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小兔一觉醒来, 发现太阳已经西斜, 它大叫一声: ”不好! ”便连忙起身, 飞快地跑到终点.只见那胖胖的小乌龟已等在终点, 正对着自己笑呢.就这样, 锲而不舍的乌龟获得了胜利, 而赛跑冠军兔子却因半途而废遭到了惨败.这故事是说, 奋发图强往往胜过恃才自满.记住这个故事吧, 朋友, 不论你天资...


英文龟兔赛跑的故事 读起来要三到四分钟
The Rabbit And The Turtle One day, a turtle is climbing. A rabbit sees the turtle. It asks the turtle: “Hi, turtle. What are you doing?” “I’m running.” The turtle says. “Haha, you are running? How slowly! Let’s have a race. Let’s see who runs fast.” The...

用英语编写“龟兔赛跑的故事”,可以发挥想象,写出不一样的结尾 不超过...
原版。The rabbit grew four legs, on leap on jump, run quick.The tortoise also grew four legs, climb ah, climb ah, climb really slowly.One day, the rabbit runs into the tortoise, saying smilingly:" Tortoise, tortoise, we to run a race, good?" The tortoise knows the rabbit...

he thought he'd sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race.He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep.The tortoise,plodding on,overtook him and finished the race.The hare woke up and realized that he had lost the race.想要熟练掌握英语快速学习技巧或者...

So, sit down, and quickly fell asleep. Tortoise slowly over it, and complete the entire tournament, and became the undisputed champion. Rabbit woke up and found themselves lost.很久以前,乌龟与兔子之间发生了争论,它们都说自己跑得比对方快。于是它们决定通过比赛来一决雌雄。确定了路线...


The hare and the tortoise The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said ...

中英双语儿童故事- The Tortoise and the Hare 龟兔赛跑


那映15320702199问: 龟兔赛跑的英文是什么 -
涡阳县盐酸回答:[答案] Tortoise and the Hare或 the race between tortoise and rabbit (第一个更简洁) 龟兔赛跑的故事源于伊索寓言,可谓众所周知,原文如下: A hare jeered at a tortoise for the slowness of his pace .But he laughed ,and said that he would run against her...

那映15320702199问: 龟兔赛跑的故事(英语版)越短越好 -
涡阳县盐酸回答:[答案] One day a hare saw a tortoise walking slowly along and began to laugh and mock him.The hare challenged the tortoise to a race and the tortoise accepted.They agreed on a route and started off the race.The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for some time...

那映15320702199问: 龟兔赛跑英语 -
涡阳县盐酸回答:[答案] One day,a hare and a tortoise decided to have a race to see who was faster than the other.They agreed that the one who first ... the tortoise had already got to the tree and won the race.The hare was filled with regret. 龟兔赛跑 一天,兔予和乌龟决定比赛...

那映15320702199问: 英文版龟兔赛跑
涡阳县盐酸回答: In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins.... 他喜欢跟其它动物赛跑.每一次他都赢. “我的速度很快,”他说.”任何比赛我都...

那映15320702199问: 求童话故事<龟兔赛跑>的英文版... -
涡阳县盐酸回答: The Hare and the TortoiseH: Good morning, Mr. Tortoise.T: Oh, it's you, Mr. Hare. Good morning!H: What are you doing?T: I'm running.H: Running? Ha ha ha!Ca...

那映15320702199问: 求龟兔赛跑英文版无旁白的 急需 !!!
涡阳县盐酸回答: The Hare & the Tortoise 兔子和乌龟 A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow. "Do you ever get anywhere?" he asked with a mocking laugh. "Yes," replied the Tortoise, "and I get there sooner than you think. I'll run you ...

那映15320702199问: 龟兔赛跑的故事用英文来表达,越简洁越好,不要用翻译器,不准的. -
涡阳县盐酸回答: 首先我要声明一下:这是我自己翻译的.我是初一学生,但TRANSLATE这故事还是有能力的.The race between tortoise and rabbit //headline(标题) Once there was a tortoise and a rabbit.The rabbit wanted to show its skills as a runner to the ...

那映15320702199问: 龟兔赛跑英文版乌龟和兔子在比赛.兔子跑得很快.它很骄傲,兔子想等等乌龟.所以兔子在树下睡着了.乌龟努力地跑着,终于赢得了比赛.请翻译以上,用过去... -
涡阳县盐酸回答:[答案] One day,a hare and a tortoise decided to have a race to see who was faster than the other.They agreed that the one who first got to the big tree in the distance was the winner.So they started at the s...

那映15320702199问: 龟兔赛跑的故事用英文来表达,不要用翻译器,谢谢.大致就是 :乌龟和兔子要比赛谁跑得快,兔子跑了一会儿,看见乌龟在后面,就睡了一觉,这时乌龟超... -
涡阳县盐酸回答:[答案] a tortoise and a rabbit want to have a race.With longer legs,the rabit run very fast and leave the tortoise far behind,the rabbit think the tortoise will never catch up with him,so he lay down and hav...

那映15320702199问: 英语翻译龟兔赛跑兔子长了四条腿,一蹦一跳,跑得可快啦.乌龟也长了四条腿,爬呀,爬呀,爬得真慢.有一天,兔子碰见乌龟,笑眯眯地说:“乌龟,乌... -
涡阳县盐酸回答:[答案] 龟兔赛跑 Rabbit four long legs,jump...jump...,run fast you can be. Four turtles have long legs,climb it,climb it,climb really slow. One day,the rabbit ran into a turtle,smiling and said:"The tortoise,the tortoise,let's come to a race,will you?" Turtle rabbit know ...

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