
作者&投稿:全瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Domestic Goddess Sarah Orne Jewett is a major figure in the literature of female romantic friendship, the precursor of modern lesbian literature.For the most part, fortune was kind to Jewett. Born on September 3, 1849, into a prosperous and stable family in South Berwick, Maine, ...

Li Yuchun Li Yuchun (Chinese: 李宇春; pinyin: Lǐ Yǔchūn) is a Chinese pop singer, who achieved instant fame when she won the nation-wide singing contest Super Girl in 2005. She is now working with Taihe Rye Music and released her first album "The Queen and the Dreams" in...

The Call of the Wild,野性的呼唤小说中简介,最好是中英文对照的。
作品简介(introduction)《The Call of the Wild》 tells the story of a dog named Buck.He is stolen from his home in the Santa Clara Valley of California,and taken to the Alaskan gold fields to be a sled dog.This story tells the life of Buck as he is passed from owner to ...

Schedual 有一种读法是 [s'edjuːl]

中文谐音?是sofa 沙发 这种,还是may 梅这种的?

甲壳虫乐队(The Beatles)的英文简介
The Beatles is a fairly legendary band.This band formed in 1959, Liverpool is home household evening, the band formed by four.created a new musical style, inspired a lot of new ideas and concepts in the form of pop music with a rich connotation.To 1969, The Beatles announced ...

英文名:vivien leigh 本名:vivien mary hartley 国籍:英国 出生地:印度大吉岭镇 出生日:1911年11月5日 忌日:1967年7月7日 身高:1米61 体重:53KG 爱好:室内设计,插花 主要影片:《乱世佳人》、《魂断蓝桥》、《汉密尔顿夫人》《安娜-卡列尼娜》《罗马之春》《愚人船》费雯·丽真实的出生年份...

恩格斯的简介 .

Thunder-Sea Textile Co. Ltd (迅海纺织有限公司)thunder 本为雷电 用其代迅 乃有雷厉风行之意;海可直译为sea , 取海纳百川之意;textile 乃纺织行业专用术语(silk 只是丝绸罢了 这点我想楼主清楚);Co. Ltd. 为有限责任公司简写(Company Limited )注意后面句点不可省 综上,此名大气而不失...

e迅速录机左手XU右手字母键是打出大写字母,左手XUE右手字母键是打出小写字母。速录机是一种特殊的机器,它通过双手的多指并击键盘来完成,最多同时可以打出7个字,和人的说话是同步进行的,做到话音落,文稿出。一般情况下,现在最高纪录是每分钟648字,所以称之为速录。 现在速录在中国的还是属于新兴...

油顺17528064241问: 鲁迅的英文简介 不要超过50个词!!急啊、、、、 -
红旗区恩诺回答: Lu Xun (1881~1936), Chinese writers, thinker, revolutionary and educationalist. Old name Zhou Shuren, the character Henan talent, the Zhejiang Shaoxing person, on September 25, 1881 was born. The family background in declines the feudal ...

油顺17528064241问: 鲁迅简介50字英语作文 -
红旗区恩诺回答: 请输入你的鲁 迅(1881.9.25一1936.10.19) 鲁迅原名周樟寿,字豫山, 后改名周树人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人.少年时代在 家垫学习诗书经传,喜欢野史杂录和民间绘画艺术.1898年就读于洋务派创办的 南京江南水师学堂,数月后重考入江南陆师学堂附设的路矿学堂,开始接触新学. 1902年到日本留学.4月入弘文学院,1904年4月结业,6月入仙台医学 专门学校.答案...

油顺17528064241问: 谁给我一篇关于鲁迅的简单的英文介绍啊 -
红旗区恩诺回答: Lu Xun (on September 25, 1881 - October 19, 1936), original ZhouZhangshou, the Henan mountain, latter changed the character is theHenan talent, in 1898 went Nanjing studied when changes name ZhouShuren, "Lu Xun" was his pen name. ...

油顺17528064241问: 下面是鲁迅生活的主要经历,请根据所给信息写一篇英语短文介绍他的生平.1881 Bborn in shaoxing,zhejiang1920 Went to Japan; Decided to be a doctor1960... -
红旗区恩诺回答:[答案] Lu Xun,who is famous for writing.He is born in Shaoxing,Zhejiang in 1881.In 1920,he decided to be a doctor why went to Japan.Happily,he married in 1920.It is a turn that Lu Xun wanted to dropped medicine and took up literature.In 1918,he wrote his ...

油顺17528064241问: 鲁迅的英语简介 -
红旗区恩诺回答: Lu xun, Mr. Zhou shuren pen name. Zhou shuren (September 25, 1881-on October 19, 1936), male. The han nationality. Zhejiang shaoxing, word to prepare, formerly known as ZhouZhangShou, changed in 1898 to zhou shuren, word, made pavilion made mountain.

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