
作者&投稿:招郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

能否给我几篇高一的英语完形填空(配有答案) 谢谢
5. B 下文交待30年前作者的生活,二战期间他只能住在防空洞中,生活很苦,只能用“dark”来形容当年的岁月。6.D 作者回忆30年前的生活,头脑中出现了防空洞的情景。7.C ;8.D 在战争问题上由于拥有共同的话题,我们这些防空洞居住者逐渐了解了对方。9.C ;10. A 一个37岁的人智力却不...

(Keys:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B)二、妙招二重视首句获信息 重视首句、突破首句。完形填空题所选用短文的第一句话通常是不设空的,目的是给同学们一个整体印象,同时提示短文的中心内容或提供故事发生的时间、地点、背景等。At our school, we ...

What do you do at the weekends?Some people like to (stay) at home.But others like to go for a walk(or) play football.My friend Jack works hard in a factory on(weekdays).At the weekends he always(does) different things.On saturday he(washe) his car and on(Sunday) he ...

Some clever students ( 10 )study late ,but they are able to work well in class.A 1.A.enough B.little C.any D.a lot of B 2.A.afraid B.glad C.sorry D.unhappy D 3.A.night B.afternoon C.noon D.morning C 4.A.open B.big C.closed D.blind B 5.A.hurry B.get ...

英语中的完形填空Mrs.Green and White were both old women.Mrs.Green...
1. Lived 2. other 3. daughter 4. talked 5. chair 6. relate 7. saw 8. one 9. come 10.street

2.D 动词是are the Greens指格林一家,与are对应。3.A 看书用read 4.A do some washing 洗衣服 ,固定短语 5.B in his study 在他的书房 6.D 主语是Bill's parents 复数 7.B be in在家 8.C 表转折,但是他们没有办法赶走热天气 9.C 与8 是一句 10.D听到天气要...

寻求10篇冀教版英语的完形填空和阅读理解 完形填空和阅读理解各10篇,要求:八年级冀教版的题... 完形填空和阅读理解各10篇,要求:八年级冀教版的题 展开 2个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了?匿名用户 2013-05-13 展开全部 In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This...

36.B考察连词及句子理解。前面unpleasant voice 和 direct way of speaking是消极意向,后面encouraging 和 inspiring是积极意向,因此需填转折连词,四个选项中A表并列,C表结果,D表原因,只有B选项yet表转折。37.A 考察名词及篇章理解。第二段第二句话“她想知道我认为我们该怎样处理事情”直接提示了这个...

2个回答 #热议# 生活中有哪些成瘾食物?匿名用户 2010-08-08 展开全部 九年级英语完形填空专练...( )10. A harder B much C well D better When Jane was a little girl, she liked keeping

初一英语完形填空There are no classes this afternoon.Heney goe...
gives him the money and leaves the shop with his friend.(起初亨利好奇的看着店员,但很快他想起他还没有付钱,他想店员道歉把钱给了他然后和他的朋友离开了,10C),2,初一英语完形填空 There are no classes this afternoon.Heney goes to a (1) shop near his home .The shop sells many ...

郸晓17810957008问: 高中英语完形填空100篇 - 搜狗百科
雄县阿巴回答:[答案] However,I was still feeling the need to do(42 more).So I decided to buy dinner(43 for)myself but give it to someone more needy and(44 missed out)my dinner for the day.This was an inspiration I n...

郸晓17810957008问: 高中英语一篇完型填空Two boys were walking down a road.They noticed a man working in the field.The younger - _l6_ - looked at his older friend and said,"... -
雄县阿巴回答:[答案]c b a c d c b a c b d c b b d PS:第八题不知道对不对,意思是跪下,忘记negotiations词组了.有问题可以企鹅联系. 三四五六五五五七八

郸晓17810957008问: 高一英语完形填空一篇~~~ -
雄县阿巴回答: 1 C enjoy2 B explore3 B choice4 A put up5 C stops6 A bugs7 D Check8 B thicknesses9 D right10 C map11 D cooking12 B fire13 D refrigerator14 C china15 A polluted

郸晓17810957008问: 经典的高中英语完形填空题. -
雄县阿巴回答: 高中英语应试辅导篇:完形填空解析 As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father. She __2__that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was __3__satisfied with ...

郸晓17810957008问: 高中完形填空带有翻译的 -
雄县阿巴回答: We were __1__ to gather up our things and return to our car when a man came up. He looked very __2__ indeed and asked us __3__ if we knew that these grounds were his own. Father...

郸晓17810957008问: 高中英语完形填空LastTuesdayItookmytwodau?

郸晓17810957008问: 高二英语完形填空
雄县阿巴回答: When I was about ten years old, I spotted a mouse running across our living room floor. My four younger siblings( 兄弟姐妹) heard me screaming 16 and joined me on the couch, 17 my father found us standing, yelling and pointing. Dad grabbed ...

郸晓17810957008问: 高中一篇英语的完形填空(6个空) - ----------务必高手有耐心者进
雄县阿巴回答: 36. D.Still 解析:副词辨析.A而且B因此C无论如何D仍然;尽管第二天要去印度了,我仍然参加了此次活动. 37. A.gathered 解析:动词辨析.A聚集B到达C参加D靠近;我们带着很多的食物聚集在一家咖啡馆的外面. 38. C.food 解析:上下文...

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