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高楼大厦的英文:tall buildings 读音:美 [tɔːl ˈbɪldɪŋz]释义:n.高楼大厦 例句:The tall buildings have spoiled the view.译文:那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。

building是泛指指建筑物,多指大楼,比如我们经常用小区A座之类的,就用BUILD. A,中山陵、天安门有自己的名字,尽量用名字,但是英文有一个习惯就是避免重复使用,因此在前文明确了中山陵,下文就可以用the Building等词来代替指这个建筑

大厦 英语怎么说??
edifice 大厦 skyscraper 摩天大楼

以下是一些常见用法:1. 高个子的人:在英语中,我们可以用"tall"来形容高个子的人。例如,"He is very tall"(他个子很高)。2. 高山:"高山"在英语中可以翻译为"high mountain"。例如,"Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world"(珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山)。3. 高楼大厦:...

tower(高楼,更倾向于塔楼),mansion(宅邸,公馆,大厦,如mansion house府邸,executive mansion n. 白宫;州长官邸),skyscraper(更倾向于摩天大楼)例:There was a skyscraper under construction .一座摩天大楼正在建造中。a skyscraper built on a base of solid rock.建筑在坚实岩石基础上的摩天...

大楼英语building读作[ˈbɪldɪŋ]。双语例句 1、The model of the building was made of card.建筑物的模型是用厚纸片制造的。2、This is the sole means of access to the building.这是这栋建筑物唯一的入口。3、Many local people object to the building of the new...

If you go to Shanghai,you will see many high buildings and large mansions.high buildings and large mansions是高楼大厦的意思,很标准的。

英美人在表达楼层时是不一样的,英国人一楼叫ground floor ,二楼叫做 the first floor, 三楼叫做the second floor,依次类推。美国人一楼叫做the first floor ,二楼叫做the second floor ,三楼叫做the third floor。

ldquo 大厦用英文怎么说

侨蝶17145591449问: 英语中“高楼大厦”是怎么说的? -
塔城市加合回答: 高楼大厦写成英语是:skyscraper skyscraper 读音:英 ['skaɪskreɪpə(r)] 美 ['skaɪskreɪpər]释义:n. 摩天大楼 例句:A new skyscraper has been put up downtown.译文:市中心又建起了一座摩天大厦. 词语搭配:office skyscraper....

侨蝶17145591449问: 英语中“高楼大厦”是怎么说的?或形容高楼林立是怎么说的 -
塔城市加合回答:[答案] 答案: tall buildings and great mansions 例句: 刚才你说在北京看到了很多新盖的高楼大厦,这还不是中国主要的变化 Just now you mentioned that you had seen many new tall buildings and great mansions in Beijing,but they aren't the big changes in...

侨蝶17145591449问: 英语中“高楼大厦”是怎么说的 -
塔城市加合回答: skyscraper 摩天大楼 highrise 高楼大厦

侨蝶17145591449问: 大厦的英文怎么写
塔城市加合回答: 大厦 1. mansion 2. edifice 相关解释: high-rise, apartment building, high-rise block, large building, [England] mansion 例句用法: 宽阔的台阶使大厦的正面显得有气派. The broad steps in front of the mansion made it look very dignified. 他给我显...

侨蝶17145591449问: 许多小房子、一些桥、一些熊猫、高楼大厦的英文? -
塔城市加合回答:[答案] 许多小房子:many small houses 一些桥:some bridges 一些熊猫:some pandas 高楼大厦:high buildings

侨蝶17145591449问: 如果你去上海,就会看见许多高楼大厦.用英语怎么说?a a a -
塔城市加合回答:[答案] If you go to Shanghai,you will see many high buildings and large mansions. high buildings and large mansions是高楼大厦的意思,很标准的.

侨蝶17145591449问: 如果你去上海,就会看见许多高楼大厦.用英语怎么说? -
塔城市加合回答: If you go to Shanghai,you will see many high buildings and large mansions.high buildings and large mansions是高楼大厦的意思,很标准的.

侨蝶17145591449问: 摩天大楼用英文怎么说 -
塔城市加合回答:[答案] 摩天大楼翻译为英文是Skyscrapers

侨蝶17145591449问: 紧急求助,有关英语的几个小问题!
塔城市加合回答: 请问“高楼大厦”可以用high buildings吗?我知道有一个“tall buildings”,但一些资料说可以用high一些说不可以;“救病人是医生的责任”可以说“It's a duty for doctors to save the patients”吗?(我也知道可以说“It's a doctor's duty to~~~~~")如果不可以的话,请问为什么?;还有一个,“人体”可以表示“human bodies”吗?我们课本里的是“human body”. 这几个问题拜托大家了,这非常重要,关系到我的英语在全级排名是第一还是第二还是更后!谢谢!

侨蝶17145591449问: 现在到处是高楼大厦用英语怎么说 -
塔城市加合回答: Now there are many tall buildings here and there .祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)

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