必须用单数提问,不管回答时是单数还是复数。

what is 和what's有什么区别

什么时候用 what are 什么时候用 what is
is后面加名词单数形式,are后面加名词复数形式或不可数名词。people呢,是这样的:there are many people,因为people是复数,而且肯定是很多个,所以要用many修饰。undersand?

英语有的时候问别人东西,有的时候是问what is 有时是what does 搞不清 ...
be和do虽然都是动词,但是词性不一样。is,are这都是be动词,do,does是助动词。简单一点就是,原句有动词,提问就用助动词,比如,what does Paul take?已有动词take。而比如,what is this?没有动词,就用be动词提问。注意主谓,单复数一致就好了。这并不是专业的讲法,只是好理解,你可以去...

what's与what is有什么区别
缩写 没有区别~~

what is this 回答 与what is that 回答
what是问什么东西或事物的疑问词,this是这个的意思,what'sthis就是what is this,只不过what is缩写成what's,is是be动词,是的意思。比如she is a teacher,她是一个老师,整句话翻译就是这个(this)是(is)什么(what)。 what's this是一个特殊疑问句,如果问别人“这是什么东西?”用this或that,两者都是指示代...

钊政14749038018问: 感叹句怎么用how和what? -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 英语感叹句类型有两种: 1)以What引导What+a/an+adj.(形容词)+n.(名词)单数+主语+谓语+其他;What+adj.(形容词)+n.(名词)复数+主语+谓语+其他; Example:What a small box it is! What a little boy you are! What little boys you are!2)以How引导How+adj(形容词)/adv(副词)+主语+谓语+其他: Example: How small the box is! How great you are! How beautiful the girls are!

钊政14749038018问: 1 用what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语 2 用what+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语 3 用how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语 分别用上面3个各造1个句子 急急急 第1个给答案的我采纳 -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 1. What a beautiful girl she is! 2. What lovely children they have! 3. How quickly Liu Xiang runs!

钊政14749038018问: 关于“what + 名词”结构的详细用法 -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 关系型“what+名词”结构是英语中一个十分有用的结构,也是一个比较难理解的结构,尤其是当阅读中遇到涉及该结构的复杂句子时,若不能正确理解,往往会步入误区. 一、该结构的两个用法特点 1. 特指性.即其中的名词表示特指意义,此...

钊政14749038018问: what are +人名 是用is还是are -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 我认为要用is What is Tom? 一般来说是问别人的职业,What's Tom's job? (询问职业的句型, 更多更常见的是这个句子:What does Tom do?) 另外,What is Tom's mother ? 汤姆妈妈是干什么工作的? what is +人名's +名词 这样子的用法才常见.

钊政14749038018问: what+adj+名词+主语+谓语的句子有哪些 -
巴林左旗碱式回答: what+adj+名词+主语+谓语的句子有: 1. What a beautiful girl she is ! 2. What a cool day it is ! 3. What a lazy man he is ! 4. What a charming lady she is! 5. What nice weather it is! 希望帮助到你,欢迎追问.欢迎采纳!

钊政14749038018问: 五个感叹句 1要what+可数名词 2要what+不可数名词 3要what+名词单数 4要how+形容词 5要how+副词 -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 1. What beautiful flowers they are! 2. What fine weather it is! 3. What a prety girl she is! 4. How interesting the story is! 5. How heavily it rains! 希望对你有所帮助.学习进步、快乐!

钊政14749038018问: what 、how怎么用 -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感.英语感叹句常用"what"和"how"引导,"what"和"how"与所修饰的词置于句首,其它部分用陈述句语序. 一、 由"what"引导的感叹句:"what"意为"多么"用作定语,修饰名词(...

钊政14749038018问: 句型转换.1.My name's Mary.(就划线部分提问)2.His那么说Alan.(就划线部分提问)3.He is Jack.(变成一 -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 1. 没有划线, 如果划线部分是Mary 问题是 What's your name? 2. 题目是啥? 3. Is he Jack? 1. Yes, he is Jack. 2. No, he is not Jack.3. 划线单词是哪个? 如果是Gina, 问题是 What's her name? 4. Is she MA Miller? 1. Yes, she is MA Miller. 2. No, ...

钊政14749038018问: What is your mother do 错在哪里? -
巴林左旗碱式回答: 表面看这个句子有两个谓语,is 和 do,要么is 保留与do合并成谓语,do+ing构成进行时的问句;要么do单独作谓语,构成问句需要助动词does,所以改法有两个: (1) What is your mother doing?(2) What does your mother do?

钊政14749038018问: ...(变成一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答) 连词成句,name is his famiy james name Green jim my is nice you meet to too Alice she is English your is what ... -
巴林左旗碱式回答:[答案] 没有划线,如果划线部分是Mary 问题是 What's your name? 题目是啥? Is he Jack? Yes,he is Jack. No,he is not Jack. 划线单词是哪个?如果是Gina,问题是 What's her name? Is she MA Miller? Yes,she is MA Miller. No,she is not MA Miller. James is ...

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