
作者&投稿:鲁庆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Olympic Sports stadium 鸟巢只是一种形象地说法nest 这只是指奥运体育馆 你知道中文与英文的表达方式不一样 我们知道鸟巢可以代表体育馆 但老外不一定知道 你可以再具体像他解释它的形状像鸟巢

Welcome to Beijing! I’d like to introduce you to the Beijing National Stadium, also known as Bird’s Nest. The stadium is located in Beijing Olympic Park , covering 258,000 square metres. It is 330 metres long, 220 metres wide, and 69.2 metres tall. The construction began ...

鸟巢 水立方的英语介绍
Venue Name: National Stadium (Bird's Nest)Building Venue: Olympic Park Building area (million ㎡): 25.8, the number of seats: 80,000 permanent seats, 11,000 temporary seats Function of the events: track and field, soccer After the function: international and domestic sports ...

建筑面积(㎡):25.8万 固定座位数:80000个 临时座位数:11000个 建设开工时间:2003年12月24日 计划完工时间:2008年3月 赛后功能:将用于国际国内体育比赛和文化、娱乐活动 “鸟巢”独特的外形曾经让很多人不解甚至嘲弄,但它却源于设计者“做一个朴素的、原始的体育场”的想法,入“巢”而忘“...

巢穴的英语翻译 巢穴用英语怎么说

蜂巢 (蜜蜂所建巢穴)蜂巢,(fengchao),英语词译"Comb"。蜂群生活和繁殖后代的处所,由巢脾构成。各巢脾在蜂巢内的空间相互平行悬挂,并与地面垂直,巢脾间距为7~10毫米,称为蜂路。每张巢脾由数千个巢房连结在一起组成,是工蜂用自身的蜡腺所分泌的蜂蜡修筑的。大、小六角形的巢房,分别为培育...



国家体育中心“鸟巢”用英语怎么说?难道是bird’s nest吗?
真是Bird's Nest 只不过要大写

National Stadium (Bird's Nest) located in the south central area of Beijing Olympic Park, the main stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The total area of 21 hectares, the venue seats about 91,000 spectators. Held Olympic and Paralympic Games opening and closing ceremonies, ...

丁耍15924036056问: 鸟巢的英文单词是什么 -
赤水市阿胶回答: Nest

丁耍15924036056问: 求水立方、鸟巢的英文简介要简单易懂、控制在70个单词以内谢谢~
赤水市阿胶回答: Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 ...

丁耍15924036056问: 鸟巢长城的英文单词 -
赤水市阿胶回答:[答案] 鸟巢-National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) 长城-The Great Wall

丁耍15924036056问: 关于鸟巢的英语介绍 -
赤水市阿胶回答: 2008年北京奥运会主体育场—“鸟巢”—— Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) “鸟巢”位于北京奥林匹克公园内、北京城市中轴线北端的东侧,建筑面积25·8万平方米.除了承担奥运会开、闭幕式任务外,还将在这里进...

丁耍15924036056问: 鸟巢用英文怎么翻译? -
赤水市阿胶回答: If you (如果你)were somewhere(某处) in Beijing, and wanted to go to the Bird Nest (想要去鸟巢)(or National Stadium), how would you get there(你如何去)?以上是直译How could I get to the Bird Nest. 我如何去鸟巢. how can i get to the Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium是鸟巢的意思 how can i get to...from... 我从...到...怎么走

丁耍15924036056问: 鸟巢的英文单词是什?鸟巢的英文单词是什么
赤水市阿胶回答: 鸟巢 [词典] bird nest; bird's nest; [例句]真实 的鸟巢十分精致. The actual nest is a work of art.

丁耍15924036056问: 描写鸟巢的超短英语作文 -
赤水市阿胶回答: A bird's nest:A bird's nest is often characteristic of the species of bird that constructs it. For example, some birds prefer to build nests on tree branches, while others build nests in small, contained spaces. A bird's nest is a bird's pride. 40 个字.

丁耍15924036056问: 鸟巢和水立方的英文翻译(加分!) -
赤水市阿胶回答: 水立方:water cube 鸟巢:bird's nest (别忘了加上 Olympic stadium)

丁耍15924036056问: 鸟巢长城的英文单词 -
赤水市阿胶回答: 鸟巢-National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) 长城-The Great Wall

丁耍15924036056问: 鸟巢和水立方的英文翻译(加分!)
赤水市阿胶回答: bird nest 鸟巢 water cube 水立方

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